• 可能感觉到胸部敲击声是共鸣,触觉颤抖明显降低

    Percussion of the chest may be perceived as hyper resonant, and tactile fremitus can be noticeably decreased.


  • 人类视觉中央星鼻鼹则有触觉中央窝。

    Humans have a fovea for sight and star-nosed moles have a fovea for touch.


  • 人类视觉中央,星鼹则触觉的中央窝。

    Humans have a fovea for sight, and star-nosed moles have a fovea for touch.


  • 表明这些自发放电活动不同程度上触觉上传信息有关。

    This fact shows that such spontaneous activity to a certain extent is related to the ascending tactile function.


  • 不能看见下边那儿正进行一切,我兴奋已不能分辨那触觉感受

    I couldn't see what was going on down there and I was too excited to sort out the tactile sensations.


  • 一类常见机器人感知触觉基于触摸的,碰撞触角来完成

    Another popular class of robotic sensing is tactile, or touch-based, done with a bump and feeler sensor.


  • RAS偏爱那些对于动物物种生存重要声音气味触觉感受输入。

    The RAS favors intake of sights, sounds, smells, and tactile sensations that are most critical to survival of the animal and species.


  • 如果感应器触觉物体一个障碍然后粒子将会避免一些碰撞

    If the sensor touch's an object, this will be an obstacle and then the particle will rotate a little to avoid collision.


  • 永远不会关上感官门。视觉、听觉触觉快乐承载你的喜悦

    No, I will never shut the doors of my senses. The delights of sight and hearing and touch will bear thy delight.


  • 专家指导建议孩子处于触觉敏感,请注意引导孩子的左右手同时锻炼

    Expert guidance: children at the hands of texture sensitive period, to lead the children of the right hand while training.


  • 感到抱歉见到太阳已经发现快乐之一皮肤触觉温暖

    I am sorry to see the sun go, for one of the pleasures I have discovered is the warmth of his touch on my skin.


  • RAS就像是一个虚拟编辑器,每时刻把注意力赋予所有可用视觉听觉触觉的一小部分。

    The RAS is a virtual editor that grants attention and admission to a small fraction of all the sights, sounds, and tactile sensations available at any moment.


  • 阿尔萨斯一种融合方言法国时尚触觉文化热爱肝和美酒、啤酒和(德国)泡菜。

    Alsace is a cultural hybrid with its Germanic dialect and French sense of fashion, its love of foie gras and fine wine, beer and sauerkraut.


  • 盲文生活用具系列通过加入盲文字母日常物品可触摸元素,使盲人朋友有一种动态触觉体验

    The Contact Series gives a dynamic and sensorial experience to the visually impaired user by adding a tactile element in the form of braille lettering to everyday objects.


  • 导致这些结果原因在于,手的触觉某些特性起到视听“粘合剂”的角色有利于感官之间联系。

    The explication lies in the specific properties of the haptic sense in the hands, which plays a cementing role between sight and hearing, favoring the connection between the senses.


  • 组作品我们能够体验到打开灯光不打开灯光截然不同的外在触觉内在心理触觉的复杂变化

    With these works, we can get a feel for the complex visual and psychological changes between when the light is on and when it is off.


  • 美国商场购物是有触觉购物体验在线购物没有而且我们这里也是社会交往体验时尚场所

    As America's Marketplace, we are the tactile shopping experience online shopping is not, and we are the place for social interaction and lifestyle experience.


  • 感官系统相关视觉听觉触觉形象设计图书馆各项工作息息相关,好的设计人们带来一种温馨、自然和舒适的感觉

    Image design of vision, sense of hearing and sense of feeling related to human sensory system are closely bound up with every work of library.


  • 当代国内书籍设计水平显著提高,书籍设计审美意识大为觉醒,掀起蓬勃高涨各种概念运动,书籍设计的关注点势将转向触觉结合之美上。

    There is no doubt that the focus in book designing will turn to the combining beauty of the visual and touch feelings a book can offer.


  • 父母一块儿的婴儿单独睡在婴儿床上的婴儿得到更多触觉刺激

    Babies who sleep with their parents receive much more tactile stimulation than babies who sleep in a crib.


  • 因为男孩一般敏锐视觉通过触觉学习效果最好而且身体活跃所以需要他们提供 "实践 "课程让他们四处走动。

    Because boys generally have more acute vision, learn best through touch, and are physically more active, they need to be given "hands-on" lessons where they are allowed to walk around.


  • 触觉低估,不太可能通过智能手机体现出来

    The human touch should not be undervalued and is unlikely to be there over the smartphone.


  • 视觉声音线索也有影响,比如嘎吱嘎吱的声音,还有触觉包括食物嘴唇上嘴里质地和口感。

    Visual and sound cues contribute, such as crunching, as does touch, including the texture and feel of food on our lips and in our mouths.


  • 非语言交流术语中身体接触触碰研究通常被称为触觉

    In nonverbal communication terminology, physical contact and the study of touching are generally referred to as haptics.


  • 这些因素肯定会影响人们触觉交流身体亲密舒适程度

    These factors could definitely affect the degree to which someone is comfortable with tactile communication and physical intimacy.


  • 这些因素肯定会影响人们触觉交流身体亲密舒适程度

    These factors could definitely affect the degree to which someone is comfortable with tactile communication and physical intimacy.


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