• 继承我们父亲浓密卷发

    She inherited our father's thick, wavy hair.


  • 父亲那里继承了一大笔财富

    She inherited a fortune from her father.


  • 我们一个伟大文化传统继承

    We are the inheritors of a great cultural tradition.


  • 没有儿子继承土地

    He has no son to inherit his land.


  • 一旦故去所有财产都由希拉继承

    Sheila will inherit everything in the event of his death.


  • 年之内用完了所有继承的遗产。

    She spent all her inheritance in a year.


  • 继承家庭财产

    She inherited a share of the family fortune.


  • 孩子她那里继承了对体育运动的爱好。

    Her children have inherited her love of sports.


  • 母亲继承一个每年盈利15000美元商行

    His mother inherited a business worth 15,000 dollars a year.


  • 父亲威胁要剥夺他的继承但是知道虚张声势。

    His father had threatened disinheritance, but both men had known it was an empty threat.


  • 部落中,通过传统继承知识所有人共享

    Among tribal people, all knowledge inherited by tradition is shared by all.


  • 这个国家承认了继承王位权利

    The country acknowledged his claim to the throne.


  • 任务就是生育王位继承

    Her duty was to produce an heir to the throne.


  • 王位继承人顺位中排第三

    She's third in order of succession to the throne.


  • 叔叔去世后继承大笔财产。

    She came into a fortune when her uncle died.


  • 父亲刚刚继承了一钻石

    My father has just come into a fortune in diamonds.


  • 完全剥夺儿子继承

    He cut his son off without a penny.


  • 长子因此这个封号继承

    He is the eldest son and thus heir to the title.


  • 长子享有财产继承权。

    The property is the birthright of the eldest child.


  • 父亲感到非常自豪,因为继承父业成了医生

    My father is extremely proud that I followed in his footsteps and became a doctor.


  • 多姆莱斯一个大农场的继承

    He was heir to a large farm in Domleschg.


  • 只有笨蛋医生自己遗产继承

    Only a fool will let the doctor be his own heir.


  • 王子总是继承王位的。

    Princes are always in line with the throne.


  • 就在天,他们举行了婚礼兵士国王继承

    They were married that very day. The soldier was chosen to be the king's heir.


  • 我决定让终身担任这个职务,并且还要让你的子孙永远继承下去。

    Thine office shall be permanent in thee and thy line forever.


  • 三年国王可能继承危机所造成结果

    A three-year kingless period was possibly the result of a succession crisis.


  • 继承藏书虽收集藏书有意义。

    Good as it is to inherit a library, it is better to collect one.


  • 父亲那里继承了一大笔财产。

    He inherited a large fortune from his father.


  • 对于王位合法继承场争论。

    There was a dispute about the rightful succession to the throne.


  • 所有终身住户死了时,不动产继承持有全部头衔

    When all life tenants are dead, the remainderman holds full title.


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