• 罗宾她自己为人感觉

    Robin didn't feel good about herself as a person.


  • 短短的时间内,一完全为人知的人已始创了一新式幽默

    Within a short space of time a group of complete unknowns had established a wholly original form of humour.


  • 人们自然息息相关

    Humans are believed to be tied to nature.


  • 为人抱怨规则简化了。

    Complaints have led to (a) simplification of the rules.


  • 想到为人就满怀忧思

    The prospect of becoming a father filled him with alarm.


  • 加西亚搞笑式幽默感广为人知。

    Garcia is well known for his impish sense of humour.


  • 应当尽量充实。

    She believes in living life to the max.


  • 由于为人热情思想开明受到了赞扬。

    He was praised for his enthusiasm and his open-mindedness.


  • 暴君父母一样为人惧怕憎恨

    He was just as feared and reviled as his tyrannical parents.


  • 如何为人父母的确有些担心。

    I did have a few worries about how Hugh and I would shape up as parents.


  • 发现为人诚实有裨益

    I find (that) it pays to be honest.


  • 是个医生为人懦弱,遇事不敢出头

    He was a nice doctor, but a weak man who wasn't going to stick his neck out.


  • 依靠严格的为人本能戒酒

    She relied on tough love and her parenting instincts to help him quit drinking.


  • 公司是广为人个人电脑领域技术落后者

    The company has developed a reputation as a technological laggard in the personal-computer arena.


  • 自己是否作好了为人父母的准备,人人都会感到疑虑

    Everyone has doubts about their readiness for parenthood.


  • 为人谦和而且有绅士风度,认识的人尊重

    He was respected by all who knew him for his kind and gentlemanly consideration.


  • 学会为人父母需要时间种在实践中学习技能

    Learning how to become a parent takes time. It's a skill you learn as you go along.


  • 太空船使得科学家可以研究太阳系一些为人角落。

    The spacecraft will enable scientists to study some dark corners of the solar system.


  • 见到人们成群结队地外出购物难怪很富有

    Looking at the crowds out shopping, you could be forgiven for thinking that everyone has plenty of money.


  • 的真名布里-爱版纳化名阿布-尼达尔广为人知。

    His real name was Sabri al-Banna, but he became widely known by his nom de guerre, Abu Nidal.


  • 国家领导人地位一直担心再次的政变企图而被削弱了。

    Her position as national leader has been weakened by persistent fears of another coup attempt.


  • 这位老太太还是这么脾气暴躁,为人刻薄,至少已经同意此次拜访。

    The old lady was still being ornery, but at least she had consented to this visit.


  • 虽然不是科班出身艺术史学家,但一时期知识普遍为人尊重

    Although not formally trained as an art historian, he is widely respected for his knowledge of the period.


  • 作为名新闻工作者为人对于战斗图片如此大需求量而深感不安。

    Well, speaking as a journalist I'm dismayed by the amount of pressure there is for pictures of combat.


  • 参也为人们提供能量。

    Ginseng also provides energy for people.


  • 蒂的故事广为人知。

    Katie's story is widely known.


  • 为人们在庆祝什么。

    She thought the crowd was celebrating something.


  • 为人类做出了巨大的贡献。

    He made great contributions to human beings.


  • 的哲学思想广为人知。

    His philosophical ideas are known far and wide.


  • 被称为人民艺术家。

    He was named the People's Artist.


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