• 我们知道我们不是认识而是要去认识那个

    Now we all know that we don't just want to meet men, we want to meet the RIGHT men.


  • 事实幸福婚姻更多建立在成为那个不是找到那个对的人

    The truth is, successful marriages depend more upon being the right person than they do on finding the right person.


  • 如果没有,那么交了一个朋友,他或她找到那个对的

    If not, you've made a wonderful new friend whom can help you find that someone.


  • 但是一旦()找到那个进行交流还要很多次呢。

    But once he or she found it, it took about ten sessions of chat before planning an in-person encounter.


  • 我们大多数认为我们遇到那个感觉和一种围绕着我们的情感

    Most of us think of love as a feeling; an emotion that washes over us when we meet that right person.


  • 约会不是消极的,带着终究遇到想法尽量很多有趣的约会。

    Dating isn't about negative thoughts; its about meeting as many interesting people as you can while having faith that you'll meet someone special.


  • 告诉开始做事的时候缺乏召集能力找不到轻松共事

    She told me about her lack of being able to find her right people back when she first started her business. She couldn't find people that were easy to work with.


  • 就连汽车司机都几百女朋友抽签抽到了在一块儿的合适工作

    Even my chauffeur has hundreds of girlfriends. Just the luck of the draw getting the right job with the right guy.


  • 开始就要进行参与,包括市场营销运营物流客户服务会计财务

    Get the right people involved from the start-from marketing and sales, operations, logistics, customer service, accounting, and finance.


  • 假如职业生涯中没有自己”接触,那你就问问自己了,“有不可呢?”

    If you aren't hanging out with your "right people" in your career you must ask yourself, "Why not?"


  • 在那之前,我要一直找下去直到找到对的,直到找到我死去——现实快把折腾死了

    The year before, I had said that I was going to keep trying to find someone until I got it right, even if it killed me - and it almost did.


  • 那个一起能够唤起幸福感——你成为谁的愉悦就是那个值得之付出努力去找寻

    The presence of someone that can awaken that feeling of being happy with who you are, and happy with whom you are becoming, is worth the all the effort of searching for the right person.


  • 已经有了点儿土地发言权

    The people who already own a bit of money or land ought to have a voice in saying where it goes.


  • 任何批评生气

    He takes umbrage against anyone who criticizes him.


  • 赴海外工作特别安排

    There are special arrangements for people working overseas.


  • 许多有共同遭遇的给她来信她表示支持

    She received many letters of support from fellow sufferers.


  • 父母应该成为什么样定见

    My parents had fixed ideas about what I should become.


  • 患有失忆症不会忘记他们物品常识

    People suffering from amnesia don't forget their general knowledge of objects.


  • 批评外交政策怀有特别怨恨

    He reserved particular venom for critics of his foreign policy.


  • 一些以前反驳官方这些事件说法。

    Some former hostages contradicted the official version of events.


  • 认为目前患有严重精神病护理安排不足以满足他们需要

    He suggested that the current arrangements for the care of severely mentally ill people are inadequate to meet their needs.


  • 目标一个扬克尔被谋杀负有责任的都受到惩处。

    My goal was that each and every person responsible for Yankel's murder be brought to justice.


  • 文科学习帮助成为一个受过良好教育完满世界兴趣来说很有趣

    Liberal arts learning helps you become a well-educated, well-rounded person – someone who's interested in the world and interesting to others.


  • 批评并不心怀怨恨。

    He felt no animosity towards his critics.


  • 利用这次采访批评予以回击

    He used the interview to take a swipe at his critics.


  • 腰果过敏吃了这些坚果可能会疹子

    A person who is allergic to cashews may break out in a rash when he consumes these nuts.


  • 阿蒂周围满脸热切们报以冷笑

    Arty sneered at the crowd of eager faces around him.


  • 这样侮辱我决不会善罢甘休。

    Nobody gets away with insulting me like that.


  • 那种地位来说行为特别

    He behaves extraordinarily for someone in his position.


  • 那个戳了一下旁边的,急切地耳语起来。

    The woman prodded her neighbour and whispered urgently in his ear.


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