• 猛力推开窗子出去

    I threw open the windows to let the smoke out.


  • 推开前门门呀里开了。

    He pushed open the front door, which swung inward with a groan.


  • 试图推开那扇沉重的门。

    He tried to push the heavy door open.


  • 推开扇嘎吱作响

    She pushed open a creaky door.


  • 演讲者要结束讲话突然推开了。

    The speaker was just winding up when the door was flung open.


  • 推开布满弹孔的

    She pushed the bullet-riddled door open.


  • 推开然后向后跌坐木椅上。

    He pushed her away and she fell back on the wooden bench.


  • 开玩笑地将推开

    She pushed him away playfully.


  • 推开花园

    He pushed open the garden gate.


  • 推开门时发现特雷弗笔直地坐在床上

    When I pushed his door open, Trevor was sitting bolt upright in bed.


  • 突然推开了。

    The door was suddenly flung open.


  • 推开扇门时一个老式门铃发出叮当声

    An old-fashioned bell tinkled as he pushed open the door.


  • 把门推开

    She swung the door open.


  • 推开

    I pushed the door open.


  • 试图利用自己重量推开袭击者失去平衡

    He tried to use his own weight to push his attacker off but he was off balance.


  • 看见女主人张纸推开便机械地问道

    He asked mechanically, as he saw the Hostess push aside a large sheet of paper.


  • 试图把门推开

    He tried to push at the door.


  • 爸爸推开座椅倒上一杯红酒准备仔细聆听

    Papa would push back his chair and pour a glass of red wine, ready to listen.


  • 这时猛地推开了,海蒂紧紧地抱住

    The same moment the door was flung open and Heidi held her tight.


  • 把门推开了。

    He pushed the door open.


  • 于是玛丽门口把门推开终于站到房间里了!

    So she walked to the door and pushed it open, and there she was standing in the room!


  • 长满常春藤的墙上的轻轻推开一个女人进来。

    The door in the ivied wall had been pushed gently open and a woman had entered.


  • 一个 H-bot 面临危险时机器人成功地推开

    When one H-bot headed for danger, the robot successfully pushed it out of the way.


  • 如果予以足够警示有可能块有威胁性巨石推开

    Given enough warning, it should be possible to push a threatening boulder out of the way.


  • 起来尸体身边推开,盯着看然后又困惑地环顾四周

    He sat up, pushing the body from him, and gazed at it, and then around him, confusedly.


  • 轻快地跑草地推开又慢又,从常春藤下面溜了进去。

    She ran lightly across the grass, pushed open the slow old door and slipped through it under the ivy.


  • 它们可以使它们减速涡流然后通过推开”涡流获得额外的推力

    They can glide past eddies that would slow them down and then gain extra thrust by "pushing off" the eddies.


  • 实验中的电棒本质上用电火焰燃烧器中推开,把燃料源中分离出来,然后熄灭了

    The electric wand in the experiments essentially uses electricity to push the flame away from the burner, detaching it from the fuel source, so it goes out.


  • 肘部推开队伍前面挤。

    She elbowed me out of the way to get to the front of the line.


  • 推开

    He tried to kiss her but she pushed him away.


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