• 乡间小路摩托车给轧坏

    The paths get all ploughed up by motorbikes.


  • 他们一下子饼干吃光了。

    They ate the packet of biscuits all in one go.


  • 那么贪嘴,把葡萄吃光了?

    Who scoffed all the grapes?


  • 他们几口就把三明治吃光了。

    They gobbled down all the sandwiches.


  • 水果蔬菜谷物富含

    Fruits, vegetables, and wholegrains are rich in potassium.


  • 丈夫做饭下来。

    My husband does all the cooking.


  • 艺术家雕塑头部头像。

    An artist sculpted a full-size replica of her head.


  • 我们旅行费用没有任何隐含性费用

    Our trips are all-inclusivethere are no hidden costs.


  • 首饰典当了。

    All her jewellery was in pawn.


  • 花草死光了。

    All my plants have died.


  • 美国是个非常受欢迎演讲者欧洲大学也是

    He was much in demand as a lecturer in the U.S., as well as at universities all over Europe.


  • 这次面试做好了的心理准备,可最后临时取消了。

    I'd got myself all psyched up for the interview and then it was called off at the last minute.


  • 不要大写字母,这样礼貌。

    Don't use all big letters because it's impolite.


  • 这些会议世界语进行

    These meetings are carried on entirely in Esperanto.


  • 津巴布韦迷人之处在于美丽风景

    The attraction of Zimbabwe is all about its gorgeous landscapes.


  • 大多数美国人没有足够的水果蔬菜谷物

    Most Americans don't eat enough fruits, vegetables or whole grains.


  • 祖国和平统一愿望正在中华民族心中生根

    The desire for peaceful reunification of the mother and is taking hold in the hearts of the entire Chinese nation.


  • 电力城市意味着没有汽车。那到时,福特什么呢?

    An all-electric city would mean no cars. What would Ford be doing then?


  • 辞职传言公司传播开了。

    Rumours of his resignation swept through the company.


  • 合伙人的一句话。

    He hired and fired people on his partner's say-so.


  • 男性组合不会接纳。

    All-male groups will not be accepted.


  • 孩子们一顿狼吞虎咽,把曲奇饼吃光了。

    The kids snarfed up all the cookies.


  • 你们这些家伙了!

    You guys are nuts!


  • 计划落空了。

    Her plans didn't come to anything.


  • 各报头版版以显眼的方式刊登了这个故事

    The newspapers splashed the story all over their front pages.


  • 舒尔曼有点厌烦女子团队中的叽叽喳喳声。

    Schulman is a little tired of the hoo-ha about the all-women team.


  • 房屋定为损,保险公司保险限额迅速赔付了我们

    The house was a total loss and the insurance company promptly paid us the policy limit.


  • 布雷赫特的意见是电影剧本已经删改得面目非了

    Brecht's verdict was that his screenplay had been mutilated.


  • 一看哎哟原来那十五我站一起家伙没了踪影

    I looked and lo! every one of the fifteen men who had been standing with me had disappeared.


  • 起居室其美一端是个办公室一端有舒服沙发

    Her living room provides the best of both worlds, with an office at one end and comfortable sofas at the other.


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