• 例子中来自两种不同文化的人肢体有着相同姿势这些姿势的含义大有不同

    In both of the examples above, speakers from two different cultures have the same gesture, physically, but its meaning differs sharply.


  • 经济状况悲观看法相反,她认为经济状况只是

    She doesn't subscribe to his pessimistic view of the state of economy. On the contrary, she thinks it is just on the rise.


  • 一部分中,我们使用不同建模方法同一流程进行了建模

    In the previous section, we modeled the same process using different modeling approaches.


  • 流感大流行时期,的都比较年轻这种现象非常反常,季节性流感不同

    Those pandemics disproportionately killed younger people, a phenomenon, which is different from seasonal flu.


  • 面的表中不同类型指令执行指令所流水线列出一起。

    In the table above, the different types of instructions were listed along with which pipeline they execute in.


  • 如果不同经验如果通过创建维护跟踪矩阵能够收回你在上面付出告诉我们

    If you have a different experience, please tell us when you used it and it paid back the money spent on creating and maintaining it.


  • 参加压力管理课程的大多数妇女在上至少节课后,第二个治疗周期结果出现不同

    The results were different for the second cycle, when most women taking stress-management classes had gone to at least five sessions.


  • 测试之后,进程a和进程z会出现差异每个进程会采用单独代码路径就像出现岔道都会走不同分枝

    After the previous test, Process a and Process Z diverge, each taking a separate code path, as if both came to a fork in the road and each took a distinct branch.


  • 本周一精美复杂论断议院重新审议,而且还是两种不同方式

    That fine and difficult judgment is being revisited this week in the House of Lords, in two different ways.


  • 早期程序员们很快发现数字文本表示程序面执行数学运算数字变量显著不同

    Beginning programmers quickly discover that the textual representation of a number differs distinctly from a numeric variable on which programs can perform mathematical operations.


  • 每个下文中每位作者赋予术语不同意义读者必须自己下文之间转换通常很难做到的。

    Within each context, each author's interpretation of the term makes sense, but readers must make the switch between contexts on their own, which is often not easy.


  • 不同资产用来鉴别特定资产组的唯一属性在上1已经列出来了

    The different asset groups and the unique attributes used to identify a specific asset are listed in Table 1 above.


  • 两家拍卖行佳士得索斯比遭遇截然不同

    The two main auction houses, Christie’s and Sotheby’s, fared quite differently last week.


  • 两栖大巴下水时使用蓝夫鲁和约克郡原有滑道不过公司需要对滑道进行延长,这样大巴才能不同的潮水水位中运行。

    The amfibus would use slipways at Renfrew and Yoker although they would need to be extended beyond the sill at the end of the ramps so it can work at all tide levels.


  • 例如如果亲眼看到这个胖子,你会使用动词某种形式如果你只是读到或者听说此事,那么你需要使用不同的动词形式。

    For example, if you saw the chubby fellow on the wall with your own eyes, you'd use one form of the verb, but if you had simply read or heard about it, you'd use a different form.


  • 正如在上看到只要希望使用GTK +加速GUI开发大量不同选项供选择。

    As you could see above, you have a variety of options to consider whenever you want to accelerate your GUI development with GTK +.


  • 伦敦·特拉法加广场本周一演了不同寻常新式艺术秀除了战争英雄和国王的重要雕像之外,广场还有一个空基座,数名公众轮流站立小时

    London's Trafalgar Square got an unusual new artwork to go alongside its historic sculptures of war heroes and Kings Monday — an empty plinth where members of the public stand for an hour at a time.


  • 大河随之分道,完全不同三个地方入海:怒江流经缅甸入海,湄公河流进越南南部入海,而扬子江的入海口附近。

    The rivers then wend their separate ways before reaching the sea in very different places: the Salween in Myanmar, the Mekong in southern Vietnam and the Yangzi near Shanghai.


  • 不同石柱走动游客享受着不停改变的景观,会觉得自己好像生的天堂一样。

    Walking through the serried stone pillars, tourists feast their eyes on changing spots, feeling they are in aparadise where the Gods live.


  • 他们毛虫不同烟草植物经过8的观察,通过对比发现35%的植物开花时间调整到了,相对没有的烟草植物只有11%开花时间午。

    He put caterpillars on plants that had not been attacked and found that after 8 days, 35% of their flowers opened in the morning--compared with 11% on unmolested plants.


  • 只消周末中国各大公园转转,你就会发现不同类型相亲喜剧正在上演。

    On weekends in parks around the China, dating dramas of a different type unfold.


  • CBS做次民意调查中,70%美国人不同BP处理方法。

    In a poll released by CBS last week, 70% of Americans disapproved of BP's handling of the oil spill.


  • 我们经验:把代码下文中出现两三次以后,开始展示代码片断虽然条规则不同的代码有很大变化)。

    Our ruleof thumb in our books is to show the same code context two or threetimes before switching to just the snippets (although this rule variesgreatly with the type of code).


  • 烤肉一些粗盐在上面,你会看到不同的结果。

    Before grilling meats and roasting poultry, sprinkle on the Kosher salt and see what a difference it makes.


  • 他们如果允许高中,那么结果非常不同

    "If they were allowed to attend senior secondary schools in the city, the results would be very different, " said Prof Cheng.


  • 前面介绍利用Kylix操作db2的文章不同一篇文章中,已经设计使用IDE构建了整个应用程序,所以只需从连接db 2UDB数据库开始即可。

    Unlike previous articles using Kylix with DB2, where you've built the entire application at design time with the IDE, you only need to start with a connection to the DB2 UDB database.


  • 讲课集中应用程序设计开发原则重点在上提到Web应用程序和其他应用程序不同处。

    The lectures will focus on the principles of application design and development, stressing the differences between Web applications and other applications that I mentioned above.


  • 在上我们介绍同一时区使用不同语言相关datetime格式

    Above, we have introduced the DateTime format related with the same time zone and different language.


  • 在上我们介绍同一时区使用不同语言相关datetime格式

    Above, we have introduced the DateTime format related with the same time zone and different language.


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