• 由于种种原因辞职了

    He resigned for a variety of reasons.


  • 保罗全体教职员面前解释种种不端行为。

    Paul appeared before the faculty to account for his various misdemeanours.


  • 金库里大约50万

    There are about half a million kinds of seeds inside the vault.


  • 仔细思考了有关种种困难

    He pondered over the difficulties involved.


  • 体制种种劣迹集中体现

    The iniquities of the regime are incarnated in one man.


  • 大声谴责电视种种坏处

    He thundered against the evils of television.


  • 谴责资本主义种种罪恶

    He rails against the iniquities of capitalism.


  • 表现出极大的克制没去理会种种侮辱。

    He exercised considerable restraint in ignoring the insults.


  • 现在专家们在颂扬粗陋马铃薯种种好处。

    Now experts are extolling the virtues of the humble potato.


  • 他假借日记粉饰政权犯下种种恐怖行径。

    He used his diary to put a fine gloss on the horrors the regime perpetrated.


  • 这部电影旨在揭穿有关肯尼迪生平的种种谎言

    The movie aims to strip away the lies surrounding Kennedy's life.


  • 很快便知道小镇流传种种阴谋丑闻

    I soon learnt about all the intrigues and scandals that went on in the little town.


  • 讲述了沦为阶下囚4个月中生存种种不易。

    He described the difficulties of surviving for four months as a captive.


  • 国会预算办公室联邦赤字显示出种种增加迹象。

    The Congressional Budget Office says the federal deficit shows every sign of getting larger.


  • 他们提供了种种优惠条件吸引外国公司他们投资

    They offer every inducement to foreign businesses to invest in their states.


  • 凯利一生遭遇种种艰巨任务挑战成功了。

    All her life, Kelly had stuck with difficult tasks and challenges, and triumphed.


  • 这次事故提醒人们注意登山种种危险,倒不无益处。

    The accident was a salutary reminder of the dangers of climbing.


  • 寻找平民志愿者种种尝试遭遇到了令人尴尬失败

    Attempts to find civilian volunteers have met with embarrassing failure.


  • 种种迹象表明被宠溺儿童青少年时期变得难以控制

    The signs are that indulged children tend to become unmanageable when they reach their teens.


  • 媒体上充斥着对星期一地震造成恐怖损失种种描述。

    The media have been filled with tales of horror and loss resulting from Monday's earthquake.


  • 学生可能表现出责任带来压力感种种迹象也许放弃

    The student may show signs of feeling the strain of responsibility and she may give up.


  • 今天声明使得几个月来关于公司未来种种猜测就此烟消云散。

    Today's announcement ends months of speculation about the company's future.


  • 权衡利弊,技术确有种种好处,但可能使一些人失去工作

    Set against the benefits of the new technology, there is also a strong possibility that jobs will be lost.


  • 种种原因,我们决定住在温哥华岛的一个小镇上,那里离我的一个儿子很近。

    For several reasons we decided to live on a small town on Vancouver Island, where was close to one of my sons.


  • 开始构想种种可以拯救生命方法

    I started thinking of ways to save a pig's life.


  • 愿意着碰到印第安·其他种种危险

    He felt willing to risk Injun Joe and all other terrors.


  • 我们可以想象种种细节,有些问题会变得难办

    We can imagine how some of those details might go, and then some of the questions get rather tricky.


  • 研究团队使用一个模型观察管理方式的行道树变化

    The research team used a model to watch changes among street trees for several planting and management methods.


  • 第二因素认为发生种种尤其是不好事情我们而起。

    The second element is the notion that we are the cause of what happens, especially the bad things that happen.


  • 这种蜂鸟杰作其他鸟类只能分享种种天赋全部给了

    Her masterpiece is this little humming-bird, and upon it she has heaped all the gifts which the other birds may only share.


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