• 浪漫,叫人羡慕叫人伤感凋零失落一丝挥之不去惆怅

    Can Ye under the romantic and admirable, but also sadly, dying of loss, there is always a trace of lingering melancholy.


  • 重要是从安全提供者属性获取NamespaceID ”,不是左侧浏览器面板中的Authentication的名称。

    It is important to get the "Namespace id" from the properties of the security provider and not the name of the leaf under the Authentication leaf in the explorer pane on the left.


  • 最后看到条大河那个原先试图阻止她们带走那个男人正驾着一轻舟顺流而,这正是仙子们令人迷惑和混乱魅力。

    At last she saw a big river, and the man who had tried to keep her from being carried off was drifting down it—such are the topsy-turvydoms of faery glamour—in a cockleshell.


  • 瑞典经济随着欧盟大部分国家一起2009年开始缓慢恢复

    Along with most of the EU, Sweden's economy started to recover in the second half of 2009, albeit slowly.


  • 决定研究对于垃圾邮件过滤器一个绝对有限模型空间究竟工作得有

    I decided to look into how well a much more starkly limited model space would work for a Bayesian spam filter.


  • 如果这些植物的粗硬纤维,则将它们去掉然后卷成雪茄状,再摊成薄片状快速即可。

    If the leaves are tough and fibrous, remove the stem, roll the leaves up like a cigar and sliver them for quick cooking.


  • 这时候葡萄藤空气流通,桑拿房一样,唯有葡萄叶下提供一点阴凉

    The air underneath them is stagnant, as in a sauna, but their foliage is the only available shade.


  • 方案适用于肿瘤局限要么向左;或在温和情况,只有八分之一八个所谓的奎诺的情况。

    This option is only available to those cases where the tumor is confined to either the right or left lobe, or in milder cases, only one of its eight so called Couinaud Segments.


  • 先来想象自己家里如何保障安全和隐私紧闭的大门以及报警系统远离夜贼入侵,窗帘你的生活隐私不暴露路人的眼中。

    Consider the security and privacy of your home: door locks and alarms help protect you from burglars, but curtains and blinds keep your home life private from passersby.


  • “难解之谜”网站报道,戈罗夫纳姆小姐自然当时情况大多数人都会做的事,把尸体冷冻在冰箱里长达之久。

    Naturally, Miss Yegorovnam did what most would in the same situation and stored the alien in her fridge for two years, according to Unexplained Mysteries.


  • 倾听周围世界感受你自己呼吸,听听内心的诉说,看看这世界的一支一

    Listen to the world around you. Feel your breath coming in and going out.


  • 通常情况日本人白天首先海藻类型裙带菜(wakame)——瓣海藻。

    Often, the type of seaweed eaten first during the day by Japanese is wakame-lobe-leaf seaweed.


  • 二十世纪后半以来石油天然气财富推动,昔日人阶层、海滩商贩们和都因游牧部落早已改天换地。

    Tiny societies of pearl divers, coastal merchants, and nomadic Bedouin were transformed in the last half of the 20th century by oil and natural-gas wealth.


  • eBay上购买了相机将其放置于冷藏盒防止在17.6英里高空40度的环境中冻结。

    The camera, which Yeh bought on eBay, was positioned inside the coolbox to protect it from -40C temperatures 17.6 miles above the Earth's surface.


  • 官方数据表明1947年至1983年间,在丹麦实行前脑白质切除术规定非法的情况大约有4千5百丹麦人接受了类手术

    Official figures show that between 1947 and 1983, when conducting lobotomies was outlawed in Denmark, around 4,500 Danes had the operation.


  • 轻轻闻到了一股淡淡的清香清香里夹淡香泥土芬芳

    Gently smell the smell a faint scent, this fragrance with clover, fragrant and the fragrance of the soil.


  • 特别是当前数据较少或者获得情况网络这一优点更加明显。

    Especially when the current data are scarce or hard to obtain, the advantage of the bayes network is evident.


  • 这个神经鞘瘤梭形细胞组成(多数细胞起源),细胞大小一致,丰富、呈粉红色

    The schwannoma is seen microscopically to be composed of spindle cells (like most neoplasms of mesenchymal origin), but the cells are fairly uniform and there is plenty of pink cytoplasm.


  • 阳光照射植物板条形成表面丰富的的光影效果

    Sunlight shining through the planting, slats and shutters delicately pattern the interior surfaces with shadows.


  • 高温下的开花特性解剖结构光合特性可以作为夏菊耐热性评价重要指标

    And the blooming traits, leaf anatomic structure and photosynthetic characteristics can be used as heat-tolerance evaluation indexes.


  • 矮个子叶下一丛丛地伸展着

    There are shorter people, and in large leaves, the stretching of the small patches of spire.


  • 表姐妹乔德尔表兄弟德里扬塔、肖兰儿子伦帕瓦鲁姆普帮助维萨人的手里救出了

    With the help of his Cousins Jowdrrl, Dryanta, and Shoran, and his son, Lumpawarrump, he rescued han from Yevethan clutches.


  • 小姐,您好,能否请简单说遇到的困难

    Hello, Miss Ye, Could you give me a brief introduction about your problem?


  • 选择路线按钮鸿沟探路小组底部左边小组。

    After selecting the line and the leaf shape, press the Divide button in the Pathfinder panel, located on the bottom left side of the panel.


  • 电极安放是按照电极命名:额中央()、

    Electrode positions have been named according to the brain region below that area of the scalp: frontal, central (sulcus), parietal, temporal, and occipital.


  • 这个新的报道首次揭示颅骨底部每个半球视觉彻底损害依旧可以盲视。

    The new report is the first to show it in a person whose visual lobes - one in each hemisphere, under the skull at the back of the head - were completely destroyed.


  • 这个新的报道首次揭示颅骨底部每个半球视觉彻底损害依旧可以盲视。

    The new report is the first to show it in a person whose visual lobes - one in each hemisphere, under the skull at the back of the head - were completely destroyed.


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