• 他们引入每个季节最新气候预测数据莫纳什大学气候变化交流研究中心提供),重新构想了首有300历史乐曲

    They reimagined the 300-year-old score by injecting the latest climate prediction data for each seasonprovided by Monash University's Climate Change Communication Research Hub.


  • 气候预测精度也大大提高

    The skill of climate prediction would be improved substantively.


  • 数据支持天气预报气候预测自然灾害早期预警

    The data supports weather forecasting, climate predictions, and early warning systems ahead of natural disasters.


  • 以上因素考虑进去就做出准确气候预测不可能

    It's impossible to make good climate predictions without taking all of these factors into account.


  • 这些结果对于降水的年代气候预测短期气候预测具有重要意义。

    It is highly important for us to predict the decadal climate variation and short term climate variation of rainfall.


  • 目前气候模拟气候预测成为世界各国科学家研究焦点难点问题。

    At the present time, climate modeling and climate prediction are the focal points and difficulty with research of scientists all over the world.


  • 因此如果我们提高气候预测,我们就需要提高气候模型中的生植物代表性

    So if we want to improve climate predictions, we need to improve the representation of land plants in the climate models.


  • 国家海洋大气管理局气候预测中心这一走势应该开始减弱

    The Climate Prediction Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says the pattern should begin to weaken in a week or two.


  • 机制引起PDO决定是否熟练数十年之久的PDO气候预测可能的

    The mechanisms giving rise to PDO will determine whether skillful decades-long PDO climate predictions are possible.


  • 因此春季南半球环流异常可以作为长江中下游夏季旱涝主要短期气候预测因子。

    Therefore, the spring sh circulation anomaly is one of important short-term climate predictors for summer rainfall over the Yangtze River Valley.


  • 降水量预测短期气候预测业务之一提高预测质量对防灾抗灾具有重要意义

    Monthly rainfall forecast is one of the short-term climate prediction operations, it is important for disaster prevention to improve the quality of forecast.


  • 为此提出调整布局培育低温品种、适时提高气候预测预警能力防御措施

    Therefore, the protective measures including adjusting arrangement of cropping, breeding variety with higher resistance to low temperature and early sowing and early transplanting are put forward.


  • 卡尔德拉说:“这些结果真正表明植物二氧化碳作出何种反应对产生准确气候预测十分重要的。”

    "These results really show that how plants respond to carbon dioxide is very important for making good climate predictions," says Caldeira.


  • 当然气候预测将就如何适应地球气温升高提供指导甚至还有可能提供有关自然灾害早期预警

    Of course, climate predictions will also guide adaptation to a warmer globe, and even potentially provide early warnings for natural disasters.


  • 从而为进一步改进IAP跨季度数值气候预测系统提高短期气候预测能力提供了模式基础。

    These improved IAP AGCMs may lead to a better IAP extraseaonal climate prediction system with higher short-term climate prediction ability.


  • 介绍了我区一代短期气候预测综合业务系统设计思路、系统结构、系统功能研制情况。

    The thinking, structure, function and so on about the integrated operational system of new generation on short - term climate prediction are introduced.


  • 曾经也遇到过个在国内气候预测了,了一个好看曲线,给出来一个很惊悚结果

    I once met a countryman who raised the subject of climate forecasting and he gave me a very nice sounding line, but with a very cold and chilling result.


  • 美国气候预测中心上周四,“拉尼娜气候现象将持续至2009年春季期间其影响逐渐减弱

    The La Nina weather anomaly will persist into the spring of 2009 but should gradually weaken during that period, the U.S. Climate Prediction Center said on Thursday.


  • 这些预测-英国气候预测2009-已经成为英国今后50至100年制订适应性决策基石。

    These projections - the UK climate projections published in 2009 - are already forming the backbone of adaptation decisions being made in the UK for 50 to 100 years ahead.


  • 抱怨说,对于不确定性声明也是误导因为没有披露未来气候预测中的不确定性,看来那是巨大的。

    He complains that the statement on uncertainties is also misleading because it does not reveal that uncertainties about future climate projections are, in his view, immense.


  • 按照气候预测的推断,如果附近海水温度继续上升,阿森很可能变得更加潮湿,岛上的植被也更加茂盛

    If nearby ocean temperatures climb higher still, as climate projections would have them do, Ascension will probably become ever moister and greener.


  • 美国气候预测中心主任麦克克哈尔佩特拉尼娜可能使美国南部旱灾今年冬天延续扩大。”

    La Nina "is likely to contribute to persisting or developing drought across much of the southern US this winter, " said Mike Halpert, deputy director of the Climate Prediction Center.


  • 气候学家伊尼森紫外线水平无法预测每日天气状况,可以使我们未来数月甚至数年冬季气候预测更加准确。

    While UV levels won't tell us what the day-to-day weather will do, they provide the exciting prospect of improved forecasts for winter conditions for months and even years ahead.


  • 对2004年夏季季度气候预测存在的问题进行了初步讨论,以便改进和完善中国科学院大气物理研究所短期气候预测系统。

    The possible problems on the extra-seasonal climate prediction on the summer of 2004 are further discussed, which is to improve the seasonal prediction system by the institute.


  • SETI@home找寻异形;用climateprediction.net(气候预测网站)模拟气候;用星系星系分类

    Searching for aliens with SETI@home; modelling the climate with climateprediction.net; sorting galaxies with Galaxy Zoo


  • 气候模式研究设计一直当前气候研究中个非常关键的环节,而大气环流模式世界各国用来进行气候预测研究的主要模式之一。

    And atmospheric general circulation model is one of the major models, used by many groups around the world for both climate prediction and its researches.


  • 气候模式研究设计一直当前气候研究中个非常关键的环节,而大气环流模式世界各国用来进行气候预测研究的主要模式之一。

    And atmospheric general circulation model is one of the major models, used by many groups around the world for both climate prediction and its researches.


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