• 人际传播人与人之间意义创造意义关系交流

    Interpersonal communication is the communication between persons on creation and relation of meaning.


  • 中国诗学审美命题表达诗学范畴之间意义关系理论命题。

    The aesthetic proposition of Chinese poetics is an academic proposition that gives expression to meaning relationship among categories of poetics.


  • 英语被动意义是表示动作施动者承受者之间被动意义关系

    Passivity in English indicates a kind of passive relation between the doer of the action and the person or thing affected.


  • 习得词汇知识只是熟悉词形包括熟悉各种意义概念已知意义关系

    Acquiring the knowledge involves not only forms but also senses, concepts and sense relations with known words.


  • 语言内部意义关系性质语言文化相互影响决定了译入形式转换的意择形原则。

    The internal relation of meaning inside language and the relation between language and culture are factors that require the target language to use its form to match the meaning to be translated.


  • 幼儿园中的互动我们熟悉的一道风景,但在这“熟悉”的背后有种不为人所察觉意义关系

    The interaction in kindergarten between teachers and children is a familiar, a familiar scene, behind which exists the significant relationship ignored by researchers.


  • 隐喻层次与该词的空间核心意义关系比较密切,它们取决于空间核心意义与所隐喻的意义距离远近

    It is also found that the dimensions of metaphor are dependent upon the distance from the prototypical spatial meanings of the prepositions to their metaphorical meanings.


  • 本文以《文选》汉赋原文词汇意义关系依据,参孜前人成果,整理出《文选》汉赋同义词二百二十八

    This article bases on The Explanation of Words with the same-explanationed words, constructs the group of synonyms by the synonym view of one meaning gathering character.


  • 长期以来,学者们对于词语意义关系——一、同形异义、近义、反义非常关注反义同形词现象一直忽视。

    For a long time, we always focus on the relationship of word meanings, such as polysemy, homonymy, synonym and antonymy, however, contronym or we can call it auto-antoymy was ignored.


  • 本文旨在梳理两种真理意义关系观点基础,借助于斯特·劳森真理行为理论指称理论分析揭示真理意义观。

    Based on sorting out their relation, with the help of analysis on Strawson's performative theory of truth and reference theory, the article aims to reveal his views of truth and meaning.


  • 两种意义关系基本囊括了所有使句子繁化意义比较意义对比意义包孕意义、原因—结果意义、条件—让步意义、解说—确切意义、接续意义

    The two relation completely covers all the transitionalized senses of sentences, such as comparison, contrast, cause-effect, condition-concession, interpretation-exactness and so on.


  • 学校其他任何服务机构容易接触年轻人使得学校一种独有能力,让其有机会接触不合群的儿童年轻人,逐渐建立起有意义关系

    Schools see young people more than any other service, which gives them a unique ability to get to hard to reach children and young people and build meaningful relationships with them over time.


  • 更多情况下我们他人合作只是为了达到一些目的赋予关系任何更大意义

    More often, we simply cooperate with others to reach some end without endowing the relationship with any larger significance.


  • 事实上人们城市化”的程度并不其有意义人际关系数量质量产生影响。

    Indeed, the number and quality of meaningful relationships do not differ between more and less urban people.


  • 一个根本关心生活生活意义工作场所办公室用语可以帮助理清你与工作关系以及理清工作定义你身份的方式。

    In a workplace that's fundamentally indifferent to your life and its meaning, office speak can help you figure out how you relate to your workand how your work defines who you are.


  • 他们1895年结婚,这标志一种伙伴关系开始这种关系很快取得了具有世界意义成果

    Their marriage in 1895 marked the start of a partnership that was soon to achieve results of world significance.


  • 今,3D 电影《哪吒》中的人物关系被赋予了现代意义

    Now, the relationships among the characters in the 3D movie Ne Zha are given modern meanings.


  • 媒体通常误解这种关系意义

    The press routinely misunderstands the meaning of this relationship.


  • 对于很多夫妇来说仅仅一起并不够他们希望一个意义并且满足关系

    But for many couples, it's just not enough to stay together. They want a relationship that is meaningful and satisfying.


  • 利格曼的层压理论积极情感参与关系意义成就

    This is Seligman's PERMA theory: Positive Emotion; Engagement; Relationships; Meaning; and Accomplishment.


  • 拉拉同样可以拥有快乐安宁、富有意义关系——能共度更多美好时光,为什么不呢?

    Lesbians can have joyous, peaceful, meaningful relationships-what's better than spending your life with her having more good times than bad?


  • 游标模型天生具备专用维度结构概念,而关系场景中意义不大

    Naturally, the cursor model API has concepts that relate exclusively to dimensional structures and do not make much sense in relational scenarios.


  • 如果这个指数过去GDP的关系具有预测意义意味着今年增长将为3% - 4%。

    If the index's past relationship with GDP held, it would signal growth this year of 3-4%.


  • ,东盟国家中方就《宣言》后续行动指针达成共识具有历史意义双方关系注入了新的活力全世界证明双方能力管控分歧。

    Surin said the agreement, which is of historical significance, injects new vitality into bilateral ties and proves to the world that the two sides are able to manage and control disparities.


  • 互联网应当不断地飞速提升人们生活品质,帮助他们更多时间集中重要事情上,帮助他们建立更深厚更具意义关系

    It should be improving people's lives by leaps and bounds, helping them spend more time on what's important, helping them establish deeper, more meaningful connections.


  • 拥有人脉,其中我认为意义关系包含上述列出所有品质。

    The relationships I have and that I consider to be meaningful have all of the qualities listed above.


  • 1950年以来我们开始相信成功更多财富消费能力不是我们培养和维持意义人际关系来决定的。

    Since the 1950s, we have believed that success is more determined by our wealth and our ability to consume than it is by our ability to nurture and sustain meaningful relationships.


  • 为了所有数据找到其中有意义关系分子生物学家越来越依赖高效计算机科学字符串算法

    To search through all this data and find meaningful relationships within it, molecular biologists are depending more and more on efficient computer science string algorithms.


  • 为了所有数据找到其中有意义关系分子生物学家越来越依赖高效计算机科学字符串算法

    To search through all this data and find meaningful relationships within it, molecular biologists are depending more and more on efficient computer science string algorithms.


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