• 制裁没有他们原本打算的那样奏效。

    The sanctions are not working the way they were intended.


  • 预报员们暴风雨他们最初预报的那样

    Forecasters say the storms may not be as bad as they initially predicted.


  • 神户孩子们努力学着他们父母一样去坦然面对这种悲惨情形

    The kids of Kobe try to be as stoic as their parents in this tragic situation.


  • 一项独立研究发现企业主们并不他们的那么经济困难,大部分赚钱

    An independent study found that the owners are not as badly off as they say, and most are making money.


  • 不是青少年需要他们现在这样频繁使用电子设备

    That does not mean teens need to use electronic devices as often as they do now.


  • 米塞斯维特庄园主人穿过草坪看上去就他们当中许多从未见过一样。

    Across the lawn came the Master of Misselthwaite and he looked as if many of them had never seen him.


  • 一件事这些补品很多并不他们的那样,所以服用它们中的任何一种时,必须小心谨慎。

    The other thing is that a lot of these supplements aren't necessarily what they claim to be, and you really have to be wary when you take any of them.


  • 汉斯·塞尔耶是第一个记录压力身体影响医生,他说:“人们应该试图逃避压力,他们逃避食物锻炼。”

    "Humans should not try to avoid stress any more than they would shun food, love or exercise," said Dr. Hans Selye, the first physician to document the effects of stress on the body.


  • 他们正在转而接受我们思维方式

    It looks like they're coming around to our way of thinking.


  • 听表明我们关心他们像他们关心我们一样。

    Listening shows we care about them as much as they care about us.


  • 些人似乎知道他们身后发生了什么,就像他们的后脑勺长了眼睛。

    Some people seem to know what's going on behind them, as if they had eyes in the back of their heads.


  • 些人只坐起来或下床,或像他们白天睡觉时经常做的那样!

    Some only sit up or get out of bed or act like how they often do during the day when they are sleeping!


  • 起初孩子们学习数字他们学习字母一样。

    Initially, kids learn numbers much like they learn letters.


  • 这些照片镜子反映年轻人渴望他们那样成功

    These photos are mirrors, reflecting how eager the youth are to succeed like their icons.


  • 每天他们一起工作,你依赖他们他们依赖你一样。

    You work with them every day, and you depend on them just as they depend on you.


  • 每次使用它们时,受审保持沉默,他们害怕一旦什么,就增加压力

    Every time they were used, the detainee would clam up as they were scared that anything they said would make that pressure increase.


  • 今天理发师不会以前那样男孩理发女孩也不会他们母亲祖母那样化妆

    A barber today does not cut a boy's hair in the same way as he used to, and girls do not make up in the same way as their mothers and grandmothers did.


  • 注视其他人眼睛他们镜子如果他们欣赏你,你鼓掌,你感觉才会良好

    You look into other people's eyes as if they were mirrors. If they appreciate you and applaud you, you will feel good.


  • 作弊常常觉得自己是不被注意到的,他们行为“无关紧要”,没有真正伤害到任何人

    Cheaters often feel invisible, as if their actions "don't count" and don't really hurt anyone.


  • 经验丰富骗子装腔作势欺骗例如他们往往故意直视你的眼睛,就他们在说实话。

    Experienced liars can make use of gestures to take you in; for instance, they often deliberately look at you straight in the eyes as if they were telling the truth.


  • 拥有可支配收入西方人经常表现得他们资格任何他们想去的地方,且几乎不考虑后果

    Westerners with disposable incomes have often behaved as if they have a right to go wherever they choose with little regard for the consequences.


  • 有时,新人认为他们展馆应该代表他们的国家,就他们的艺术家旅游局聘请公务员

    Newcomers sometimes think that their pavilion should represent their nation, as if their artists were civil servants employed by the tourist office.


  • 他们可能乐意提供职业帮助因为来自并不出名学校表明他们一样,充满活力毅力

    They might be more willing to offer career help, because your less famous school denotes that, like them, you are also full of energy and perseverance.


  • 如果这些海湾国家打算实行单一货币他们未来年中计划那样,那么这种货币也必将可浮动的。

    If the Gulf states move to a single currency, as they plan to in the next few years, that currency should surely float.


  • 他们不能建造东西他们去购买他们开始收购沃尔沃许多其他老牌品牌一样,包括一些地区性品牌。

    What they cannot build, they will buy, as they have begun to do with Volvo and many other established brands, including regional ones.


  • 个奇怪的、几乎不可理解事实许多教授认为他们应该用一种枯燥的方式讲课他们觉得写作必须很枯燥一样。

    The strange, almost incomprehensible fact is that many professors, just as they feel obliged to write dully, believe that they should lecture dully.


  • 来自世界各地人们聚集伦敦大本钟最后一次钟声时,他们中的一些人甚至哭了起来他们出席朋友葬礼一样

    People from across the world gathered in London to hear Big Ben's last regular chime and some of them even cried, as if they were attending a friend's funeral.


  • 他们一个领导工具工作量”:如果他们觉得没有他们希望那样努力工作他们要求越来越高,越来越苛刻

    Their one leadership tool is volume: if they think you aren't working as hard as they think you should, their demands become increasingly louder and harsher.


  • 可能他们一样其人性化的杰作而人铭记

    He might have been remembered like them for hummable classics.


  • 他们的,这就是一个怪圈

    Circles within circles, as they say.


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