• 都记不清做了多少了。

    I've done this job more times than I care to remember.


  • 不敢搞懂了。请再来一吧。

    I'm not sure that I understand. Go over it again.


  • 什么名字,再说一好不好

    What was the name again?


  • 敢说不得不重写感到恼火。

    I bet she was annoyed at having to write it out again.


  • 能用很简单言语再说一吗?

    Could you say that again in words of one syllable?


  • 我会尽量耐心解释

    I shall try, with as much patience as is possible, to explain yet again.


  • 完全错了。

    It's all wrong—you'll have to do it over.


  • 请你从头再来一还是搞不清楚。

    Can you start from the beginning againI'm in a muddle.


  • 我们不好?

    Let's look at it again, shall we?


  • 吗,安德鲁

    Will you listen again, Andrew?


  • 请你再解释行吗?

    Would you mind explaining that again, please?


  • 最近出了巴斯托小说,又了一

    Recently, I dug out Barstow's novel and read it again.


  • 很快浏览几页然后又仔细了一

    He skimmed the pages quickly, then read them again more carefully.


  • 封信需要

    This letter will need to be typed (out) again.


  • 再说一什么好的调制解调器。

    What's it called again? Yeah, that's right. A modem.


  • 詹姆斯不得不让人把每个单词都拼写

    James had to have everything spelled out twice over for him.


  • 再说好吗?

    Could you say it again, please?


  • 他们非让整个事件再说

    They made me repeat the whole story.


  • 警察又一事故片段

    The police replayed footage of the accident over and over again.


  • 手指脸部轮廓

    She traced the contours of his face with her finger.


  • 呆板宣读了一

    The evidence was read out to the court in a dull monotone.


  • 信又仔细地看

    He read the letter more carefully the second time.


  • 对不起可以再说吗?

    I'm sorrycould you repeat that?


  • 咱们大家从头再唱一

    OK, everybody, let's take it from the top.


  • 最后大楼四周布着死尸

    By the end, bodies were strewn all round the building.


  • 再说一这些说法毫无根据的。

    The claims are, I repeat, totally unfounded.


  • 我们房子彻底打扫了一

    We cleaned the house from top to bottom.


  • 再说我们完全拥护这项政策

    Let me reiterate that we are fully committed to this policy.


  • 救援直升机海湾上空搜索了一

    The rescue helicopter made another sweep over the bay.


  • 轻轻地又一重复着名字

    She kept repeating his name softly over and over again.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定