• 该死!”声嘶力竭地喊道

    "Damn!" he yelled at the top of his voice.


  • 该死东西就是发动起来!

    The damned thing won't start!


  • 该死机器怎么就是无法运行

    Damn this machine! Why won't it work?


  • 该死的!”十分愤怒地

    'Damn!' he said furiously.


  • 该死来这事儿给忘了

    Oh damn! I forgot he was coming.


  • 压根儿看懂这部该死电影

    I couldn't make head nor tail of the damn film.


  • 他们多数时候该死烦人的家伙。

    They're a damned nuisance most of the time.


  • 该死!”医生厉声说

    "Hell, no!" the doctor snapped.


  • 该死不要不当回事!很严肃的!

    Don't be flippant, damn it! This is serious!


  • 儿郎当的,该死很严肃的。

    Don't be flippant, damn it! This is serious.


  • 该死烧煳了。

    Oh hell, I've burned the pan.


  • 真是该死讨厌鬼

    He's a damn nuisance!


  • 该死哪儿呢!

    Where's that damn book!


  • 该死去了?

    Where's that goddamned pen?


  • 每当歌词时,我都该死长号比赛。

    Every time I sing that line, I have to compete with that darn trombone!


  • 事实上原因可能恰恰相反:“今天这个太多该死幸福

    The reason, in fact, may be just the opposite: there is too much damn happiness in the word "today".


  • 该死一分钟,”

    "Just hold on a cotton-picking minute," I said.


  • 该死车子就是发动了。

    Oh blast! The car won't start.


  • 该死钱包家里了。

    Oh no, I left my purse at home.


  • 该死我们错过公交车

    Blow it! We've missed the bus.


  • 讨厌这个该死旅馆

    I hate this flipping hotel!


  • 该死面包烤煳了

    Bugger it! I've burnt the toast.


  • 该死的笔出字来。

    This dratted pen won't work.


  • 得了该死感冒

    I've got a stinking cold.


  • 该死海岸哪儿呢?

    Where is that blessed shore?


  • 可能跟平常一样喝醉了——该死东西!

    Drunk, the same as usual, likelyblamed old rip!


  • 该死孩子怎么不能总是吸取教训?

    Hang the boy, can't I never learn anything?


  • 肯定打破这里所有该死规则

    He was definitely breaking every damn rule around here.


  • 肯定打破这里所有该死规则

    He was definitely breaking every damn rule around here.


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