• 并不虽然出爱的样子。

    She didn't love him, though she pretended to.


  • 安妮喜欢蒂姆虽然经常使心烦

    Anne was fond of Tim, though he often annoyed her.


  • 虽然非常害怕,但表面依然很镇静。

    Though badly frightened, she remained outwardly composed.


  • 从没容,虽然人们一直以为我做过鼻子整形术。

    I've never had plastic surgery, though people always think I've had a nose job.


  • 问题虽然其他事情已经改变这些限制依旧存在。

    The trouble is that these restrictions have remained while other things have changed.


  • 蒙古虽然贫穷,却相当储量未利用石油矿物资源

    Mongolia, although poor, has considerable untapped resources of oil and minerals.


  • 爱上虽然一个男人很少这个形容他的感受

    He was in love with her, although a man seldom puts that name to what he feels.


  • 大教堂1490年终于完工虽然哥特式正面未建好

    The cathedral was eventually completed in 1490, though the Gothic facade remains unfinished.


  • 邪恶具有吸引力虽然人们憎恶还是被力量吸引

    Evil has charisma. Though people are repulsed by it, they also are drawn to its power.


  • 虽然到目前为止好消息但是可能几天消息了。

    While the news, so far, has been good, there may be days ahead when it is bad.


  • 虽然没有明显敌意,但黑人学生白人学生还是交往不多

    Although there is no overt hostility, black and white students do not mix much.


  • 全球气温上升后果虽然并非即时发生,但可能潜伏着大灾难。

    The effects of global warming, while not immediate, are potentially catastrophic.


  • 虽然承受压力一定相当大的,但保持冷面幽默

    Though the pressure Fulton is under must be considerable, he has retained his dry humour.


  • 虽然我们圣诞卡描绘引人怀旧雪景,但现在冬天温暖多了

    Although we still depict nostalgic snow scenes on Christmas cards, winters are now very much warmer.


  • 虽然有钱人可能为了方便使用信用卡他们从来不让利息费累积

    While they may use a credit card for convenience, affluent people never let interest charges accrue.


  • 虽然这些蔬菜能够适应我们这里的温和气候,但它们产量常常不高。

    Although these vegetables adapt well to our temperate climate, they tend to crop poorly.


  • 虽然大多博客别处报道新闻发表意见有些却做他们自己的报道

    While most bloggers comment on news reported elsewhere, some do their own reporting.


  • 虽然两位年龄只有几天之差,但他们好像属于完全不同年代的人。

    While the two are only days apart in age they seem to belong to wholly different generations.


  • 虽然他们召集这次选举,为此准备了一时间,他们还是出师不利。

    Even though they called the election and had been preparing for it for some time, they got off on the wrong foot.


  • 虽然烟草广告被禁止的,但各家公司通过赞助音乐演出以避开一禁令

    Although tobacco ads are prohibited, companies get around the ban by sponsoring music shows.


  • 虽然不是科班出身艺术史学家,但一时期知识普遍为人尊重

    Although not formally trained as an art historian, he is widely respected for his knowledge of the period.


  • 这些孩子虽然我们没有血缘上的亲属关系变得我们亲生的一样了。

    The children, although not related to us by blood, had become as dear to us as our own.


  • 虽然第一比赛击败了,但的表现无比激动,”驯马

    "Although he was beaten in his first race at seven furlongs, I was thrilled with his performance," the trainer said.


  • 虽然设法寻找一个和平解决办法,但他正面临着使用更大军事力量压力

    Although he has sought to find a peaceful solution, he is facing pressure to use greater military force.


  • 虽然许多买人寿险,但很少有人采取预防措施避免疾病而造成长期收入损失

    While many people insure against death, far fewer take precautions against long-term loss of income because of sickness.


  • 虽然科学家被认为是怪人体制局外人,而如今我们已经是权力集团的一部分

    While scientists were once considered cranks and outsiders to the system, we are now part of the establishment.


  • 虽然要等到2001年才能获释,却被允许离开看守宽松监狱妻子共度一个周末

    Although not due for release until 2001, he was let out of his low-security prison to spend a weekend with his wife.


  • 虽然退休年龄大权在握。

    He's reached retiring age, but he's still firmly in control.


  • 肺结核虽然一种严重的疾病治愈

    TB is a serious illness, but it can be cured.


  • 肺结核虽然一种严重的疾病治愈

    TB is a serious illness, but it can be cured.


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