• 大地摇晃那些悬崖似乎颤动

    The ground shook and the cliffs seemed to vibrate.


  • 湖水陡峭悬崖景观吸引着游客

    The view of lake and plunging cliffs seduces visitors.


  • 成千上万的海鸟悬崖筑巢

    Thousands of seabirds are nesting on the cliffs.


  • 地震座整座城镇掀到悬崖之下。

    The earthquake plunged entire towns over the edge of the cliffs.


  • 这位国王现在正站政治悬崖边缘

    The king now stands on the brink of a political precipice.


  • 他们沿着环绕村庄陡峭悬崖向上爬

    They climbed upward along the steep cliffs surrounding the village.


  • 卡车正沿着赞比西山谷悬崖缓慢行驶。

    The truck was trundling along the escarpment of the Zambesi valley.


  • 悬崖峭壁高耸于他们上方

    The cliffs towered above them.


  • 人们认为列火车到了从悬崖铁轨大圆石。

    It is thought that the train hit a boulder that had fallen down a cliff on to the track.


  • 该市议会今年早些时候委托地质专家们这些悬崖进行勘测

    The city council commissioned geological experts earlier this year to survey the cliffs.


  • 亚历克西斯沿着海岸向前走然后块凸出悬崖阴凉处重新看起书来

    Alexis walked up the coast, and resumed his reading in the shade of an overhanging cliff.


  • 那些悬崖好像长着许许多多玫瑰

    It looks as if many, many roses were growing on those cliffs.


  • 海浪击打悬崖

    Waves dashed against the cliffs.


  • 由于暴风雨影响,悬崖坍塌雕像掉进海里

    The statue fell into the sea when the cliff collapsed as a result of the storm.


  • 拉响警报时一位利兹学生悬崖狗狗朱迪

    While he sounded the alarm, a student from Leeds climbed down the cliff to collect the dog Judy.


  • 这次坍塌摧毁了座澡堂悬崖存在了数百马赛克

    The collapse also ruined a bath house and mosaics that had been in the cliff for many hundreds of years.


  • 他们一起很多次山,爬到了离老鹰出没地方不远悬崖

    Many a climb, they had together that took them far up, to the bare cliffs near the eagle's haunt.


  • 需要说服,你已经准备承担意外悬崖风险

    You just have to convince him that you are prepared to take a higher risk than he is of accidentally falling off the cliff.


  • 金雕通常高高的悬崖筑巢使得金雕几乎不可能得到鸟蛋

    The fact that the golden eagle usually builds its nest on some high cliffs renders it almost impossible to obtain the eggs or the young birds.


  • 对于悬崖边的来说,往家里运木头食物一项主要家务

    For people in cliff dwellings, hauling water, wood, and food to their homes was a major chore.


  • 英格兰南部沿海白色悬崖侵蚀问题一直存在近年变得严重了。

    Erosion of the white cliffs along the south coast of England has always been a problem but it has become more serious in recent years.


  • 然后沿着悬崖,从100英尺地方了下来,岩石上,弹回海里

    Then she ran along the edge of cliff and fell 100 feet, bouncing off a rock into the sea.


  • 起初只狗到失去了知觉后来饮用悬崖底部溪流中的活了下来。

    The dog had initially been knocked unconscious but had survived by drinking water from a fresh stream at the base of the cliff.


  • 庆祝情人节的“飞行婚礼”上,泰国夫妇吊索悬崖上,说着愿意”。

    Suspended from a cliff by sling wires, 4 Thai couples are saying, "I do" in a "flying wedding" ceremony to celebrate Valentine's Day.


  • 专家们正在研究这个问题时旅馆所房子悬崖掉进海里完全消失了

    While experts were studying the problem, the hotel and several houses disappeared altogether, sliding down the cliff and into the sea.


  • 名志愿者靠着绳子下了悬崖经过90分钟搜寻后,他们放弃还活着希望

    Six volunteers slid down the cliff with the help of a rope but gave up all hope of finding her alive after a 90-minute search.


  • 早期澳大利亚人可能至少3万年前,也可能在长达6万以前,就在岩洞悬崖壁上作画

    The early Australians may have painted on the walls of rock shelters and cliff faces at least 30,000 years ago, and maybe as much as 60,000 years ago.


  • 所有滑雪都有清楚地标示出来而且如果什么危险的像是悬崖什么的他们通常附近围上栅栏的。

    All the ski runs are carefully marked. And if there is something that might be dangerous, like a cliff or something, then they often put a fence around it.


  • 以色列古物管理局周二表示巨大风暴摧毁了以色列中部海岸的一处悬崖使得一尊罗马时期雕像发现

    A huge storm that collapsed part of a cliff on Israel's central coast led to the discovery of a statue dating back to the Roman period, the Israel Antiquities Authority said Tuesday.


  • 朋友莱姆·里吉斯所以搬到那里——一个棚屋然后到朋友家花园的帐篷里,接着到他现在地方悬崖上的

    He had friends in Lyme Regis, so he moved there-- first to a shack, then a yurt in a friend's garden, and then the clifftop home where he lives today.


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