• 观众注视剧情逐渐地展开

    The audience watched as the story unfolded before their eyes.


  • 故事情节逐渐展开小女孩入迷地听着

    The girls listened in fascination as the story unfolded.


  • 这本开始时情节展开得很慢渐渐地就把给完全吸引住了。

    The book starts slowly, but it gradually draws you in.


  • 孔雀展开那灿烂夺目的尾巴

    The peacock spreads his splendid tail.


  • 孔雀展开那灿烂夺目的尾巴

    The peacock spreads its splendid tail.


  • 扫盲运动轰轰烈烈地展开了。

    The campaign to wipe out illiteracy launched out with great vigour.


  • 知更鸟展开翅膀——玛丽简直不敢相信自己的眼睛

    The robin spread his wingsMary could scarcely believe her eyes.


  • 惊讶的是,劳伦斯作品中的意象展开学术讨论

    To my astonishment, she launched into an academic discussion of the imagery in Lawrence's works.


  • 阿拉比》比较简单因为线性的,故事按时间顺序展开

    Araby is easier because it's linear, the story unfold chronologically.


  • 袖子肘部收紧接着逐渐展开

    The sleeves are tight to the elbow, then flare out.


  • 使双腿挺直,直到他们完全展开

    Straighten both legs until they are fully extended.


  • 学生这些美感展开辩论

    The students debated the aesthetic of the poems.


  • 只是顺便提到的评论没有展开

    It was just a passing comment, he didn't expand.


  • 领事馆印度尼西亚展开政治对话

    The consulate will carry on a political dialogue with Indonesia.


  • 警方根据谋杀的假定展开调查。

    The police are working on the supposition that he was murdered.


  • 该报社论一位匿名议员展开

    The paper starts its editorial comment with a quote from an unnamed member of the House.


  • 文章成了我们展开讨论的良好起点

    The article served as a useful starting point for our discussion.


  • 荒凉旷野四面去,一望无际。

    The bleak moorland stretched on all sides as far as the eye could see.


  • 展开双臂以示欢迎

    She opened her arms wide in an expansive gesture of welcome.


  • 防波堤我们开始展开所有风帆

    Once outside the inner breakwater, we began to unfurl all the sails.


  • 昨天小石城展开他们死因的调查讯问。

    The inquest into their deaths opened yesterday in Little Rock.


  • 海滩弧形展开来。

    The beach swept around in an arc.


  • 叶子慢慢地展开

    The leaves slowly unfurled.


  • 四肢完全展开

    She stretched herself out full-length.


  • 宗教领袖们教义上区别展开激烈的辩论。

    Doctrinal differences were vigorously debated among religious leaders.


  • 宽阔山谷展开通向片平坦高原耕地

    A broad valley opened up leading to a high, flat plateau of cultivated land.


  • 展开调查目的主要是为了安抚那些压力集团

    The investigation was undertaken primarily to mollify pressure groups.


  • 发情期野猪们会为求偶展开激烈的争斗

    During the rutting season the big boars have the most terrible mating battles.


  • 场对这位已故妇女全面人身攻击小报媒体上展开

    A full-scale character assassination of the dead woman got underway in the tabloid press.


  • 是否应该修改政治避难展开了一场全国性的大辩论。

    There was a nationwide debate on whether the asylum laws should be changed.


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