• 苹果树里,光合作用几乎完全发生叶子上。

    In apple trees photosynthesis occurs almost exclusively in the leaves.


  • 如果这种情节完全发生西方错误俄罗斯等量齐观了

    Were this scenario to play out, it would be as much the West's fault as Russia's.


  • 由于这种成分化学分离完全发生固态中,产生组织结构一种细致铁素体渗碳体机械混合物

    Since this chemical separation of the carbon component occurs entirely in the solid state, the resulting structure is a fine mechanical mixture of ferrite and cementite.


  • 游戏的故事完全发生美国,玩家将继续扮演·哈尔中士去参加在旧金山芝加哥抵御怪物入侵的战斗。

    Nathan Hale (who plays a role in the story) has to deal with the Chimeran invasion of the US in such places as San Francisco and Chicago.


  • 如果谈论事情完全发生过去过去时态(有时也叫做未完成时态),例如:I used to live in Seattle /我过去住在西雅图。

    If you are talking about something that is completely in the past, you use the Past Tense (sometimes called the Imperfect), e.g.


  • 萨姆完全出于主动,开始把那天夜里发生一一向我们了出来。

    Quite unprompted, Sam started telling us exactly what had happened that night.


  • 可能发生完全不相关的、争夺相同资源组织中,比如以种子为食的啮齿动物蚂蚁

    It may also occur among totally unrelated forms that compete for the same resource, such as seed-eating rodents and ants.


  • 它们可能不会所希望的那样迅速发生而且可能与你最初想象特殊事物完全不同它们终究发生

    They may not happen as quickly as you'd like them too, and they may turn out to be completely different from the special things you imagined at the beginning, but they will happen.


  • 它们可能不会希望那样迅速发生而且可能最初想象特定事物完全不同它们终究发生

    They may not happen as quickly as you'd like them to, and they may turn out to be completely different from the special things you imagined at the beginning, but they will happen.


  • 匹兹堡大学艾瑞克·诺夫辛格博士大脑快速动睡眠期完全清醒一样活跃大多数最生动发生这个时候。

    The brain is as active during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep when most vivid dreams occur as it is when fully awake, says Dr. Eric Nofzinger at the University of Pittsburgh.


  • 这种情况发生许多核桃树橡树松树完全依靠所谓的分散贮藏者”,鸟类它们种子转移新的地方

    When that happens, many trees like walnuts, oaks and pines, rely exclusively on so-called "scatter hoarders", such as birds, to move their seeds to new localities.


  • 没有想到,没有人她,完全知道所有发生的奇怪事件

    Nobody thought of her, nobody wanted her, and strange things happened of which she knew nothing.


  • 一切都很快,周围发生许多事情,枞树完全忘记一下自己

    All passed so quickly, there was so much going on around him, the Tree quite forgot to look to himself.


  • 像头痛背痛其他疼痛头晕、肌肉抽搐、痉挛性震颤等,完全健康也可能发生的。

    Headaches, backache and other pains, light-headedness, jerks and tremors all occur in totally healthy persons.


  • 但是部署团队以外其他每个人完全不清楚即将发生更改

    But everyone else beyond the deployment team is completely unaware of the changes that are about to occur.


  • 如果发生这些情况,可以减缓完全停止输液速度进程

    If that happens, the rate of infusion can be reduced or the process can be discontinued entirely.


  • 阿里巴巴第二起来并且,带着努力,澡堂完全忽略发生家里的这么重要事件

    Ali Baba rose before day, and, followed by his slave, went to the baths, entirely ignorant of the important event which had happened at home.


  • 并不一定反击能力我们知道正如入侵者可以破坏一个公司网络一样反过来完全有可能发生

    It doesn't have to be an offensive capability, but it's perfectly possible, as we know, just as an intruder can screw up a company's network, the reverse can happen.


  • 就算日志结尾构建已成功仍然需要查看完全理解发生什么

    Even if the log says BUILD SUCCESSFUL at the end, it's still worth taking a look at it to fully understand what has happened.


  • 这种内存溢出完全的,只要发生跳转,溢出的内存收回

    This script leak is entirely within a page and when you navigate away then you get your memory back.


  • 还有一点鲜有提及:“投机性货币流通常发生货币完全部分挂钩国家之间

    Also rarely explained is that "speculative money flows" usually occur between countries that have pegged or partially pegged currencies.


  • 我们可曾有过关注件事完全忽略正在我们眼前发生事?

    Do we pay so much attention to one thing that we completely miss something else going on right in front of us?


  • 可喜美国完全能力避免类似事情发生

    The good news is that it is entirely within the capacity of the United States to avoid this.


  • 显然地球深处发生许多科学完全未知事儿。

    Clearly there is a lot going on deep in the Earth that is completely unknown to science.


  • 图像仍然不稳定,发出还是沙沙声,一会儿雷利就完全明白发生什么为什么德尔害怕告诉

    The video remained erratic and the audio was scratchy, but within moments he had a clear understanding of what had happened and why Delno had dreaded telling him.


  • 冬天”,所谓里根之后,核弹灰尘会遮天蔽日我们被冻死的情况,完全没有发生相反苏联帝国告别了那个(GC)幽灵。

    "Nuclear winter," where we were all going to freeze to death after the soot from Reagan's nuclear war blotted out the sun, didn't quite happen. Rather, the Soviet Empire gave up the ghost.


  • 我们关心的就是我们梦境发生什么即便梦境完全没有道理

    We care about what happens in our dreams, even when what happens makes no sense.


  • 这些反应发生频率完全预期范围之内

    The frequency of these reactions is well within the expected range.


  • 不敢相信这个故事因为发生身上的事完全吻合

    I could hardly believe this story, as it seems to have fit what happened to me perfectly.


  • 不敢相信这个故事因为发生身上的事完全吻合

    I could hardly believe this story, as it seems to have fit what happened to me perfectly.


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