• 如果这个选项被选中没有新的室友发现单一补充分割出发日期室友,其余室友

    If this option is selected and no new roommate is found, a single supplemental rate will be split among the remaining roommates from the date of departure of your former roommate.


  • 本特备受批评均进球很高没有理由质疑不能桑德兰当家中锋韦恩-琼斯形成良好补充

    Bent has his critics but his goals per game ratio is high and there is no reason why he should not complement Kenwyne Jones, Sunderland's key centre-forward.


  • 建议在银行资本要求加入对杠杆的要求,以此当前资产风险的衡量进行补充

    It will suggest incorporating a leverage ratio into bank-capital requirements, to supplement the existing risk-weighting of assets.


  • 英亩土壤固碳增加百分之一,就能多带来6万加仑,”阿普费鲍姆,“这些水渗入地下补充地下水的储量。”

    "Every one percent increase in soil carbon holds an additional 60, 000 gallons of water per acre," says Apfelbaum. "water infiltrates the ground and replenishes groundwater sources."


  • 补充道,“早期接种疫苗患者可以较早预防流感传播从而进一步降低流感相关的心脏病的发作。”

    And, he adds, "people who are vaccinated early might be protected from flu that is circulating earlier in the season, thereby further reducing the risk of an influenza-related heart attack."


  • Brock补充说,一般旅游网站成功转化只有1% - 3%。

    Brock adds that on average, Web sites have a success rate of only between 1 percent and 3 percent at the site-wide level.


  • 补充一旦那些不溶性粒子到达脑部,“我们知道清除很低。”

    However, he added, once those insoluble particles arrive in the brain, "we do not see much clearance."


  • 世卫组织关于蚊帐指导建议通过常规卫生服务进行发放,以此补充大规模分发战略从而实现维持水平覆盖

    The new WHO guidance on nets recommends that campaign-like mass distribution strategies be complemented by delivery through routine health services to achieve and maintain high levels of coverage.


  • 他们社区里生活,”同时补充,对于帮助埃塞俄比亚2003年以来,死亡下降了25%的事实,关键因素

    "They live out in the communities themselves," she said, adding that this is a pivotal factor that has helped to drive down child mortality in Ethiopia by 25 per cent since 2003.


  • 另外我们发现指出虐待经历的老年人,与心血管有关的死亡明显增加,”补充

    "In addition, our findings indicate those with elder abuse have significantly increased risk of cardiovascular-related mortality," he added.


  • 图像具有超高分辨而且我们可以进行缩放,“菲利普补充。”

    "The images will be very high-definition, and we'll be able to zoom in," Phillips adds.


  • 指出一个暂时现象补充说,进一步降低变动存款准备金可以改变价格下降的趋势,采取进一步措施刺激消费

    She suggested it would be a temporary phenomenon, but added that further interest rate cuts and changes to the reserve ratio could be made, and further measures to stimulate consumption.


  • 美国英国例外它们大量工作妇女生育接近替代水平(不足部分有移民补充)。

    The odd ones out are America and Britain, which both have lots of women at work and fertility rates close to replacement level (with immigration making up the rest).


  • 使英国骇人诊断其他地方一样需要更多行动补充

    Action was needed to make the UK's "appalling diagnosis" rates as good as those elsewhere, she added.


  • 评估孕妇维生素a缺乏症发生新生儿维生素a补充婴儿死亡影响之间关系。

    To assess the relationship between the prevalence of vitamin a deficiency among pregnant women and the effect of neonatal vitamin a supplementation on infant mortality.


  • 补充英国央行货币政策委员会(MPC)最终可能得再次大幅贬值英镑,才能使英国明年CPI通胀接近目标值2%。

    He added that the Bank of England's monetary policy committee (MPC) may end up needing yet another sharp fall in sterling to get CPI inflation near 2% next year.


  • 即时年金一般用于其它退休收入补充,并通货膨胀挂钩

    Immediate annuities are typically used to supplement other retirement income sources while keeping pace with inflation.


  • 家中使用口服补液早期补充液体减少死亡至关重要。

    Early rehydration at home by using oral rehydration salts is Paramount to diminishing mortality.


  • 母亲教育程度开始补充微量营养素时的两项指标可能对所观察围产期死亡产生影响

    Maternal education or gestational age at initiation of supplementation may have contributed to the observed heterogeneous effects on perinatal mortality.


  • 瑙曼补充尽管销售新车利润低,但随着上路汽车日渐老化,对利润较高的服务维修工作需求将得到提升经销商盈利能力也会激增

    While selling new cars is a low-margin business, he adds, dealers' profitability will shoot up as those on the road age, boosting demand for higher-margin service and repair work.


  • 然而补充道,还需要确定金星地表如何重塑这个问题做出更多的努力,科学家需要确切地了解地表风化如何影响辐射

    He added, however, that in order to make even more progress in determining how Venus resurfaces, scientists need to learn exactly how weathering surface rates affect emissivity.


  • 麻疹患者一旦发病,很快就死亡补充维生素A的治疗方式可以降低死亡二者说明发病早期需要提供迅速的上门治疗服务。

    The short period from disease onset to death and reduced mortality from treatment with vitamin A suggest the need for rapid, field-based treatment early in the outbreak.


  • 研究发现,产后6个月,各组妇女高度抑郁症状发生没有明显区别服用DHA补充的妇女有9.67%发病,服用安慰剂的妇女中有11.19%。

    Six months postpartum, the rate of high levels of depressive symptoms was not significantly different between groups: 9.67% for women assigned to DHA supplementation and 11.19% in the placebo group.


  • 有时交换牵涉到实际财产,表现为嫁妆聘礼补充道。

    Exchange rates sometimes involved real money or property, in the form of dowries or bride prices, she noted.


  • 补充如果这样美国其他国家里自闭症患病应该2%至3%之间。

    If that were done, she added, the prevalence of the condition in the U.S. and other countries also would be in the range of 2% to 3%.


  • 补充鉴于全国失业依然保持在9%以上,这些刺激计划不管怎样都无济于事。

    The stimulus is not working anyway, he adds, given that unemployment remains above 9% nationally.


  • 补充到:监管不能保证安全可以合法出售发病几乎那些禁止出售州

    He adds that regulation cannot guarantee safety: in the states where raw milk is sold legally, there have been nearly three times as many outbreaks of illness as in the states where it is not.


  • 补充到:监管不能保证安全可以合法出售发病几乎那些禁止出售州

    He adds that regulation cannot guarantee safety: in the states where raw milk is sold legally, there have been nearly three times as many outbreaks of illness as in the states where it is not.


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