• 虽然个头很小嗓门却很大

    Though she was tiny, she had a very loud voice.


  • 幅画相似虽然完全相同

    The two pictures are similar, although not identical.


  • 虽然淡季这家酒店客满了。

    Although it was off season, the hotel was fully occupied.


  • 虽然病情严重,但顽强活着

    Though seriously ill, he still clings tenaciously to life.


  • 螃蟹虽然好吃,但容易让人饱

    Although it is tasty, crab is very filling.


  • 虽然受过什么教育,但查理并不

    Though an uneducated man, Charlie was not a stupid one.


  • 虽然经验最少,却是出色的老师

    He's the best teacher, even though he has the least experience.


  • 虽然细节复杂地方税本质上简单的。

    Though complicated in detail, local taxes are in essence simple.


  • 虽然珊瑚看起来坚硬其实非常易碎

    Although the coral looks hard, it is very delicate.


  • 虽然乘飞机便宜些我们还是走了陆路

    We made the journey by land , though flying would have been cheaper.


  • 妈妈爱着爸爸虽然他们总是为琐事争吵

    Mother is devoted to Dad although they squabble all the time.


  • 认为懂得更多,虽然经验不如我。

    He thought he knew better than I did, though he was much less experienced.


  • 机器虽然看起来笨重其实使用起来很方便。

    Although the machine looks cumbersome, it is actually easy to use.


  • 虽然这辆汽车基本状况完好,但担心某几个部分

    Although the car is basically sound, I was worried about certain areas.


  • 衣服虽然,但看上去干干净净质地

    His clothes, though old and worn, looked clean and of good quality.


  • 虽然当时只有6岁,我还记得电视看见过

    Although I was only six, I can remember seeing it on TV.


  • 虽然他们住在附近地很快就他们失去了联系

    Though they all live nearby, I lost contact with them really quickly.


  • 虽然雅库特人少数但他们却牢牢地控制着这个地区。

    Although the Yakutians are a minority, they have firm control of the territory.


  • 虽然迟钝起码可靠

    She may be slow but at least she's reliable.


  • 这间厨房虽然空间小设备齐全

    The kitchen was compact but well equipped.


  • 虽然沉重不便携带

    It was small but heavy enough to make it awkward to carry.


  • 是个司机虽然有点过于自信。

    He's a good driver, if a little over-confident.


  • 虽然缓慢确实开始爱上了。

    Slowly but surely she started to fall in love with him.


  • 我们虽然缓慢但是在稳步前进

    We are making slow but steady progress.


  • 虽然是个明星,却非常平易近人

    Despite being a big star, she's very approachable.


  • 虽然从不抱怨显然已疲惫不堪

    She never complains, but she's obviously exhausted.


  • 虽然战争在即人们照常忙自己

    Despite the threat of war, people went about their business as usual.


  • 我们儿时生活虽然贫穷过得很愉快

    We led a poor but happy enough existence as children.


  • 虽然处处出于善意往往事与愿违。

    She's full of good intentions but they rarely work out.


  • 顶上路程很长虽然费力值得

    It's a long climb to the top, but well worth the effort.


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