• 她们每个人都演讲举办会议,所谓的性别针对性学习”做大量专业开发

    Each gives lectures, runs conferences, and does a lot of professional development on so-called "gender-specific learning".


  • 我们老师我们讲了其他地球日项目我们的项目征求了我们的建议

    Our teacher told us about projects other classes had done for Earth Day, and she asked for suggestions for our class projects.


  • 米斯是俄亥俄州阿克伦大学名教授,他监督休利特基金会关于论文自动评分比赛这个实验写了一篇论文

    Shermis, a professor at the University of Akron in Ohio, supervised the Hewlett Foundation's contest on automated essay scoring and wrote a paper about the experiment.


  • 双方航空教育能源领域合作交换看法

    The two sides also exchanged views on the cooperation between the two countries in the area of civil aviation, education and energy.


  • 阅读大量关于手足之情书籍该问题采访心理学家

    She reads books about sibling relationships and interviews psychiatrists about brothers and sisters.


  • 本文的目的介绍BEEP协议框架适合在哪里使用提出建议

    The purpose of this article is to introduce the BEEP protocol framework and to suggest where it may be appropriately used.


  • 众议院金融服务委员会旁听会议并就美国金融行业薪酬进行讨论

    The House financial Services Committee is set to hold hearings to discuss the highest paid in America's financial industry.


  • 双方合作现状前景交换意见并就未来合作目标达成了一致。

    He said that the two sides had exchanged views on the current situation and future of the cooperation and had reached agreement on the target of future cooperation.


  • 双方介绍了各自国内形势总体国际形势有关问题交换了意见和看法。

    Iv. Both sides briefed on their respective domestic circumstances and exchanged views on the overall international situation and relevant issues.


  • 亚欧会议成员国对此普遍感到关切加强合作,克服金融危机达成不少共识

    It has aroused universal concern among ASEM members, which have reached quite a few common grounds on how to strengthen cooperation and head off the financial crisis.


  • Facebook一样,Buzz允许人们公开私下里发布内容贴子发表评论

    Like Facebook, Buzz allows people to post content publicly or privately and comment on posts.


  • 已经完成了700多种不同的设计一主题好几本书,还建立飞机博物馆

    He has developed 700 designs, written a dozen books on the subject, and created a museum of paper gliders.


  • 双方两国经贸合作有关问题进行了讨论并就双方关心一些重要问题深入交换意见

    The two sides also had a discussion on issues related to the bilateral economic cooperation and trade. They also had an in-depth exchange of views on some major issues of common concern.


  • 通过定义映射文件可以覆盖默认绑定策略XML中的表示方式编排器提出建议

    By defining mapping files for your classes, you can override the default binding strategy and advise the marshaler how you'd like your classes to be represented in XML.


  • 核能文件开发商提出11个新建核电厂地址进行详细分析这些地址的适合给予初步核定

    The nuclear document will give detailed analysis of the 11 sites put forward by developers for new plants and give initial verdicts on their suitability.


  • 谈判秘密进行的,使谈判人员得以坦率地对待敏感问题双方接受原则达成共识。

    The talks were kept confidential, which enabled the negotiators to deal candidly with the most sensitive issues and agree on a set of principles that both sides could accept.


  • 此后一年里,刘先生每天下班网吧几个小时上网寻找自己儿子这个案子发帖求助。

    In the year and a half since then, Liu has had to return to work, but he visits an Internet cafe every night to spend several hours online looking for his son and making posts about the case.


  • 接下来几天,会议还对外展示新的药物治疗方法基因研究结果,研究和防治工作资助进行探讨

    The next few days will include announcements about new drug therapies and genetic research, as well as discussions about funding for research and prevention.


  • 本文简要讨论标准电子专利WIPOxml格式并就XML有关的专利编档一位专家进行探讨。

    In this article, I briefly discuss the WIPO XML format developed for standard electronic patent filings and interview an expert on XML-related patent filings.


  • 依据《投诉诉愿》,公民有权侵犯自己权利利益的行为进行投诉并就遭受侵犯的权利和利益要求赔偿

    Under the Law on Complaint and Petition, citizens are entitled to submit complaints to stop encroachment upon their rights and interests or seek compensation for the encroached rights and interests.


  • 现效力于美国洛杉矶银河队的贝克汉姆表示自己萌生了这一想法纹身如何传达出情感作出解释

    LA Galaxy star Becks said he came up with the idea himself- and explained how tattoos let him show his feelings.


  • 团队成员可以直接注释代码代码开发者聊天每一问题进行协作,追踪错误(bug)修复缺陷。

    Team members can comment directly on the code, chat with the author and each other to work through issues, and track bugs and verify fixes.


  • 专家委员会确定知识方面差距今后可能需要解决重点卫生问题治疗药物开展研究工作提出建议。

    The Expert Committee also identifies knowledge gaps and makes recommendations for future research that may be needed about medicines for the treatment of priority health problems.


  • 据萨科奇夫妇律师介绍,萨科奇与塞西莉亚法官见证下办理完离婚手续,财产分割问题达成了协议。

    The couple's lawyer said they had already seen a judge to formalize the split and agreed financial terms.


  • 最近带领一些外交官抗议而出名村庄——比邻村巴勒斯坦人民抵抗活动召开了一次会议

    With foreign diplomats in tow, he recently went to Bilin, a village famous for its protests, and opened a conference forPalestinian popular resistance”.


  • 测试越多相应测试进行改进,你可以更加确信你的网站没有偏轨,确信符合目标用户需要的。

    The more you test and change based on what you learn, the more confident you can be that the site will meet your objectives and your users' needs when it is launched.


  • 尽管最后承认其讲话是“轻率的” ,并就所造成的“痛苦”教皇表示道歉,但是,他没有撤回他的主张没有向犹太人道歉。

    He did not however withdraw his claim, nor did he apologise to the Jews.


  • 尽管最后承认其讲话是“轻率的” ,并就所造成的“痛苦”教皇表示道歉,但是,他没有撤回他的主张没有向犹太人道歉。

    He did not however withdraw his claim, nor did he apologise to the Jews.


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