• 正像最近维也纳举行欧洲神经科学论坛上听众解释的那样,如果的,那么她或许已经打开治疗其他形式的持续性疼痛大门

    If she is right, as she explained to an audience at the recent Forum of European Neuroscience in Vienna, she may have opened a door to the treatment of other forms of persistent pain.


  • 这些神经细胞通过脊髓肌肉发送信号使我们具备运动能力

    These send signals through the spinal cord to the muscles to give us the ability to move.


  • 而是它们积累接收到能量只有积累的能量达到一定临界极限时,它们才其他神经发送自己的能量。

    Instead, they sum their received energies, and they send their own quantities of energy to other neurons only when this sum has reached a certain critical threshold.


  • 所以这次陈教授带领小组白鼠脊髓内注射一种神经毒素,这种毒素会寻找GRPR受体归类停靠点。

    So this time, Chen's team injected the spinal cords of mice with a neurotoxin that seeks out the GRPR receptor, sort of a docking site.


  • 酸奶大脑供给酪氨酸这种氨基酸提升血液中的神经介质多巴胺去甲肾上腺素水平从而提升人情绪和心情。

    Yogurt also supplies the brain with tyrosine, an amino acid that boosts blood levels of the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine, resulting in a mood and mental boost.


  • 例如大脑就是依赖电脉冲释放出依附神经传输体的离子,然后依次神经系统其余部分发出信号。

    Human brains, for example, rely on electrical impulses to release calcium ions that bind to neurotransmitters that, in turn, communicate with the rest of the nervous system.


  • 因为葡萄糖神经元活动能量来源,所以大脑中的短暂的葡萄糖浓度水平发出信号人赶快嘴里塞食物纵然能量其实消耗了九牛

    And because glucose fuels the neurons, a transitory low level in the brain may signal the stomach to get the hands to fill up the mouth, even though the energy actually spent has gone up just a hair.


  • 美国辩护律师第一法庭提交一份有争议神经报告作为证据

    Defense attorneys are for the first time submitting a controversial neurological lie-detection test as evidence in U.S. court.


  • 卫生系统必须得到加强,以便神经障碍患者提供更好保健,“世组织总干事冯富珍博士。”

    Health systems need to be strengthened to deliver better care for people with neurological disorders, "said Dr Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General."


  • 大脑显示一个虚像时,随着大脑对图像处理神经由于带电活动闪烁不停。

    Show the brain a virtual image and its neurons flicker with electrical activity as the image is processed.


  • 读者展示一系列研究证明存在一些生理机能障碍。这也意味着自我戒赌会使一些不同神经加工过程参与进来

    The chapter points the reader to a number of studies that give evidence that there are physiological dysfunctions suggesting that different neural processes to self exclude are involved.


  • 我们大脑中就像一个指挥基底神经其他至少84个基因下达指令

    In our brains, it ACTS more like a foreman, handing out instructions to at least 84 target genes in the developing basal ganglia.


  • 脑外科手术需要熟练的主刀但是现在即使神经外科医生也开始机器人求助

    BRAIN surgery calls for the most accomplished hands, but even neurosurgeons are now turning to robots for help.


  • 帮助研究者了解基本神经回路如何产生感觉环境作出回应例如什么时候蠕虫发现事物事物

    It will help researchers learn how basic neural circuits work together in sensing and responding to the environment, such as when a worm smells food and crawls toward it.


  • 一种脑衍生神经因子基因标记,心理外性相关相连

    A snip located close to the gene that codes for brain-derived neurotrophic factor was associated with extraversion.


  • 神经末梢周围细胞注入这种蛋白时,没有变异的蛋白阻止退化

    But no variant of prion protein was able to prevent demyelination when introduced specifically into the Schwann cells that surround and support peripheral nerve cells.


  • 这些药物抑制一种叫做神经氨酸的酶,这种可以促使生成病毒离开被感染细胞周身散播

    These drugs act against an enzyme called neuraminidase, which allows newly formed viruses to leave infected cells and spread around the body.


  • 如果把电话中心想象一个有机生命体,PBX就是神经系统即时各个部分通报机体运转情况。

    If you think of a call center as a living being, the PBX would be its nervous system, informing every other part of the organization with instant knowledge on how the business is doing.


  • 我会简要提及这些能够大脑神经系统信息的美妙系统

    And I will briefly touch upon these wonderful systems that are able to deliver information into the brain and nerve system.


  • 然而通过联合所有神经细胞信号第二区域中的细胞就可以角落的信号做出反应任意运行

    By combining their signals, however, cells in the second area can respond to corners or bars in any orientation.


  • 比如不小心碰到火炉皮肤中的神经大脑发射疼痛信号于是大脑就会发回信号让

    For example, if you accidentally touch a hot stove, the nerves in your skin shoot a message of pain to your brain. The brain then sends a message back telling the muscles in your hand to pull away.


  • 身体产生激活下丘脑的激素,下丘脑中的神经身体发回新的信息

    The neurons in the hypothalamus send new messages back to the body.


  • 他们白鼠大脑植入了负责表达种光激活海藻蛋白基因,使得光激活海藻蛋白进入大脑的神经细胞

    They inserted a gene for a light-activated algal protein into mice brains, where it entered nerve cells.


  • 现在明尼苏达大学一项研究表明抓挠能够抑制脊髓神经活动,正是脊髓神经大脑传递感觉。研究者希望最终能弄清这种抑制是如何工作的。

    Now, a University of Minnesota study shows that scratching turns off activity in spinal cord nerves that transmit the itching sensation to the brain.


  • 是因为“数量,细胞,一个神经元发射等级难以蔓延复杂得多的人类行为的。

    That's because "measuring ... firing at the level of a single cell, a neuron, is difficult to extend to human behavior, which is highly complex."


  • 西雅图华盛顿大学神经科学家威廉穆迪(William Moody)如果这些神经确实是波浪式放电,那么这些神经可以通过这种方式其他神经细胞发出位置信号

    If the cells do fire in waves, that could be their way of signaling their location to other brain cells, says neuroscientist William Moody of the University of Washington in Seattle.


  • 西雅图华盛顿大学神经科学家威廉穆迪(William Moody)如果这些神经确实是波浪式放电,那么这些神经可以通过这种方式其他神经细胞发出位置信号

    If the cells do fire in waves, that could be their way of signaling their location to other brain cells, says neuroscientist William Moody of the University of Washington in Seattle.


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