• 一个希望老婆钻戒男人

    A man wants the money to buy his wife the diamond engagement ring he could never afford.


  • 不要时候信用卡——这会带来麻烦

    Only use it when you actually have the money in the bank, and then pay it off immediately. Don't use your credit card when you don't have the money - that will just lead to trouble.


  • 以前时候,他们自己贫困的生活条件感到忧虑。

    When they didn't have enough money, they were worried about their poor living conditions.


  • 坦白地女孩都不会男人结婚

    Frankly speaking, the girls I 've met would't marry a man who did't make enough money.


  • 发现世界重要东西,我不想钱的日子了。

    I found out that money is the most important thing in the world and I don't intend ever to be without it again.


  • 即使年轻人不想那些他们可能很快就不喜欢便宜家具

    Even young people with little money do not want to buy cheap furniture that they may soon dislike.


  • 应该想想痛苦,并且把下来然后再想想好处

    He said you should think about the pain not having money has caused you. Write it down. Then, write down the positive things money offers.


  • 最后最好办法提供一个任何人都买得起价格策略

    Finally, to sell to the broke, the smart solution is to offer a pricing strategy that doesn't squeeze anyone out.


  • 每次时候,我就那些时刻准备求助。”库什纳

    "Every time I'm running out of money, I'm running into someone who's ready to help me," Kushner said, chuckling.


  • 那些当中,很多人时候邀请他跳舞,在时候又抛弃了他。

    Most of those who had danced attendance on him when he was rich deserted him when he lost his money.


  • 如果是因为东西不假思索购物狂而发财的,那么就客户时候生存下去。

    If you get rich by selling goods to wastrels, do not expect to survive when your customers run out of money.


  • 父母他们孩子送到学校他们关心孩子将来取得证书报酬,而不是孩子学到什么

    Poor parents who want their children to go to school are less concerned about what they will learn than about the certificate and money they will earn.


  • 《藏餐茶坊》藏餐茶坊里正在播放录像钱的小孩门口围观。藏民喜欢经常接触的印度电影

    The teashop: the teashop often plays videos. The poor kids always stand at the gate and watch the videos. Indian movies are their favorite ones.


  • 父母孩子私立学校钱的父母知道不多,无从了解自己的孩子公立学校的教情况有多

    Rich parents used private schools; poor ones knew too little to understand how badly their children were being taught at the public ones.


  • 苍苍茫茫今年希望渺茫长长日子太漫长高高忙忙今夜能否结伴银行

    Whether hasn't the day gray wild boundless this year's hope too uncertain gulf bay road long money's day too long building high person hasty accompanied tonight with you snatches the bank?


  • 一个'工作',这就可能是感情代替思考害怕感觉便产生了找工作的念头

    When a person says, 'I need to find a job,' it's most likely an emotion doing the thinking. Fear of not having money generates that thought.


  • 另外丹麦设计中心每个星期三晚上免费平时都要收50克朗的门票费,兴趣的钱的可以星期三来哈!

    Besides, DDC is for free every Wednesday evening, it cost 50 kroner on the normal day. If you are interested and poor, Wednesday evening is the best choice!


  • 知道我们能在有很少甚至一点都状况之下,能有如此精力分享灵感纯粹时刻以及一起的美好时光。

    You know, there was so much energy and sharing and inspiration and pure moments and quality times together on very little or no money.


  • 他们觉得是个年轻人,还可能店里偷东西呢——至少,商店里转悠时候他们的表情上看来就是这样

    They think I'm young and have no money and may possibly want to steal something - at least, that's what I get from the looks they give me as I walk around the store.


  • 他们觉得是个年轻人,还可能店里偷东西呢——至少,商店里转悠时候他们的表情上看来就是这样

    They think I'm young and have no money and may possibly want to steal somethingat least, that's what I get from the looks they give me as I walk around the store.


  • 使感到愤怒凡事都应该人人平等这些看重只要都会招待得很好遇到钱的高傲无礼

    It makes me feel very angry, everything should be equal, and these people have only value money, as long as the rich man will treat him very well, but have no money will be arrogant rude.


  • 是个无业游民。 也从少的不能再少的零花里挤了点了, 打电话回家号召去捐结果人家捐的还早!

    I'm unemployed, but I have donated my pocket money. I was thinking to ask my mum to send some more, but found she had done so before me.


  • 一次他人相识意味着一段奇遇每个都是一堂人生之课:钱的有权有势的,孤独寂寞的,都和一样有着各种各样梦想疑虑。

    Each encounter became an adventure, each person a lesson in life. The wealthy, the poor, the powerful and the lonely, all were as full of dreams and doubts as I.


  • Spam(注册商标的名字)1937年美国经济大萧条后期进入市场的肉制品,这种可即食的好的香料火腿肉(Spam是各取“加了香料的”“火腿”两个英文单词的一部分合并而成)成很的肉然后罐装,其价格当时便宜,在人们钱的时代很受欢迎

    Ready-to-eat chopped SPiced hAM ('SPAM') was pressed into a firm loaf and canned. The product was cheap and, at a time when cash was tight, popular.


  • 掉到了警官脚下钞票包里了出来。“哈哈哈!”,大笑道。“还说?”

    I dropped my bag at the officer's feet. The bank notes fell out. "Ha ha ha!" he laughed. "Got no money, uh?"


  • 掉到了警官脚下钞票包里了出来。“哈哈哈!”,大笑道。“还说?”

    I dropped my bag at the officer's feet. The bank notes fell out. "Ha ha ha!" he laughed. "Got no money, uh?"


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