• 很显然如果现在花钱入不敷出,以后就不得不勒紧腰带了。

    Clearly, if you are spending more than your income, you'll need to tighten your belt.


  • 但是即使大量的购物者外出攀升的失业率可能会他们勒紧腰带

    Yet even if shoppers are out in force, their purse strings are likely to be tightened by rising unemployment.


  • 食品价格飞涨消费者们纷纷勒紧腰带超市利润空间受到挤压

    With food prices soaring and consumers tightening their belts, supermarkets' margins are under pressure.


  • 欧洲其他国家被迫勒紧腰带时候,德国危机似乎毫发无损。

    While the rest of Europe is forced to tighten its belt, Germany appears to be coasting through the crisis.


  • 结果:阿什利可能挥霍无度的事情,所以路值得勒紧腰带

    What they will end up with: Mike Ashley is unlikely to underwrite a major spending spree, so Pardew will have to wheel and deal.


  • 但是那些需要资金许多国家,如匈牙利巴基斯坦勒紧腰带,节约度日。

    But many countries that need the fund’s money, from Hungary to Pakistan, do need to tighten their belts.


  • 由于加工食品一些国家仍属奢侈品消费者勒紧腰带过日子造成市场销售下降。

    Some markets may have lost sales as a result of consumers tightening their belts, because processed foods may be luxury items in their country.


  • 父亲失去工作现在我们必须勒紧腰带度日了,家人不会命运低头,我们奋发图强

    My father lost his job. From now on we have to tighten our belts. But our families will not lower our head to fate. We'll pull up our socks.


  • 父亲失去工作现在起我们必须勒紧腰带度日了,家人不会命运低头,我们奋发图强

    My father lost his job, since now we have to tighten our belts. But our families will not lower our head to fate. We'll pull up our socks.


  • 今天英国工业联合会报告称由于衰退影响的消费者勒紧腰带过日子,本月零售额已经连续第三个月下降

    Retail sales have fallen for a third successive month this month as recession-hit consumers tighten their belts, the CBI reports today.


  • 消费者看起来略显忧虑并没有惊慌失措许多人虽然稍微勒紧腰带,但他们对于经济长期前景还是乐观的。

    Consumers seem only concerned, not panicked, and many say they remain optimistic about the economy's long-term prospects even as they do some modest belt-tightening.


  • 增值税增加应该使人们勒紧腰带过日子,这种情况下,商店营业额影响经济形势会受影响。

    So an increase may make people tighten their belts a bit more and in that case the difficulty we could have is that shops will be affected and the greater economy affected also.


  • 译文:父亲失去工作现在起我们必须勒紧腰带度日了,家人不会命运低头,我们奋发图强

    My father lost his job. Since now we have to tighten our belts, But our families will not lower our head to fate. We'll pull up our socks.


  • 消费者看起来只是适度关注并没有恐慌许多虽然稍微勒紧腰带,但他们对于经济长期前景还是乐观的。

    Consumers seem only mildly concerned, not panicked, and many say they remain optimistic about the economy's long-term prospects, even as they do some modest belt-tightening.


  • 消费者似乎只是有些担心还没有开始恐慌并且很多人就在他们稍稍勒紧腰带的时候,他们经济长远前景还是很乐观

    Consumers seem only concerned, not panicked, and many say they remain optimistic about the economy's long-term prospects, even as they do some modest belt-tightening.


  • 随着全球经济复苏已经开始成为广泛共识政策制定者在讨论如何迅速停止刺激性支出勒紧腰带控制暴涨债务

    With a broad consensus that a global economic recovery has begun, policymakers are debating how quickly to turn off stimulus spending and tighten their belts in order to control ballooning debt.


  • 到了一定程度它们不得不勒紧腰带开始降低债务银行也将不得不把这些贷款作为损失加以减——这情况都会增长造成严重的影响。

    At some point they will have to tighten their belts and start paying down their debts, or Banks will have to write them off at a loss-with grim consequences for growth in either case.


  • 其他人勒紧腰带过活的时候法官们加薪是不合适的。

    It would be unseemly for judges to receive pay increases when others are having to tighten their belts.


  • 由于物价上涨我们只好勒紧腰带

    With the price increases, we are all having to tighten our belts.


  • 我们大多数人都挺过了经济衰退所以我们熟悉要在经济衰退中存活需要勒紧腰带策略

    Most of us have survived a recession, so we're familiar with the belt-tightening strategies needed to survive a slump.


  • 如果办公室看起来走向衰败而且需要一次升级就表明贵公司已经开始勒紧腰带过日子了。

    If the office itself is starting to look run down and like its in need of an upgrade, it's indicative of excessive belt-tightening measures.


  • 得以立足勒紧腰带式消费环境很多新兴目标市场格格不入,虽然它的秘诀大多数富裕国家仍起作用。

    The belt-tightening environment in which it flourished does not pertain in many of the emerging markets it is targeting, although it certainly does in most of the rich world.


  • 衰退经济放缓已经降低了美国民众的购买力消费者许多方面勒紧了裤腰带——尽管女性服装腰带支出男性多。

    The recession and economic slowdown have reduced buying power and consumers are tightening their belts in many ways, though spending on women’s clothes (and belts) fares slightly better than men’s.


  • 而这样做结果是,这些产品发达国家同样具有极大的吸引力尤其是在这样一个勒紧腰带过活的时代

    The resulting products often turn out to have huge appeal in the rich world too, especially in an era of belt-tightening.


  • 也是为什么勒紧首都华盛顿腰带砍掉一些不起作用程序和不公平合约以及一些需要花费

    That’s why we’re tightening Washington’s belt by cutting programs that don’t work, contracts that aren’t fair, and spending we don’t need.


  • 句话下面紧接着,作者列举了欧元区国家爱尔兰希腊(两个债台高筑的国家)如何行动的:爱尔兰削减开支提高税收,显然不是采取通胀的做法希腊,则不愿意勒紧腰带austerity,希腊工人的工资一直涨呢,债务也是再涨,希腊并没有多大决心遏制通胀。 而且,照这个形势,很快,希腊就得被踢出欧元区了。

    And some countries are more determined to deal with this than others: Ireland has raised taxes and cut spending, but Greece has shown scant appetite for austerity.


  • 第一问题答案证券市场出现下跌就告诉每一个人,现在日子因此消费者企业就会勒紧腰带

    The answer to the first question is that when the stock market goes down, that tells everyone that times are bad, so consumers and businesses tighten their belts.


  • 第一问题答案证券市场出现下跌就告诉每一个人,现在日子因此消费者企业就会勒紧腰带

    The answer to the first question is that when the stock market goes down, that tells everyone that times are bad, so consumers and businesses tighten their belts.


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