• 州立GDF管理已经控告停顿

    The management at state-owned GDF has accused unions of stalling.


  • 狄瑞克:州立法律这个允许超市只有才有。 祄。

    DEREK: : It's a state law. This state doesn't allow supermarkets to sell beer. Only in liquor stores.


  • 2009年,获得了州立终身写作成就奖(虽然我会是不是意味着我的生命即将结束)。

    Then, in 2009, I won our state's lifetime writing award (though I wondered if that meant I was about dead).


  • 圣弗朗西斯科水电公司这所州立的发电机公司领头联营企业致力于在巴西亚马逊的兴谷河建造世界第三水力发电大坝合同上取得优势。

    A consortium led by Chesf, a state-owned electricity generator, won a contract to build the world's third-largest hydroelectric dam on the Xingu river in the Brazilian Amazon.


  • 2009年,获得了州立终身写作成就奖虽然我会是不是意味着我的生命即将结束)。一奖项自然是以伯。名义设置的。

    Then, in 2009, I won our state's lifetime writing award (though I wondered if that meant I was about dead). It was named, of course, for Harper Lee.


  • 这位律师引用了大量法庭案件证明路德教友会儿童家庭服务中心这样的组织必须遵守州立的歧视法包括寄养领养事件中的反歧视。

    She cited a number of court cases that showed organizations like Lutheran Child Family Services must follow statewide anti-discrimination laws, including when it comes to foster care or adoption.


  • 当地州立大学教授

    He was a professor at the local state university.


  • 所有14所州立大学今年秋季学杂费上涨平均10%。

    At all 14 state schools, tuition and fees are going up this autumn by an average of about 10 percent.


  • 来自美国亚利桑那州立大学研究科学家史蒂夫·拉夫参加了该项研究

    Research scientist Steve Ruff from Arizona State University in the US took part in the study.


  • 不能亚利桑那州立大学keg party 就威斯康辛大学barcrawl很多。”解释说

    "You can't say keg party at Arizona State is much better than bar crawl at the University of Wisconsin," he explained.


  • 新建州立学院大学几乎完全投身科学技术工程领域

    Newly created state colleges and universities devoted themselves almost entirely to scientific, technological, and engineering fields.


  • 芝加哥附近东北州立大学转过来

    I just transferred from Northeastern State University near Chicago.


  • 他们没有完全跳过高等教育阶段,而是选择了社区大学准入门槛低的州立大学

    Instead of skipping out on higher education altogether, they chose community colleges or state schools with low bars for admittance.


  • 佛罗里达州立大学58岁心理学教授安德斯·埃里克森坚信以上皆不是答案”。

    Anders Ericsson, a 58-year-old psychology professor at Florida State University, says he believes strongly in "none of the above".


  • 加州州立大学多明戈斯分校的热带生物学家特里·麦格林说:“由于机构教学负担重,没有博士后和研究生。”

    "With my institution and teaching load, I don't have postdocs and grad students," says Terry McGlynn, a tropical biologist at California State University, Dominguez Hills.


  • 曾经遇到过年轻人俄亥俄州一所大型州立学校海洋生物学三年级学生

    I once had a young guy who was a third-year marine biology student at a large state school in Ohio.


  • 旧金山州立大学亚裔美国人研究教授阿利森·丁提昂考·库巴勒斯认为,传授人种种族知识的方式至关重要

    How race and ethnicity is taught is crucial, says Allyson Tintiangco Cubales, an Asian American studies professor at San Francisco State University.


  • 例如亚利桑那州立大学一个研究小组最近,只需3000美元就他们开发小型立方体卫星送入轨道。

    For instance, a research group here at Arizona State University recently claimed their developmental small CubeSats could cost as little as $3,000 to put in orbit.


  • 亚利桑那州立大学心理学教授尔迪尼说,企业没有获得本成功一个原因创新始于招聘

    Cialdini, Professor of Psychology at Arizona State University, one reason that companies don't succeed as often as they should is that innovation starts with recruitment.


  • 美国选择——研究型大学州立机构私立文理学院社区学院宗教机构、军事学院——无与伦比

    America's menu of options—research universities, state institutions, private liberal-arts schools, community colleges, religious institutions, military academiesis unrivaled.


  • 合格学生无需通过圣地亚哥州立大学录取程序就可以获得这些课程大学学分

    Qualified students can earn college credit for these classes without going through the San Diego State University admission process.


  • 俄亥俄州立大学一项研究发现白人室友同黑人学生大学生涯取得了更高学业成就

    An Ohio State University study also found that black students living with a white roommate saw higher academic success throughout their college careers.


  • 例如亚利桑那州立大学一个研究小组最近声称他们开发小型立方体卫星进入轨道成本可能只有3000美元。

    For instance, a research group here at Arizona State University recently claimed their developmental small Cube Sats could cost as little as $3,000 to put in orbit.


  • 全部高中毕业生当中排名三分之一资格加利福尼亚大学学习。

    The top one-third of all high school graduates are entitled to an education at California State University.


  • 1906年,戴尔还是沃尔伦斯堡州立师范学院的一大三学生。[2013·江苏卷】

    In 1906 young Dale was a junior at State Teachers College in Warrensburg.


  • 诚然常青藤联盟州立系统经济压力都是巨大的

    True, the economic pressuresfrom the Ivy League to state systemsare intense.


  • 犹他大学大卫·兰西教授研究世界各地家庭如何处理家务的。

    Professor David Lancy of Utah State University has studied how families around the world handle chores.


  • 博士生他们导师奥斯丁德克萨斯州立大学心理学教授大卫·巴斯确实要求人们这样选择

    Two Ph.D. students and their advisor, David Buss professor of psychology at the University of Texas at Austin, did force people to make this very choice.


  • 同一项研究还发现俄亥俄州立大学随机分配种族室友学期结束摊牌的概率是同种族室友的倍。

    That same study found that randomly assigned interracial roommates at Ohio State broke up before the end of the quarter about twice as often as same-race roommates.


  • 俄亥俄州立大学经济学教授露西亚·邓恩警告称:“如果我们发现依然成立未来可能会更多老年人出现严重的财务问题。”

    "If what we found continues to hold true, we may have more elderly people with substantial financial problems in the future," warns Lucia Dunn, professor of economics at Ohio State.


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