• 请了英国美国出面调停。

    It has also asked Britain and the United States to intercede.


  • 英国货币1971年实行公制

    British currency went metric in 1971.


  • 似乎相信英国独有问题

    He seemed to believe that it was a peculiarly British problem.


  • 英国军队派遣协助维持和平

    British forces have been assigned to help with peacekeeping.


  • 英国似乎不会背弃欧盟其他成员国

    Britain appears unlikely to break ranks with other members of the European Union.


  • 博物馆试图再现战时英国情景。

    The museum attempts to recreate the sights and sounds of wartime Britain.


  • 承认英国大学有所偏爱

    I must admit to a prejudice in favour of British universities.


  • 英国不久就要变成一个胖子了。

    Britain is fast becoming a nation of fatties.


  • 英国囚犯终生流放澳大利亚

    British convicts were transported to Australia for life.


  • 许多难民安置英国加拿大

    Many of the refugees were resettled in Britain and Canada.


  • 英国拒绝承认这个新的政权

    The UK has refused to recognize the new regime.


  • 美国人大学比例大于英国

    A higher proportion of Americans go on to higher education than is the case in Britain.


  • 英国艺术委员会剧院提供资金

    In Britain, the Arts Council gives grants to theatres.


  • 这些英国品种之一。

    These cattle are one of the purest breeds in Britain.


  • 英国德国亲戚

    She is British but also has German connections.


  • 法国父母英国

    He was born in France but his parents are British.


  • 个性英国重视固有特征

    Individuality is a valued and inherent part of the British character.


  • 英镑坚挺影响英国出口

    British exports have been handicapped by the strong pound.


  • 一直有人呼吁英国退出欧盟

    There have been calls for Britain to withdraw from the EU.


  • 古罗马人是何时侵略英国的?

    When did the Romans invade Britain?


  • 赞助许多英国当代艺术家

    She patronizes many contemporary British artists.


  • 英国运动员昨天比赛中有赢。

    British athletes had mixed fortunes in yesterday's competition.


  • 英国是个君主立宪制国家。

    Britain is a constitutional monarchy.


  • 事迹已载入英国史册

    His deeds went down in the annals of British history.


  • 方面英国欧洲其他各国逊色

    In this respect, Britain compares unfavourably with other European countries.


  • 法院裁定这些标准英国法律有效

    The court ruled that these standards have force in British law.


  • 亨利穆尔认为现代英国雕塑之

    Henry Moore is considered to be the father of modern British sculpture.


  • 英国高价足以使买主把视线转向国外

    High prices in the UK make it worthwhile for buyers to look abroad.


  • 英国警察通常携带武器

    Police officers in the UK do not usually carry arms.


  • 英国经销我们产品

    Who distributes our products in the UK?


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