• 珊瑚幼虫藻类定居最终形成繁盛珊瑚群落

    Coral larvae settle among the algae and eventually establish flourishing coral colonies.


  • 丝绸之繁盛时期来自不同文化不同国家人们在这里相遇交融

    During its busiest period, the Silk Road allowed people from many different cultures and countries to meet each other and mix.


  • 忽必烈时代杂剧成熟繁盛时期

    The Times of Kublai Khan was the mature and flourishing period of Kublai Khan Yuan Zaju.


  • 农村贫困情况下城市停止成为繁盛孤岛

    The cities will cease to be islands of prosperity in the context of rural poverty.


  • 唐代妇女妆饰十分繁盛一个时期妆为最。

    The Tang Dynasty was a blooming period of women's toilette, especially in painting eyebrows.


  • 中国当代艺术图像因此呈现出了多元、共生繁盛面貌

    Therefore, Chinese contemporary art images show pluralism, commensal and prosperous features.


  • 夏、商与西周三代,中国古代文明兴起繁盛重要历史时期

    Xia-Shang-Zhou dynasties were an important historic period of Chinese civilization from rise to prosperous.


  • 菲律宾繁盛水稻多达数千种;现在还在种植仅有100种。

    In the Philippines thousands of varieties of rice once thrived; now only up to a hundred are grown there.


  • 房地产市场长期下滑让一度繁盛房地产专业大军纷纷寻找外快改行

    The housing market's long decline has left once-thriving real-estate professionals scrambling for supplemental income or changing professions.


  • 史诗解释并且映射巴比伦王国的兴起,它古代近东繁盛的城市之一

    The epic also explains and mirrors the rise of Babel as one of the great cities in the Ancient Near East.


  • 繁盛商业中心区名中年男子猝然高层大厦顶楼一跃而当场毙命

    Prosperous business center, a middle-aged man since jerking high-rise buildings attic leaping down and killed.


  • 明中以后清康熙以来,湖南地区涌现出大批工商业繁盛城镇

    After the middle of Ming and Qing Dynasty(1368-1911AD), many thriving and prosperous cities and towns sprang up in Hunan area.


  • 中东地区等繁盛国家房地产市场遭遇着已经到来的迫近危机

    Top countries, the U.S., UK and the Middle East have all been witnessing crises or near crises in their real estate assets market.


  • 事实上城里商业区最繁盛地方,我们开始密茂森林中开辟道路

    In fact, in the very thick of busses part of the town, we commenced cutting our way with billhooks through the dense forest.


  • 意味着东部南部非洲树丛繁盛栖息地同时半干旱的灌木丛搜寻食物

    This means that it spends its days searching for food in the semi-dry bush in scrubby habitats of eastern and southern Africa.


  • 此前,士麦文化人口多元化之乡。依照地区标准宽容繁盛灯塔

    Before that, the port had been home to a diverse and cosmopolitan population; by the standards of the region, it was a beacon of tolerance and prosperity.


  • 对冲基金大多纽约伦敦进行操作市场繁盛时候纽约和伦敦有大约500只对冲基金。

    Hedge funds mostly operate from New York and London which housed about 500 hedge funds at the peak of the market.


  • 这个四处扩张、外表繁盛王国内部却潜藏着巨大的隐患,这些问题无时不困扰着南诏王。

    Although he expanded the territory everywhere and made the kingdom thrive seemingly, the inner part hided enormous disaster. He was perplexed by this problem all the time.


  • 郁金香花季三月持续八月,期间全国各地都郁金香展,然而这个季节无疑最为繁盛的

    The tulip season begins in March and lasts until August with several shows held across the country, but the flowers are undoubtedly at their most spectacular at this time of year.


  • 河流上,桥梁连绵交织,驳船民船聚集著,这条晶莹江水上承担著农村市集的繁盛交通

    The river, crossed by frequent Bridges and crowded with barges and junks, bears on its clear stream the traffic of thriving village-markets.


  • 三层挑高的庭院有一枝叶繁盛的榕树,围绕着水景,沐浴在透过天窗照进来的温暖阳光中。

    In this triple volume courtyard grows a leafy ficus tree within a bubbling water feature, bathed in gentle sunlight from the skylight above.


  • 一生丰富创造力常人生活际遇,亦如其妻子卡洛一样传奇故事交织繁盛的生命力

    Life is different from a wealth of creativity and life chances of ordinary people, and as his wife, like Carroll, to the legendary interwoven with the story of a thriving vitality.


  • 公元618年,e唐朝建立中国进入文化空前繁盛时代青州佛像艺术风格又一次出现变化

    In 618 A. d., Tang dynasty was established. China entered an era of unprecedented cultural prosperity. The artistic style of the Buddha sculpture of Qingzhou changed again.


  • 尽管这种技巧需要长时间曝光复杂处理,但却国家地理杂志成为首批彩色摄影繁盛期刊之一

    Despite the long exposures and complex processing, this technique made National Geographic magazine one of the first periodicals to bloom with color photography.


  • 繁盛时代,就是公元十三世纪,那时是中国元朝有个商人名叫马可波罗曾到过中国,在扬州作过官。

    In its heyday, that is, during China’s Yuan dynasty in the 13th century AD, an Italian merchant named Marco Polo visited China and became an official in Yangzhou.


  • 知道榭家族史上还从未过子息繁盛的时候,于是数百年来家族姓氏连同家族的宅第均是由父及子子及孙一脉单传。

    I also knew that in the Usher family there had never been many children and so for hundreds of years the family name, together with the family home, had passed straight from father to son.


  • 明代女性散文编撰刊刻经历了零星出现、数量增多、繁盛的过程,明代主动女性散文加以阅读品评,说明女性散文作品已经进入当时人视野,展示了他们对女性散文的关注

    The compiling and inscribing of the female prose had experienced a period of growing. People of Ming Dynasty read, commented and criticized their works and it meant the attention to them.


  • 明代女性散文编撰刊刻经历了零星出现、数量增多、繁盛的过程,明代主动女性散文加以阅读品评,说明女性散文作品已经进入当时人视野,展示了他们对女性散文的关注

    The compiling and inscribing of the female prose had experienced a period of growing. People of Ming Dynasty read, commented and criticized their works and it meant the attention to them.


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