• But ancient Chinese wisdom teaches that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

    WSJ: Michael B. Mukasey: The ObamaCare Recusal Nonsense

  • By then, the virus had spread all the way to Lake Victoria, a thousand miles to the east.

    NPR: Origin of AIDS Linked to Colonial Practices in Africa

  • Claire had to patiently explain that Columbus's landing and the Pilgrims' arrival occurred a thousand miles and 128 years apart.

    NPR: Unearthing History in 'A Voyage Long and Strange'

  • With his well-tailored suits, shiny cufflinks, wise reading-glasses and elegant ties, he looks a thousand miles from a roughhouse warlord.

    ECONOMIST: Charles Taylor on trial

  • The geologic trend targeted in the Niobrara shale is the same as the Eagle Ford shale, a thousand miles south.

    FORBES: Shell Brushes Off Alaska Setback With $5B Marcellus Buy

  • They're from Jiangxi province, on the other side of the country, and have already traveled a thousand miles to be here.

    NPR: Dam Scrutiny, Quake Aid Efforts Ramp Up in China

  • Garage-rock eccentric King Khan may be from Montreal, but his heart is almost a thousand miles away, throbbing from Atlanta to Castle City, Mont.

    NPR: King Khan And The Shrines: 'Freak' Show

  • It operates fourteen mines in the Pilbara, with a thousand miles of rail and a hundred and sixty locomotives, twenty-four hours a day, year-round.

    NEWYORKER: The Miner��s Daughter

  • More than a thousand miles away from Sacramento, a far more positive outlook counters the frustration felt by many California employees and business owners.

    FORBES: Texas Experiences Meteoric Rise Of Relocation Inquiries From California Companies

  • When Lao-tzu said a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, implicitly he was telling you to take that first step.

    FORBES: Extremely Successful People Have a Message For The Rest Of Us: 'Get Off Your Butt'

  • As I dove north from Memphis all the way to Chicago, more than a thousand miles away, it dawned on me exactly how distorted this media message was.

    FORBES: When the Levee Doesn't Break -- What's Wrong With the Media's Weather Coverage

  • The spacecraft flew less than a thousand miles above the surface six times closer than Mariner 4 with what passed for a high-resolution camera back then: one pixel per hundred metres.

    NEWYORKER: The Martian Chroniclers

  • "When we, a thousand miles away, debate over whether we should be in Afghanistan or draw a cartoon, the people in Nigeria take up arms and fight it out, " she says.

    CNN: Religious hatred simmers in terror suspect's homeland

  • Also curious is the fact that the assassins were based in Odessa, a city which is not only the better part of a thousand miles away from Moscow but that is in another country.

    FORBES: The Putin Assassination Plot

  • It takes about as long to get a container from Long Beach, California, to Shanghai as it does to get one from Shanghai to Chongqing, a thousand miles or so up the Yangzi river.

    ECONOMIST: Buttonwood

  • As before, agency powers sit at a bank of computers tracking Bourne (who may be a thousand miles away) while he tries to evade their gaze as well as the goons, some working for the C.

    NEWYORKER: The Bourne Ultimatum

  • Macy Gray and Vanessa Carlton became household names after their respective ballads, "I Try" (No. 22 on the list), and "A Thousand Miles" (No. 24 on the list), but neither songstress has come out with a comparable hit since.

    CNN: Billboard ranks decade's one-hit wonders

  • In 1996 a rebel army from eastern Congo marched a thousand miles across the lush country to depose Mobutu Sese Seko he of the leopard skin fez whose regime had been badly weakened by the winding down of Western support after the cold war.

    ECONOMIST: Congo

  • But if next year we caught her talking a thousand miles an hour about being the Virgin Mary, not sleeping and running down the street naked, we'd have to say that we were probably wrong and that the behavior we're seeing now was a preamble to full bipolar disorder, not really a personality problem.

    CNN: Can a manic episode look like a tantrum?

  • The raindrops blown a couple of miles west of our ranch would land in creeks that percolated through the Columbia River system into the Pacific, whereas the water in Feely Creek, our creek, was blessed with the task of traveling a thousand miles more, all the way down to the bayous of Louisiana before spilling through the loamy delta into the Gulf of Mexico.

    NPR: Excerpt: 'The Selected Works of T.S. Spivet'

  • With only a few thousand miles of the planned 18, 000 mile (29, 000km) network laid and another two-and-a-half years before the job would be complete, Mr Nacchio threw himself into building a business and no less important selling a vision.

    ECONOMIST: Qwandary

  • So, I survived another Consumer Electronics Show (CES) and made it out of Vegas with most of my skin, and with the objectivity engendered by a couple of thousand miles of distance and a weekend, I can now render a verdict: there has been some evolution since last year in personal computing.

    FORBES: CES Summary: Evolution Of User-Centric Computing

  • Kumar, born in Chennai, formerly Madras, India, was fastidious and morose, travelling at least thirty thousand miles a month for work, and seldom socializing.

    NEWYORKER: A Dirty Business

  • In the opening credits, we learn how many of them finally make it to freedom, crossing the Himalayas into India after a trek of some four thousand miles.

    NEWYORKER: Miles To Go

  • Five thousand miles away in a Pfizer research lab in Groton, Connecticut, infectious disease specialist Scott Hopkins is surfing the Internet when he spots a story on the epidemic--and sees opportunity.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • It includes Phoenix, covers more than nine thousand square miles, and has a population of nearly four million.

    NEWYORKER: Sheriff Joe

  • His wife, Setsuko, had insisted they plant cherry trees, a decade ago, when they moved six thousand miles from Okutama.

    NEWYORKER: Ash Monday

  • Then Starkweather heard that Xerox was opening a research center in Palo Alto, three thousand miles away from its New York headquarters.

    NEWYORKER: Creation Myth

  • It may be that the Polynesians, having just crossed two thousand miles of the Pacific in a fleet of outrigger canoes, were too exhausted to think about making cooking pots.

    NEWYORKER: A Fork of One��s Own

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