• 职责禁止这样先生妨碍黑了

    My duty forbids it, sir; prithee hinder me not, the night comes on.


  • 写信ronjeffriesatacmdotorgchet athendricksonxp dotcom主题 [ron]SimpleDesign。 这里提醒虽然项目过了很久了,如果愿意仍然可以写信给他们。)

    Please write us (ronjeffries at acm dot org, chet at hendricksonxp dot com, subject [ron] Simple Design) and tell us what your estimates are, what you need to know that you don’t know, and so on.


  • 在超级市场可能一个冰柜里发现大量的素食 它们可以用微波炉来烹调.你可能会尝试它们(喜欢Amy牌的).小心 就像大部分便利食物 它们在家烹饪的食物 而且大部分不是非常健康.你在也可能找到一些相当健康的食物.不论价格如何 一般来说 最好有一些便利食物在冰箱里 以备不时之需.

    Beware that, like most convenience foods, these are more expensive than home-cooked stuff, and most likely not as healthy. But you can find some fairly healthy foods there too.


  • 告诉支持者如果听到别人或者你自己曾经这样,“如果某件没有发生”,或者“出现了另一种情况”……那么这样设想

    So I want to say to my supporters: When you hear people saying or think to yourself, "if only, or," What if, "I say, please, don't go there."


  • 告诉支持者如果听到别人或者你自己曾经这样,“如果某件没有发生”,或者“出现了另一种情况”……那么这样设想。

    So I want to say to my supporters: When you hear people saying or think to yourself, "If only, or, "What if," I say, please, don't go there.


  • 例子之前比方以便你们记住为什么建立这些抽象以及使它们协调工作做些什么

    Before I do that though, let me try and give you an analogy to keep this in mind of why we want to basically build these abstractions and what we need in order to have them work together.


  • 拥有埋葬骨头,都有从不家里谈论整个国家宁愿遗忘事情时,听众们总是点头

    Heads always nodded in my audience when I said that all of us have bones to bury, things that are never talked about in families, things a whole nation might prefer to forget.


  • 再往后一个主治医师医生名字不是过敏专科医生的名字,内科医师的,然后陈述病史

    Next, an attending physician asks for my doctor’s name, no, not my allergist, my internist, and please relate my medical history.


  • 告诉根据相关规定怎样把这些文件归档吗。

    Please tell me how to file things according to the concerned rules.


  • (知道在家早餐鸡蛋牛奶现在另一个国家,你入乡随俗,(所以),咖啡。)

    I know you have egg and milk for breakfast at home, but now you are in another country, when in Rome, you will do as the Romans do and take coffeeplease.


  • 如果清楚知道怎么办,就一个当然考虑180借款

    If you can see your way clear to give me a hand, I would sure consider it at 180 day loan.


  • 小姐重申昨天晚上厌恶求。

    Do not be alarmed, madam, that I shall repeat the offer which so disgusted you last night.


  • 当然这儿还有很大的提高空间如果还有一些好方法添加告诉

    Of course there is always room for more. Let me know if there are ones you would like to see added to this list.


  • 不是饮料吃饭而是想法宽容

    Be generous. I'm not talking about buying drinks or a meal, but rather being generous in your opinion.


  • 没有发布的消息,大家提问,如果的话

    I've no announcement to make. I'm happy to take your questions if there's any.


  • 告诉拉斯维加斯多少时间

    Would you tell me the flying time to Las Vegas?


  • 所以一直保持积极的心态。的是,别人告诉,你不可能实现梦想时,学会充耳不闻总是相信一定做到”! !

    Therefore, , always be positive and, above all, be deaf when people tell you that you cannot fulfill your dreams! Always think "I can do this"!


  • 医生体重量一下。

    The doctor needs my weight, pleas weigh me.


  • 大家好!今天演讲关于奋斗演讲稿首先允许大家讲一个哲理故事

    Hello everyone. Today, I must lecture is about the struggle of the speech, first of all, please allow me to tell you the story of a philosophy.


  • 点播给那些不喜欢甚至敌视春春人,记住力量大得

    I request this song to those who dislike or even hate Chunchun, please remember: the power of love is much stronger than hatred.


  • 如果遇到挫折,记得告诉这个伙伴,是一条路上人,互相勉励一起前进

    Remember to tell me of like comrade, if you encountered frustration. because we has a same ideal, of encourage each other, of marching all together.


  • 还是感谢保存简历表,以便有空缺的时候备选。

    Well, thank you anyway. And please keep my resume on file in case something comes up.


  • 有些外教上课就是为了英语环境锻炼英文习惯希望课堂外教一点中文都不说

    Some people say I asked foreign teachers to pure English environment, I will exercise my English habit, I hope to teach a class inside and outside Chinese did not say.


  • 打算小孩不过年后。即使到时候,也不会产假很久的。

    I do intend to have children, but not for several years, and when I do, my leave would be very short.


  • 这儿奉劝一句,20年后再回顾一下这个问题看看自身经历将教会你什么

    I'd suggest they revisit this question in 20 years to see what their experience has taught them.


  • 这儿奉劝一句,20年后再回顾一下这个问题看看自身经历将教会你什么

    I'd suggest they revisit this question in 20 years to see what their experience has taught them.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定