• 我们没有永久盟友,也没有永久敌人

    We have no perpetual Allies and we have no perpetual enemies.


  • 哈代说“世上没有永久地方容纳丑陋的数学是什么意思呢?

    So what does Hardy mean when he says there is no permanent place for ugly mathematics?


  • 那些没有永久住房人们临时聚集地美国很多城市中始终存在

    Makeshift encampments of people who don't have permanent homes have long existed on the margins of many U.S. cities.


  • 为了确保没有永久应变发生负载细胞可能会影响校正

    This is to ensure that no permanent strain occurs to the load cell which could affect its calibration.


  • 1.4对若干永久烷基没有永久偶极的烷烃沸点作了比较

    Table 1.4 compares the boiling points of several alkyl ether that have permanent dipoles with those of hydrocarbons, which have no permanent dipoles.


  • 咨询员因为没有永久地址没有固定住所,所以你加入的是一个无家可归项目

    He said, 'Well it's a homeless program you're in because you don't have a permanent address, you don't have a residency.


  • 由于动态特性界面没有永久保留门户数据库中,最长生存期用户门户会话期限

    Because of its dynamic nature, the interface is not persisted in the portal database and has a maximum lifetime of the user's session with the portal.


  • 适用于客户德国没有常住地管辖情况或者诉讼开始没有永久居住地没有常住地的情况。

    This also applies if the client has no general place of jurisdiction in Germany or if neither the permanent residence nor the ordinary residence at the time of commencement of an action is known.


  • 500,000没有永久居住场所,200,000人无法获得淡水350,000人正在接受联合国世界粮食计划署粮食援助

    Some 500,000 people still have no permanent home, 200,000 have no access to fresh water and 350,000 are receiving WFP food aid.


  • 500,000没有永久居住场所, 200,000人无法获得淡水350,000人正在接受联合国世界粮食计划署粮食援助

    Some 500, 000 people still have no permanent home, 200, 000 have no access to fresh water and 350, 000 are receiving WFP food aid.


  • 令国际奥委会感到尴尬是,它声称绿色意识没有体育文化一样,这奥林匹克宪章》中永久内容

    Embarrassed by environmental protests, the I.O.C. claims that green awareness is not entrenched—along with sport and cultureas a permanent dimension of the Olympic Charter.


  • 年轻一塞浦路斯人没有统一岛屿记忆,“绿线看起来更像是永久分割线

    Younger Cypriots have no memory of a united island and the "green line" is coming to look like permanent partition.


  • 她们生活无着不知能否获得永久留居权,实在没有活路。

    Living in limbo, not knowing if they can get permanent residency, is no way to live.


  • 这个按钮会不会永久移除暂时还没有得到官方证实

    There has been no official word yet confirming whether or not it will be permanently removed.


  • 摩尔定律使得软件基础日新月异——软件没有一个永久”的运行平台

    Moore's law makes the foundations of software ever changing -- there's no "permanent" platform to build on.


  • 因为这里永久冻土层,没有泉流水井当地人只得冰冻小河来获得饮用水

    Because of the permafrost there are no any springs and Wells here, so the locals have to saw the "drinking water" out of small rivers.


  • 尽管英国人英语文学足以当作永久闪亮文学标准,没有爱尔兰这些人才众多贡献,它因而大为逊色吧。

    Though English literature written by the British suffices as an eternal and shining Canon of literature, it would be nonetheless dimmer without the considerable talents of its Irish contributors.


  • 二迭纪末时期南极比现在位置往北偏一些今天热一些没有覆盖永久冰川

    At the time of the end-Permian extinction, Antarctica was some distance north of its present location, warmer than it is today, and not covered with permanent glaciers.


  • 这些永久存储分页没有经过修改,这意味着没有内存中对这些分页进行修改

    These permanent storage pages are unmodified, meaning that the pages have not been modified in memory.


  • 星球上没有沙漠草原所有陆地均被森林均匀覆盖直到永久极地寒冰

    Which is nearly right, since there are no deserts or veldts, and all the landmasses are uniformly covered with forest, right up to the permanent polar ice.


  • 1956年联合声明以来,双方立场没有变化日俄双方仍签署永久和平条约

    The positions of the two sides have not substantially changed since the 1956 Joint Declaration, and a permanent peace treaty between Japan and Russia still has not been concluded.


  • svmon命令没有显示永久存储分页数目这个数目可以svmon输出计算得到

    The svmon command does not display the number of permanent storage pages, but it can be calculated from the svmon output.


  • 某个文件出现进程(意味着进程引用了文件部分内容,而这部分内容当前没有存在永久存储分页内存)的时候,该进程将产生一个缺页。

    When a process page faults on a file (meaning the process references a part of the file that is not currently cached in memory in a permanent storage page), the process generates a page fault.


  • 同时强调说,目前没有任何决定关于永久终止设立这些学科

    And she emphasizes that no decisions have yet been made to close down these programs permanently.


  • 笑话说“没有什么这些临时工人永久了”,现在这已经不止是一个笑话了。

    The old joke that there is nothing so permanent as a temporary migrant has more than a grain of truth in it.


  • 前所述,可以直接释放没有经过修改永久存储分页,无需将其写入文件系统中,因为文件系统包含数据的原始副本。

    As mentioned earlier, an unmodified permanent storage page can just be released without being written to the file system, since the file system contains a pristine copy of the data.


  • 而最可能他们要不最终获得特赦因此获得国籍要不变成没有国籍永久居民拥有许多公民权利

    Most likely is that they will either eventually be given amnesty, and hence citizenship, or they will become permanent residents without citizenship, but with many of the rights of citizens.


  • 而最可能他们要不最终获得特赦因此获得国籍要不变成没有国籍永久居民拥有许多公民权利

    Most likely is that they will either eventually be given amnesty, and hence citizenship, or they will become permanent residents without citizenship, but with many of the rights of citizens.


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