• 安德鲁飓风昨晚进入墨西哥湾

    Hurricane Andrew was last night heading into the Gulf of Mexico.


  • 飓风贝蒂正在逼近佛罗里达海岸

    Hurricane Betty is now approaching the coast of Florida.


  • 正常飓风季节12月持续4月

    The normal cyclone season extends from December to April.


  • 东北风暴有时一次飓风糟糕。

    Sometimes a nor'easter can be worse than a hurricane.


  • 飓风袭来之前沿海地带已经撤离。

    People were evacuated from the coastal regions in advance of the hurricane.


  • 堵堵厚阻挡了飓风带来的碎片穿透

    The thick walls prevented penetration by debris from the hurricane.


  • 高精确度预测飓风表现需要许多

    It will be many years before anyone can predict a hurricane's behaviour with much accuracy.


  • 保险业卡特里娜飓风造成损失赔付数十亿美元

    The insurance industry will pay out billions of dollars for damage caused by Hurricane Katrina.


  • 他们已经开始结集队伍救济物资送给遭受飓风侵害的灾民

    They have begun marshalling forces to send relief to the hurricane victims.


  • 这场运动飓风般迅猛发展。

    This movement carried all like a hurricane.


  • 天后飓风袭击康沃尔附近海岸

    Three days later, a hurricane hit the coast near Cornwall.


  • 许多房屋飓风摧毁。

    Many buildings were demolished by a hurricane.


  • 佛罗里达州一些最好房屋经常遭到飓风的破坏。

    Some of the nicest homes in Florida are periodically crushed by hurricanes.


  • 那时起,图表的数据已经显示了飓风发生率下降

    Since then, hurricane incidence has dropped off the charts.


  • 与此同时5飓风极端气象事件出现得越来越频繁

    At the same time, extreme weather events like Category 5 hurricanes are becoming more frequent.


  • 2008年,古巴连续遭受飓风袭击只有死亡

    In 2008, Cuba was hit by five successive hurricanes, but only seven people were killed.


  • 他们不到卡特里娜飓风过后覆盖新奥尔良第九区的腐烂泥土味道。

    They could not smell the putrid mud that covered the ninth ward of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina passed.


  • 为了进一步保护房子不受飓风破坏哈夫用木桩抬高了2.7

    To further protect the house from hurricane damage, Huff raised it 2.7 meters off the ground on timber pilings.


  • 作为所有天气系统强大系统之一飓风水蒸气凝结释放热能驱动的。

    One of the most powerful of all weather systems, hurricanes are powered by the heat energy released by the condensation of water vapour.


  • 只要打开新闻每天可以听到关于飓风地震的新闻,还有世上发生的其他事情。

    Just turn on the news and you can hear about hurricanes, earthquakes, and more happenings in our world every day.


  • 苏利文岛上海滨别墅应该能够抵御3飓风最高风速小时179-209公里

    The new beach house on Sullivan's Island should be able to withstand a Category 3 hurricane with peak winds of 179 to 209 kilometers per hour.


  • 古代玛雅也许经验丰富,得更好他们一定面临干旱飓风引起谷物歉收风险

    The ancient Maya were presumably more experienced and did better, but nevertheless they too must have faced risks of crop failures from droughts and hurricanes.


  • 大规模的洪水长期干旱飓风严重季风每年都会造成损失摧毁数百万有价值农作物

    Massive floods, long droughts, hurricanes and severe monsoons take their toll each year, destroying millions of tons of valuable crops.


  • 如果地震飓风其他灾害突袭家园可能会好几甚至好几个星期无法获得食物

    If an earthquake, hurricane or other disaster strikes your community, you might not have access to food, water, and electricity for days or even weeks.


  • 2005年,为应对卡特里娜飓风美国邮政管理局将把新奥尔良收到的邮件改寄休斯敦现存邮局

    In response to Hurricane Katrina in 2005, USPS redirected incoming New Orleans mail to existing mail facilities in Houston.


  • 记得2005年卡特里娜飓风过后,阿尔·戈尔是如何宣称我们正准备迎接比以往更具破坏性的飓风的吗?

    Remember how, in the wake of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Al Gore claimed that we were in store for ever more destructive hurricanes?


  • 美国人对9/11事件记忆犹新他们通过电视直播观看了卡特里娜飓风美国历史上损失惨重灾难

    With the memory of 9/11 still fresh in their minds, Americans watched hurricane Katrina, the most expensive disaster in U.S. history, on live TV.


  • 2018年这一年,山火火山爆发飓风泥石流其他自然灾害就给美国造成了至少490亿美元的损失

    In 2018 alone, wildfires, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, mudslides, and other natural disasters cost at least $49 billion in the United States.


  • 同事范恩·纽柯克报道波多黎各仍然面临着2017年飓风玛丽亚带来的经济结构性破坏以及资源短缺等问题

    As my colleague Vann Newkirk reported, Puerto Rico is still confronting economic and structural destruction and resource scarcity from 2017's Hurricane Maria.


  • 2005年卡特里娜飓风袭击,由于美国邮政无法提供街道投递服务全国各地几十个地方周内设立起了邮政设施

    After Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005, mail facilities were set up in dozens of locations across the country in the two weeks that USPS was unable to provide street delivery.


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