• 看看能否修改时间表想出切实可行方法减少待命时间

    See if you can rework your schedule and come up with practical ways to reduce the number of hours you're on call.


  • 阿莱格里27球员调配加上一些待命预备队队员

    Allegri has 27 players at his disposal, plus some Primavera players that will be in standby.


  • 黎明架飞机另一只守候待命车队将载着它们前往目的地,结束此次航程。

    And before dawn they are off again to complete their journey in another aircraft or in one of a fleet of waiting trucks.


  • 他们的头发了起来露出苍白颈部,看上去他们已经作好准备,进入随时待命的状态。

    Their hair has been bound up as well, leaving their pale necks bare - as if in readiness.


  • 最新研究表明手机呼机的使用处于二十四小时待命的状态,这严重影响了人们的家庭生活

    The round-the-clock availability that cell phones and pagers have brought to people's lives may be taking a toll on family life, a new study suggests.


  • 要在工作日期间寻找一个所有人可以待命的时间可能相当棘手,因此下班后也许是不错时间选择。

    Finding a time when everyone is available during the day can be tricky, so after hours may be a good time.


  • 帕尔帕廷利用斯帕蒂克隆建立年轻躯体仓库运用古老西斯技能自己意识传入待命克隆人躯体

    Palpatine used Spaarti cloning cylinders to create a store of younger bodies, and employed an ancient Sith technique to transfer his consciousness into a waiting clone.


  • 美国海军艘战舰,“凯特”号罗素”号也在附近待命。同时待命的还有位于科罗拉多州斯普林陆军空间导弹防御指挥部”的特遣队。

    Two other ships, the uss Decatur and the uss Russell, were close by, and part of the task force, run by the Army Space and Missile Defence Command in Colorado Springs.


  • 英国大学(University of Surrey)心理学家们进行了一项研究,他们通过之前有5万员工参与的65份调查,分析了长期需要工作待命后果

    British study, carried out by psychologists from the University of Surrey, analysed 65 previous surveys involving 50,000 employees to determine the consequences of having constant access to work.


  • FBI特工每天24小时待命围绕着自己房子执行一些随机任务——比如说修理的剪草机。

    He kept FBI agents on call 24 hours a day to do random tasks around his houselike repairing his lawnmower.


  • 如果工作需要随时待命戴上噪音耳机,压过办公室中其他人的唠叨

    If you have the kind of job that requires you to be instantly available, wear a pair of noise-canceling headphones to drown out office chatter.


  • 辆卡车被租用了,其中有四辆卡车分别载着两只大熊猫,一辆卡车载着足够五天食用的竹子和竹笋,而另一辆空卡车则一直在待命

    Several trucks were rented (租用), with four trucks carrying two giant pandas each, while one truck carried enough bamboo and bamboo shoots for five days, and another empty truck was kept on standby.


  • 团队从9·11时间之后一直待命主角机器人第一次任务世贸中心彻底对瓦砾进行彻底搜索。

    Her team has been on call since 9/11; the hero bots' first mission was to comb through the rubble at the World Trade Center.


  • FBI特工每天24小时待命围绕着自己的办公室执行一些随机任务比如说修理的剪草机。

    He kept FBI agents on call 24 hours a day to do random tasks around his house — like repairing his lawnmower.


  • 尽管这个夏天忙,威廉王子还是努力完成了他英国皇家空军职责——在24小时换班8小时,待命时长也达到8小时——要求时长的最低限度。

    Despite a busy summer, the duke has managed to complete his RAF duties, flying at least the minimum number of required hours - eight 24-hour shifts in the air and eight 24-hour shifts on call.


  • 作为总部设在阿姆斯特丹的物流业巨头,天地物流公司中的50名员工48小时内待命,时刻准备参与世界各地的救灾抢险任务。

    The logistics giant, with headquarters in Amsterdam, has 50 people on standby to intervene anywhere in the world at 48 hours' notice.


  • 世卫组织13个工作人员灾区国家卫生当局密切协调提供服务还有更多的国内和国际工作人员正在待命准备一旦需要时奔赴灾区。

    WHO has 13 staff serving in the area in close coordination with national health authorities and more national and international staff are on stand-by, ready to move upon as soon as they are needed.


  • 印尼全国安全措施加强500多名军人进入待命状态,随时支援首都雅加达警方

    Security has been tightened across Indonesia, with 500 troops put on standby to support police in the capital, Jakarta.


  • 待命状态下的程序可以用户交流或者运行一条特定命令恢复操作

    The application on hold can resume operation either by user interaction or by running a specific command.


  • 公司翻云覆雨手随意一挥,数十亿美元就随时待命。另外,他们收购看做大举进攻云计算市场的捷径。

    Both have billions of dollars in their coffers waiting to be deployed and both see acquisitions as a quick way of boosting their presence in the cloud.


  • 霍尔特机构麦克·诺亚以及两个同事已经海地待命了。

    Mike Noah and two of his colleagues from Holt were already in Haiti.


  • 瑞士救援队至少700随时待命共同组成的民兵他们技能丰富建造工程地震学电信学到战地外科手术无所不通。

    The Swiss unit is a militia corps with a pool of at least 700 people ready for duty whose skills range from engineering, seismology, telecommunications and war surgery.


  • 看到很多可怕事情让我非常感动医疗应急反应小组(MERT),他们24小时随时待命准备救治伤员我认为他们真正的传奇

    I saw a lot of terrible things, but I was hugely impressed by the MERT teams on 24-hour call to go out and pick up casualties, and felt they were the real story.


  • 看到很多可怕事情让我非常感动医疗应急反应小组(MERT),他们24小时随时待命准备救治伤员我认为他们真正的传奇

    I saw a lot of terrible things, but I was hugely impressed by the MERT teams on 24-hour call to go out and pick up casualties, and felt they were the real story.


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