• 昨天拉斯韦加斯圣地亚哥能感觉到冲击

    The shock waves yesterday were felt from Las Vegas to San Diego.


  • 保证减轻消减贫困地区补贴所造成冲击

    There were also pledges to soften the impact of the subsidy cuts on the poorer regions.


  • 查克没有工作、居无定所,也没有朋友得忍受异国文化带来的冲击

    Chuck is jobless, homeless, friendless, and suffering from culture shock.


  • 还有新式方向盘,其边缘具有减震功能严重的冲击缓冲保护司机头部

    There is also a new steering wheel with an energy-absorbing rim to cushion the driver's head in the worst impacts.


  • 一些学生通过逃避挑战应对这种冲击

    Some students cope with this shock by avoiding challenges.


  • 坐在长号小号音乐家们遭受到了这些冲击的影响。

    Musicians sitting in front of the trombone or trumpet have suffered from these shock waves.


  • 这些地区我们可以建造结构独特房子抵抗地震冲击

    In these areas we can build special houses to resist earthquake shocks.


  • 需要后院建造一个风力涡轮机应对气候变化冲击

    You don't have to erect a wind turbine in your backyard to make an impact on climate change.


  • 撞击所释放强烈高温许多类型岩石中形成一种热冲击石英

    The intense heat of the impact would produce heat-shocked quartz in many types of rock.


  • 这样大小小行星即使受到冲击碎裂之后留下一个巨大陨石坑

    An asteroid of this size would be expected to leave an immense crater, even if the asteroid itself was disintegrated by the impact.


  • 这次以及其他价格冲击苏联干旱美国玉米的作物减产引起的。

    This and other price shocks were event-driven—drought in the Soviet Union, crop-shrinking heat in the U.S. Corn Belt.


  • 尽管总是发生冲击风险但谨慎研究表明这种风险相当小的。

    Although there is always some risk that a large impact could occur, careful study shows that this risk is quite small.


  • 如果人类面对的是一个更高级并且古老许多文明,人类会面临文化冲击吗?

    Would the human race face the culture shock if faced with a superior and much older civilisation?


  • 冲击式压路机工作牵引力要求进行科学准确分析计算十分必要。

    Scientific and accurate analysis and calculation on the requirement for traction force is necessary when the impact compactor is working.


  • 考虑三分之二学生都将经历九年级冲击学生学习成绩急剧下降

    Consider that nearly two-thirds of students will experience the "ninth-grade shock," which refers to a dramatic drop in a student's academic performance.


  • 鲍尔曼跑鞋设计实验闻名,他试图使跑鞋更轻能吸收冲击

    Bowerman was also known for experimenting with the design of running shoes in an attempt to make them lighter and more shock-absorbent.


  • 随着月球变得越来越越来越没有弹性来自大型冲击体的回弹变得不完整

    As the Moon grew cooler and less elastic, rebound from large impactors would have been only partial and incomplete.


  • 但是这次往常其他价格冲击苏联干旱美国玉米的作物减产引起的。

    But this and other price shocks were event-driven—drought in the Soviet Union, crop-shrinking heat in the U.S. Corn Belt.


  • 拘留中心引入短暂而剧烈冲击更多年轻人尝到他们需要东西

    The introduction of short sharp shocks in detention centers will simply give more young people a taste of something else they don't need.


  • 2005年个人储蓄率降至之后去年经济危机冲击促使人们迅速捂紧钱包

    After the personal-savings rate dipped to zero in 2005, the shock of the economic crisis last year prompted people to snap shut their wallets.


  • 雷电闪电产生冲击,它认为引发暴雨的原因,暴雨风暴典型特征

    Thunder, the shock wave that comes from a lightning flash, is thought to be the trigger for the torrential rain that is typical of storms.


  • 这项发现是传统信念的冲击

    This discovery challenges traditional beliefs.


  • 网站不一定冲击现有的销售

    A website need not cannibalize existing sales.


  • 大西洋巨浪冲击岩石

    Huge Atlantic rollers crashed onto the rocks.


  • 失业年轻人冲击最大

    Young people are bearing the brunt of unemployment.


  • 3次向200纪录冲击失败告终

    Three attempts on the 200-metre record ended in failure.


  • 冲击易挥发化学品爆炸时产生的。

    The blast occurred when volatile chemicals exploded.


  • 他们需要西方国家援助缓解重大变革冲击

    They said Western aid was needed to cushion the blows of vital reform.


  • 不断冲击这些植物

    Wind and water are constantly crashing into these plants.


  • 只被巨浪冲击后极有可能卷成碎片。

    Ships are at great risk of winding up as broken pieces after being hit by the force of a huge wave.


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