• 赋税我们大家带来沉重的负担。

    Taxation bears heavily on us all.


  • 知道大家都在议论我们于事无补。

    It doesn't really help matters knowing that everyone is talking about us.


  • 大家手拉着手,围成一圈跳舞

    Everybody joins hands and dances round.


  • 首先我们大家到来表示感谢。

    She began by thanking us all for coming.


  • 我们大家好歹进了

    We all managed to cram into his car.


  • 大家不同语言喋喋不休地说着。

    Everyone's chattering away in different languages.


  • 大家在哪儿呀?他们了。

    Where is everyone? They've all buggered off.


  • 我们大家推测辞职原因

    We all speculated about the reasons for her resignation.


  • 唱到副歌时,大家跟着齐唱起来。

    Everyone joined in the chorus.


  • 多亏现在大家知道了!

    Everyone knows about it now, thanks to you!


  • 注意大家在专注地望着

    I noticed that everyone was watching me with rapt attention.


  • 大家目光锁定他身上

    Everyone's eyes were fixed on him.


  • 牙医建议大家个月检查一次牙齿

    Dentists advise you to have your teeth checked every six months.


  • 我们大家各自恐惧不安全感

    We all have our fears and insecurities.


  • 很快大家明白不会唱歌

    It soon became apparent to everyone that he couldn't sing.


  • 凯文我们大家逗笑了。

    Kevin started us all off laughing.


  • 大家认为能力写出一部文学名著

    Everyone thinks he has it in him to produce a literary classic.


  • 消息使大家十分惊讶

    The news astonished everyone.


  • 我们努力大家意识健康饮食好处

    We're trying to get people switched on to the benefits of healthy eating.


  • 因此大家集思广益最终作出了妥善的安排

    So everyone put their heads together and eventually an amicable arrangement was reached.


  • 要是参加团聚大家非常想念你的。

    If you don't come to the reunion you'll be sorely missed.


  • 我们呼吁大家抵制雇用童工公司产品

    We are asking people to boycott goods from companies that use child labour.


  • 大家需要休息一下。

    Everyone needs a little downtime.


  • 决定行动方针之前征询一下大家意愿

    She will take soundings of the people's wishes before deciding on a course of action.


  • 既然大家知道真相了,只好硬着头皮撑过去。

    Now that everyone knew the truth, the only thing to do was to brazen it out.


  • 如果我们大家一块儿干,到本周末可以完成工作

    If we all muck in, we could have the job finished by the end of the week.


  • 相信大家愿意与一起特德劳拉喜结良缘。

    I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing Ted and Laura a very happy marriage.


  • 大家知道特迪·罗斯福名言:“说话温和,手持大棒。”

    Everyone knows Teddy Roosevelt's immortal words, "Speak softly and carry a big stick."


  • 常想起过去时光那时村里人认识而且大家夜不闭户。

    He remembers the good old days when everyone in his village knew him and you could leave your door open at night.


  • 大家不禁猜测到底发生了什么事。

    It's tempting to speculate about what might have happened.


- 来自原声例句

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