• 研究夺取不同证明身体有效率索引根据数据被会集领域检验研究。

    The study has captured the effectiveness index of different certification bodies, based on the data gathered from the field validation study.


  • 证明身体标准服从证明单位委派团体的他们胜任估定必要者,通常每个国家中。

    The certification bodies, which certify units for compliance of this standard, are required to be assessed for their competence by the accreditation bodies, generally one in each country.


  • 科学家们已经发现了非同寻常的证据证明睡眠我们身体如何自行恢复。

    Scientists have discovered remarkable new evidence showing how the body rebuilds itself while we sleep.


  • 他们证明内部脂肪身体传输系统有害的。

    They want to prove that inside fat does harm to the body' s communication systems.


  • 们知道合理饮食对我们的身体健康有益,但事实证明,食物和烹饪食物对我们的心理健康也有好处。

    We know about the benefits of eating fittingly for our physical health, but food, and cooking it, are proving to be good for our mental health as well.


  • 甚至需要参加计划必须一系列测试中证明身体技能

    And to even enter a training program, you must prove your physical prowess in a series of tests.


  • 我们身体钟表一样运转为了证明这个观点,我们告诉每天大概什么时间什么。

    Our bodies run like clockwork, and just to prove it, we can show you what you're meant to be doing and at what time of day.


  • 笛卡尔这就证明了,心灵我的身体不同东西

    And Descartes says that shows that, in fact, my mind is something separate from my body.


  • 能与使用者身体连接随时提供有关葡萄糖乳酸水平最新信息证明在医学上很重要

    It could also be linked to the user's body to provide up-to-date information on glucose or lactate levels, which could prove medically important.


  • 无论是奇迹还是自身耐力证明我们身体需要锻炼才能得以生存

    Be it a miracle or an act of physical endurance, it just goes to show how primed our bodies are for survival.


  • 可以看着分钟内能从/她的身体语言找到10理由证明他/她是喜欢你的,也可以轻松找到10个理由说明他/她是不喜欢你的。

    You can look at somebody and find 10 reasons with their body language that say they like you in just a few minutes or you can look at somebody and find 10 reasons to see that they do not like you.


  • 体育锻炼直接影响我们情绪无数研究证明,锻炼能释放内啡吠血清素(令身体感到愉快化学物质),能积极地影响你的心

    Physical exercise has a direct influence on our mood, and countless studies have shown that exercise releases endorphins and serotonin (the body’s pleasure chemicals) that positively affect your mood.


  • 起来有点一类网络骗术现在一些经验证明排便姿势确实影响身体

    That may sound like a bunch of Internet quackery, but there's now some empirical evidence for the claim that defecation posture affects your body.


  • 这种结合锻炼已经证明身体大有裨益因为喜欢的锻炼时,我身心结合、内心安逸

    This combination of activities has proved to be the most beneficial for my body because it connects mind and body and lets me find inner serenity while giving me the body that I love.


  • 越来越多的开始申请社会保障工作能力提供的救济。 只要提供证据证明自己身体疾病可能至少年内无法工作,就可以申请这项救济。

    Increasing numbers are filing for Social Security disability, available to people who can show they have a medical condition that is likely to keep them out of work for at least a year.


  • 90分钟采访里(采访分次,连续进行了两),我们证明身体已经恢复但是他不能静坐需要频繁地站起来走一走。

    During a 90-minute interview (we did two, on consecutive days), he demonstrates that his body is back — he can hardly sit still, pacing frequently.


  • 通过医学数据,可以证明奔跑紧张感下,身体状态确有变化

    We have looked at the medical aspects of runner's high which states that there is definitely a change in a person's physical state caused by the stress of running.


  • 事实证明,每个人里面就一个人自己身体不满意,我们好好考虑一下这些理想化图像已经扭曲我的审美多久了。

    "With one in four people feeling depressed about their body, it's time to consider how these idealised images are distorting our idea of beauty." excessive.


  • 作为多能证明研究人员鬼狒犀牛iPS细胞诱导去制造三种不同的简单组织这些简单组织可以生长身体上的所有其他组织。

    As proof of pluripotency, the researchers coaxed the drill and rhino iPS cells into making the three different kinds of simple tissues that produce all the other tissues in the body.


  • 听起来似乎矛盾,不过证明真实

    As contradictory as this sounds, I have firsthand experience of its truth.


  • 证明治疗师并不需要使用任何身体治疗方法

    That only proves that the healer does not need to use any healing methods with you physically present.


  • 他们显著不平等扭曲人们心理制造焦虑怀疑以及一系列精神身体疾病——他们引用了大量数据证明他们论证

    They argue that gross inequality tears at the human psyche, creating anxiety, distrust and an array of mental and physical ailments - and they cite mountains of data to support their argument.


  • 克莱默同事提供文件证明了一年来锻炼身体对于小组老年人大脑中海马体生长影响

    Kramer and his colleagues have documented the impact of exercise on the growth of the hippocampus in a small group of elderly people over the course of one year.


  • 往常一样他们身体靠的近,进一步证明了两人之间舒适而亲密的关系。

    As always, their bodies are close together, a further reminder of their physical comfort with one another.


  • 既然无法首先证明这种身体心理能量”的存在那么也没有办法证实一个通灵吸血鬼是否真的能吸走“能量”。

    Since there's no evidence that the bodily or psychic energy exists in the first place, there's no way to prove that a "psychic vampire" is in fact draining that energy.


  • 啮齿类动物的研究证明雌性身体细胞可以雄性进行更好自我修复,手术切除卵巢可消除这种差异

    There is evidence from studies in rodents that cells in a female body do repair damage better than in the body of a male and that surgical removal of the ovaries eliminates this difference.


  • 啮齿类动物的研究证明雌性身体细胞可以雄性进行更好自我修复,手术切除卵巢可消除这种差异

    There is evidence from studies in rodents that cells in a female body do repair damage better than in the body of a male and that surgical removal of the ovaries eliminates this difference.


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