• 人体主要由肌肉脂肪组成

    The body is made up primarily of bone, muscle, and fat.


  • 蜡黄的皮肤紧紧地

    Her sallow skin was drawn tightly across the bones of her face.


  • 手臂

    He has cracked a bone in his arm.


  • 精细非同一般地实用因为坚固耐用

    Fine bone china is eminently practical, since it is strong and durable.


  • 子弹射入这个军士腿部击碎了大腿

    The bullet lodged in the sergeant's leg, shattering his thigh bone.


  • 偶然发现个450万年前有袋动物

    He came across the jawbone of a 4.5 million-year-old marsupial.


  • 他们统治那里直到被参孙他们逐出领地。

    Since they ruled it until Samson took them out with the jawbone of an ass.


  • 人造蛋壳很好的建筑材料因为它们蛋白质矿物质构成

    Artificial bone and egg shells make good building materials due to their makeup of proteins and minerals.


  • 现在女性喜欢看起来身材苗条有些女性瘦得皮包看上去并不健康

    Nowadayswomen like to look slimbut some of them are all skin and bones and look unhealthy.


  • 可能一些游戏——你可能会玩跳棋之类——游戏,你仍然可以看到

    You might play some games—you might play like checkers and these kinds ofknuckle bones games, that you can still see.


  • 南非铁锈般红色沙漠中,被称为岛山的陡峭岩石山丘平原拔地而起,就像大地

    In the rusty red deserts of South Africa, steep-sided rocky hills called inselbergs rear up from the plains like the bones of the earth.


  • 替换可能一个令人惊叹精确过程因此贝壳纹饰细节树木年轮的微妙结构都被准确地保存

    Replacement can be a marvelously precise process, so that details of shell ornamentation, tree rings in wood, and delicate structures in bone are accurately preserved.


  • 然而大多数遗体只有3打扰,然后他们出、清洗压缩盒里放在一个存房里

    Most of the population, however, will be undisturbed for only three years, and then they will be dug up, washed, compressed into a small tin box, and placed in a bone room.


  • 腿去时,确保不要

    Make sure that you do not pierce the skin when boning the chicken thighs.


  • 一次骑马事故中摔断了脊梁

    She broke her back in a riding accident.


  • 嘴里了一排。

    I put a forkful of fillet steak in my mouth.


  • 一个折,至今打着石膏。

    She broke her leg a month ago and it's still in plaster.


  • 感觉到硬梆梆的铁栏杆抵住了脊梁

    He felt the hardness of the iron railing press against his spine.


  • 最后外科医生两侧的髋两边的肩换了

    Eventually, surgeons replaced both hips and both shoulders.


  • 许多移植手术中可以取自病人身体其它部分

    In many bone transplants, bone can be taken from other parts of the patient's body.


  • 的身体状况非常好,希望身子能一直这么硬朗下去。

    She is remarkable and I'd like to see her remain hale and hearty for years yet.


  • 外科医生杰弗里·霍恩在膝盖放了一个金属帮助愈合。

    Surgeon Geoffrey Horne placed a metal band around the knee cap to help it knit back together.


  • 叫做大腿,范围臀部膝盖

    It is called the femur and it goes from your hip to your knee.


  • 艺术家手指作画

    The artists painted with fingers, brushes made from hair, or bird bones.


  • 中国人不同,澳大利亚人不喜欢吃带的肉,所以那里的中餐馆提供大块的无肉,即使是鱼也不例外。

    Unlike Chinese, Australian people don't like to eat meat with the bone in, so Chinese restaurants there provide big pieces of meat without bones, even for fish.


  • 铁锹撞击到坚硬东西脊梁一阵颤动。

    The spade strikes something hard, sending a shudder through his spine.


  • 能听到帆缆咯咯作响以及嘎吱嘎地呻吟

    You heard the creak of the rigging and the groan of the timbers.


  • 个体其他个体重要区别很大

    The most important thing about this particular individual is that she has a relatively large pelvis compared to other individuals of the same pterosaur.


  • 块羚羊内部痕迹表明这些原始人了它的舌头

    The marks on the inside of one antelope jaw showed the primitive people cut out the tongue.


  • 我们这些遗址中发现了,这些马可以追溯到博泰人定居时期

    We also found horse bones at these sites and these can be traced back to the time of the Botai settlements.


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