• 得到不如庭外和解得到的多。

    She got much less than she would have done if she had settled out of court.


  • 姑奶奶依我名字,必然长命百岁

    If you agree to this name, madam, she's sure to live to a ripe old age.


  • 不犯, 我犯人; 人犯我, 我犯人。

    We will not attack unless we are attacked; if we are attacked, we will certainly counterattack.


  • 衰老视为疾病吸引资金改变医疗保健方式

    If aging were recognized as a disease, it would attract funding and change the way we do health care.


  • 一些人不再上厕所,他们担心工作效率下降解雇。

    Some began to stop taking bathroom breaks, worried that if their productivity fell they would be fired.


  • 藏了仆人,就替来,免得你因后悔。

    If thou hast hid my servant, find him for me, or thou shalt sup sorrow for what thou hast done.


  • 这年秋天国内外仿制品通通计算在内呼拉圈销售量估计有几千万个。

    In the fall of this year, if all domestic and foreign imitations are counted, the total sales volume of the hula hoop is estimated to be tens of millions.


  • 青少年受到强烈的驱动,社交角度进行思考教育者利用这一事实的话,会发生什么

    What would happen if educators instead took advantage of the fact that teens are powerfully compelled to think in social terms?


  • 装满小型自卸式卡车铺开英亩的土地上,形成不足一角硬币厚度的土层。

    Five tons of soil would fill a small dump truck; if spread over an acre, it would make a layer slightly less than the thickness of a dime.


  • 他们看到法国乡村欣喜的。

    They will be in raptures over the French countryside.


  • 一想到再次见到他们便欣喜狂。

    He was thrilled at the prospect of seeing them again.


  • 孩子欣喜狂地看着

    The children gazed at her in rapture.


  • 看来茫然

    She looked perplexed.


  • 皮肤极为柔嫩,可沐浴涂上温和的护肤乳液。

    For super-soft skin, lather on a light body lotion before you bathe.


  • 国家忽视局势紧迫性,后果非常严重

    It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the situation.


  • 人群欣喜

    The crowds were delirious with joy.


  • 没有得到他想要就会孩子一般又是哼唧又是嘴。

    Like one of the kids, he whined and pouted when he did not get what he wanted.


  • 没有佣人揣摩想要什么而且递给,她连汤勺都举不起来

    She couldn't lift a spoon without a servant anticipating her wants and getting it for her.


  • 当时两个强大机构之间达成了交易就会带来一个银行业的巨无霸

    A deal between the two powerful institutions would have created a banking monolith.


  • 校学生求知渴,并且非常勤奋。

    The students in my school are thirsty for knowledge and are very hard-working.


  • 的爷爷习惯每天晚饭后在飞广场散步。

    His grandpa is used to taking a walk after dinner every day on Ruofei Square.


  • 翰开车经过一个乡村小镇,怅然失,饥肠辘辘。

    John was driving through a small country town, feeling quite lost and hungry.


  • 了足部运动,你尝试一些简单的步骤,便可以避免许多眼部问题。

    Besides foot exercises, many eye problems can be avoided if you try some simple steps.


  • 去年年底,那位求知渴的年轻教师已经出国深造两年了。

    By the end of last year, the young teacher who was thirsty for knowledge had been abroad for further study for two years.


  • 海蒂欣喜站在那里,呼吸芬芳的空气

    Heidi stood enraptured, drawing in the perfumed air.


  • 从前,我家总是门庭现在却是门可罗雀了。

    My house used to be crowded with visitors, but now visitors are few and far between.


  • 长期暴露当前环境气味中,个体气味强度感知大大减弱

    With continued exposure to chronically present ambient odors, individuals' perception of odor intensity is greatly reduced.


  • 癞蛤蟆托德欣喜喊着,在房间里了一圈圈,跳过一张张椅子

    The Toad cried in ecstasy, running round and round the room, and jumping over the chairs.


  • 头巾自己紧紧上面,希望隔天早上克鸟离开这个荒岛

    I tied myself strongly to it with my turban in hopes that the roc next morning would carry me with her out of this desert island.


  • 告诉富翁4200万美元时,他欣喜:“想要多少?”

    When she told the millionaire that he had forty two million dollars, he was wild with joy and asked, "How much money do you want?"


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