• 据说接受研究的人中寿命最长的那些每月吃巧克力1到3的人。

    It says that the longest men were those who ate chocolate between once and three times a month.


  • 文学阅读信息传播活动,文学接受研究是一种传播效果研究

    Reading literature is a kind of informational communication, and the study of literary acceptance is also a kind of studying of communicational effect.


  • 病人接受研究药物治疗30继续留在法扩展研究中直至50周。

    Patients received study medication through week 30 and could continue in a blinded study extension through week 50.


  • 接受研究病人分为用药期和停药期,按照随机顺序给每期刺激物移开刺激物。

    The patients were studied in an off-medication session followed by an on-medication session. The stimulator was switched on or off in random order in each session.


  • 接受美学引进比较文学领域以后形成比较文学一种新的研究方法——接受研究

    After receptive esthetics was introduced into Comparative Literature, it has taken shape of a new method of study receptive study.


  • 较之采取饮食来说,接受研究的人群,采取低碳饮食的HDL胆固朜水平佳。

    The group who'd had the low-carb diet had much better levels of 'good' (HDL) cholesterol than people on the low-fat diet.


  • 目前移动商务用户行为研究中以用户接受研究居多,移动商务用户继续使用研究尚处于起步阶段。

    Currently, the researches on consumer behavior of mobile commerce paid great attention to the acceptance of mobile commerce application rather than users' continuance.


  • 研究同时也发现大多数孩子(约73%)接受研究年时间里并不会有多少抑郁焦虑症状

    The study also shows that most children (73 percent) showed few symptoms of depression and anxiety over the three years.


  • 医学研究标准—随机试验—几乎不可能完成:妇女可能接受研究人员关于她们应该在哪里生产武断指示

    Randomised trials, which are the gold standard in medical research, will be tricky to impossible: women are unlikely to accept a researcher’s arbitrary instruction about where they should give birth.


  • 本文认为当代比较文学中的影响研究内在地包含了接受研究,将接受影响民族文学主体性纳入了影响研究之中。

    The re explored modern influence study has embodied reception study, which takes the subjectivity of national literature into good consideration.


  • 华尔街观察人士表示接受研究对象帮忙,违反行业组织CFA协会(CFA Institute)的行为准则

    Wall Street observers said that accepting favours from companies under coverage is a breach of the code of conduct of the CFA Institute, the trade body.


  • 艾森伯格同事经计算得出接受研究村民服用抗生素越多,就越有可能具有耐药性大肠杆菌传播围的邻居

    The more antibiotics villagers in this study took, Eisenberg and colleagues calculated, the more likely they were to transfer the resistant E. coli to their close neighbors.


  • 接受研究12家科技公司中,Google得分排名第一(81分),Bing第二(70分),AOL第三(69分)。

    Among 12 technology companies in the study, Google ranked first [81], Bing second [70] and AOL third [69].


  • 医学研究黄金准则随机试验的方法,不但没有准头,且也是不可能的:妈妈们不可能接受研究人员在哪里分娩给出任意指令

    Randomised trials, which are the gold standard in medical research, will be tricky to impossible: women are unlikely to accept a researcher's arbitrary instruction about where they should give birth.


  • 接受研究航班上,一名乘客将其携带的某种病毒株传染到了与其相隔排座位之远的另一名乘客身上,紧邻患病乘客而的几位乘客却被染上这种病毒。

    On one flight studied, one passenger spread a particular strain to someone seated seven rows away, while people seated next to the ill passenger didn't contract the disease.


  • 接受斯坦福大学研究教授职位

    He has accepted a research professorship at Stanford University.


  • 尽管公众一直在不断接受玻璃天花板想法,并且得出了一些一致结论,但是迄今为止,大多数研究未能支持这种日益不利的模式

    Despite continued widespread public acceptance of the glass ceiling idea and some consistent findings, most research to date has failed to support the increasing-disadvantage model.


  • 例如,博物馆已经采用了故事线来进行展览,景点已经接受主题化”作为相关工具主题公园正在更加真实基于研究展示方式转变。

    For example, museums have adopted story lines for exhibitions, sites have accepted "theming" as a relevant tool, and theme parks are moving towards more authenticity and research-based presentations.


  • 研究人员认为疲软就业市场促使更多工人接受相对不理想疗养院工作从而居民提供了更好护理

    The researchers argue that weak job markets push more workers into accepting relatively undesirable work at nursing homes, leading to better care for residents.


  • 研究问题很难确定因为许多日本夫妇接受调查他们婚姻爱情结合即使包办的婚姻。

    It's hard to be sure, say those who study the matter, because many Japanese couples, when polled, describe their marriage as a love match even if it was arranged.


  • 研究表明,与具有成长型思维模式的管理者相比拥有固定思维模式的管理者不可能寻求员工反馈对其表示乐于接受

    Research shows that managers who have a fixed mind-set are less likely to seek or welcome feedback from their employees than are managers with a growth mind-set.


  • 研究发现白人学生通过接受挑战接触观点受益

    Research has also found that white students benefit by being challenged and exposed to new perspectives.


  • 没有理由欢迎每个人莫纳克亚山接受他们文化遗产研究那里星星

    There is no reason why everyone cannot be welcomed on Mauna Kea to embrace their cultural heritage and to study the stars.


  • 许多年轻研究人员尤其是那些没有接受开放科学指导的人,并不确定到底是分享还是保密

    Many young researchers, especially those who have not been mentored in open science, are uncertain about whether to share or to stay private.


  • 许多年轻研究人员尤其是那些没有接受开放科学指导的人,对于分享还是保持隐私不确定的。

    But many young researchers, especially those who have not been mentored in open science, are uncertain about whether to share or to stay private.


  • 1997年加利福尼亚大学研究表明一些接受这种物质病人能够产生他们自己的天然药物

    Evidence from a 1997 study at the University of California shows that several patients who received such substances were able to produce their own natural drug.


  • 芝加哥大学iPad项目一项研究发现如果照顾患者的住院医生配有 iPad,患者能更快接受检查获得治疗

    A study of the University of Chicago iPad project found that patients got tests and treatments faster if they were cared for by iPad-equipped residents.


  • 芝加哥大学iPad项目一项研究发现如果照顾患者的住院医生配有 iPad,患者能更快接受检查获得治疗

    A study of the University of Chicago iPad project found that patients got tests and treatments faster if they were cared for by iPad-equipped residents.


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