• 每一后面参考书目

    There is a list of references at the end of each chapter.


  • 熟悉地区每一座房子

    He knows every house in his patch.


  • 版面对齐

    The top and bottom line of each column on the page should align.


  • 不断地上下场队员进行解说。

    He kept up a running commentary on everyone who came in or went out.


  • 总是歪曲句话。

    You always twist everything I say.


  • 我们更换次。

    We change our car every two years.


  • 咖啡馆都传出刺耳的音乐声

    Music blares out from every cafe.


  • 军队座城镇遭遇到了顽强抵抗

    The army met with fierce opposition in every town.


  • 视察看看雇员进展如何

    He will visit once every two weeks to see how his new employees are progressing.


  • 阿什维尔先生不得不交出护照而且5警察局报到次。

    Mr. Ashwell has to surrender his passport and report to the police every five days.


  • 摆满东西架子样都与他的内心世界有关联

    He has a shelf full of things, each of which has associations for him.


  • 动不动地站着,不放过街上每一细微之处

    He stood still, absorbing every detail of the street.


  • 按你整天工作领取报酬

    You will receive payment for each complete day that you work.


  • 医生检查了全身部分。

    The doctor examined every inch of his body.


  • 依旧恪守说过句话

    She still stands by every word she said.


  • 记者句话记录了下来

    Reporters took down every word of his speech.


  • 声名鼎盛时,他句话受到了重视。

    At the height of his fame, his every word was valued.


  • 他们隔壁房间里我们可以听到他们句话

    They were in the next room and we could hear every word they said.


  • 牛津汽车半个小时发

    Buses to Oxford run every half-hour.


  • 爬了这里每一座山峰

    I climbed up every hill here.


  • 观察每一增加更多

    Look at each group and try to add more groups.


  • 海滩上每一颗豌豆桃子孔雀触及

    Each pea and peach on the beach can be reached by the peacock.


  • 我们所在剧院位置可以看到脸上每一条皱纹

    From where we are in the orchestra, you can see every wrinkle on her face.


  • 收藏视频我们都会各种拷贝版的副本。

    We usually have multiple copies of everything for each video collection.


  • 任何人都理解推理

    Anyone can understand every step in the reasoning.


  • 念完母亲惊呼:“想到这个!”

    After every verse his mother would exclaim, "Who would have ever thought it!"


  • 脚后跟总是跑鞋出来。

    My heel slips out of my running shoe with every pair I buy.


  • 总是很难找到足够的时间学习需要每一门课程

    It is always difficult to find enough time to study every subject you need.


  • 镇上每一房子毁坏了

    Every single house in town had been damaged.


  • 这些游击队员们洋溢着自信他们每一座城镇他们控制之下。

    The guerrillas exude confidence. Every town, they say, is under their control.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定