• 再也不能分清幻想现实了。

    She was no longer able to distinguish between imagination and reality.


  • 头脑不再分清幻觉现实

    His mind could no longer distinguish between illusion and reality.


  • 起码分清好人坏人了。

    At least you can tell the good guys from the bad guys.


  • 马克斯在仔细端详着

    She was very conscious of Max studying her.


  • 分清神话现实不可能的。

    It's impossible to disentangle the myth from reality.


  • 我们面临困难

    I am acutely aware of the difficulties we face.


  • 需要个人事情的轻重缓急分清楚。

    You need to get your priorities straight.


  • 以后自己感到羞愧。

    He knew full well he'd be ashamed of himself later.


  • 分清好坏并不总是容易

    It isn't always easy to separate the wheat from the chaff.


  • 分清撒谎。

    She knew without a shadow of a doubt that he was lying to her.


  • 好人坏人有时很难分清

    It's sometimes difficult to tell who are the goodies and who are the baddies.


  • 这样戳到一些人的痛处。

    I am well aware that in saying this I shall outrage a few susceptibilities.


  • 那些夜晚静,空气清凉、繁星点点。

    The nights were pure with cold air and lit with stars.


  • 必须儿童分清是非

    Children must be taught the difference between right and wrong.


  • 撒谎。

    It was quite clear to me that she was lying.


  • 分清两个术语吗?

    Can you make a clear distinction between the two terms?


  • 应该分清责任过错

    A distinction should be drawn between responsibility and fault.


  • 学生们带来如此多的见解以至于很难分清谁才是教授

    My students, they bring so much insight to the table that it's easy to forget who the professor is.


  • 意味着它们需要大多数动物那样大部时间都花在觅食上。

    This would mean that they wouldn't have to spend most of their waking time searching for food, as most animals do.


  • 如果正在考虑服用补充剂,请阅读并不总是万无一失

    If you are considering a supplement, read the list of ingredients, she says, although this is not always foolproof.


  • 必须分清轻重缓急所以指出主要问题然后通过理论联系分析一个问题。

    You have to prioritise, so indicate the main problems, and then you analyse each one by connecting it with a theory .


  • 老鼠其他动物需要来自其他动物的社会信号高度协调性这样它们才能分清哪些是可以合作朋友,哪些是躲避的敌人

    Rats and other animals need to be highly attuned to social signals from others so they can identify friends to cooperate with and enemies to avoid.


  • 敌,是友,必须分清界限

    A friend is a friend; a foe is a foe; one must be clearly distinguished from the other.


  • 参照地图将这条路线得十分清楚。

    The route is best seen by reference to the map.


  • 犯罪神志分清醒。

    He was perfectly sane when he committed the crime.


  • 原件复印得十

    The original reproduces clearly in a photocopy.


  • 我们必须分清敌我

    We must draw a clear distinction between ourselves and the enemy.


  • 大量教训已十楚地告诫人们:远离那些愚蠢蛊惑语义双关。

    The broad lessons are clear: steer away from the silly and the double-entendre.


  • 他们汽油到。

    I knew enough to be afraid of gasoline.


  • 他们汽油到。

    I knew enough to be afraid of gasoline.


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