• 它们可能面对政策压力或是一个明确的决定时犹豫这个决定错误倒向通货膨胀这边而不是通货紧缩

    They may hesitate in the face of political pressure or an explicit decision to err on the side of inflation rather than deflation.


  • 对于严重影响非洲一些疾病非常需要更好药物疫苗然而鼓励研究开发的措施却能够生利的市场

    For some diseases that disproportionately affect Africa, better drugs and new vaccines are badly needed, yet incentives for research and development are biased towards markets that can pay.


  • 两人一结婚保尔开始出版早期作品后,权力天平便迅速了奈保尔一边。

    Once they married and Naipaul began to publish his early books, the balance of power shifted decisively to him.


  • 资产配置完全失去平衡,随着股市暴跌了流动性不足的资产。

    Asset allocations went wildly out of balance, overweighted to illiquid partnerships as the value of equities plunged.


  • 轮胎爆炸钢架折断起落架扭曲成废铁,还燃烧飞机摇摇晃晃地左边,机落在水泥铺就的地面上开始滑行,擦灼热白色火花。

    Tires blew, steel snapped, and the landing gear folded. The burning aircraft teetered to port, then the belly hit the concrete and skidded along, trailing a torrent of hot white sparks.


  • 如果塞尔维亚撤销加入欧盟的申请,就会孤立,而且可能使整个西巴尔干半岛倒向一边。

    If Serbia ends its EU bid, it will head into isolation, and may drag all of the western Balkans with it.


  • 三星摩托罗拉手机设计性能方面苹果十分接近以至于一些狂热的果粉最终叛离安卓

    Samsung and Motorola phones have now come very close to the iPhone in terms of design and performance, so much so that even some former Apple fanatics are defecting to Android.


  • 很难想象塞内加尔这样国家拒绝西方联系而完全伊朗

    It is doubtful that countries such as Senegal would jeopardise aid links with the West by becoming too cosy with Iran.


  • 其金融强大时,俄罗斯反美国主义,当其虚弱时,俄罗斯又变的和善友好

    When that is strong, Russia turns anti-American; when it is weak, Russia becomes a friendlier place.


  • 有分析指出,亚努科维奇的承诺无法实现,认为过快俄罗斯,令乌克兰无法回头

    Critics, however, claim the President's commitment to Europe is illusory and say that he has given the Kremlin too much too quickly, edging Ukraine toward the point of no return.


  • 成功敏捷团队需要持续自我管理方开动而不会混乱

    A successful Agile Team needs to operate as far along the continuum towards self-management as it can, without tipping over into chaos.


  • 就是这个细节让那些坐着发虚,先是手从大腿上滑落,接着肩膀耷拉下来,脑袋一边,然后自身重力把他们拉在地或者邻座的腿上。

    They shoulders sagged. The heads flopped to one side, and their weight carried them to the floor or into the lap of their neighbor.


  • 对市场份额相对较小个人邮递业务来说,尽管这场危机中该领域显示出了顽强的生命力,但最其客户将不可避免地电子邮件文本传输以及社交网络。

    Personal mail, a small slice of letter volumes, has proven more resilient in the crisis but is also migrating to e-mails, text messages and social-networking sites.


  • Web服务收到一个告警表示对应的资源已经达到特定浪费级别时这个开关就会松散耦合紧密耦合。

    This switch would flip to tight coupling from loose coupling when the Web service received an alert that its corresponding resource had reached certain levels of waste.


  • TransformationConfiguration点击Next按钮(4),移动倒向页面中,在这里可以转换指定元素目标元素。

    Click the Next button in the transformation Configuration wizard (Figure 4) to move to a new page of the wizard, where you can specify the source and target elements for the transformation.


  • 中的女孩瘦瘦的,乱乱的头发倒向一侧没有化妆正微笑地望着还能感到早晨起来嘴里不大好闻的气味

    A skinny girl with mashed hair on one side of her head and no makeup smiled back at me. I could feel my sticky morning breath.


  • 为了帮助下沉练习时放松想象劳累了一后正在家里床上或者一张舒服的沙发中。

    To help you to relax whilst sinking, imagine you are falling into bed or into a comfy chair at the end of a long hard day.


  • 因此研究随机微分方程具有重要理论意义应用价值

    Therefore, the research on backward stochastic differential equation is of considerable theoretical significance and practical value.


  • 如果有一滑跤,那完了,它一侧,被自己重量给压扁。

    If one of the herd slips and falls, it is helpless. It lies on its side, a prisoner of its own weight.


  • 虽然现在两国的平衡倒向了德国,法国还是维系这种关系。真是讽刺啊!

    The irony is that the French now want the relationship just as its balance tilts against them.


  • 利比亚全国过渡委员会领导人正在敦促卡扎菲控制地区平民他们一边并誓言不会进行报复

    Leaders of Libya's National Transitional Council are urging civilians in Gadhafi-held areas to come over to their side, vowing no revenge will be taken.


  • 一些无法证实报道一个主要兵营安全总部已经反对派一边。

    According to some accounts which are impossible to verify, a major barracks or security headquarters has fallen to the opposition.


  • 虽然里斯本条约》倒向大国,可许多联邦主义者依然拥戴这个条约,因为多数投票制能扫清来自异议者阻力,有利于通过措施

    Even though it boosts big countries, federalists love Lisbon because it also offers more majority voting, which they think will reduce the ability of dissenters to block new policies.


  • 他们如果乌克兰遭到冷落,很有可能转而俄罗斯- - - - -普京一直试图将乌克兰拉入它白俄罗斯哈萨克斯坦其他苏联国家组成的“欧亚联盟”中去。

    If Ukraine is cold-shouldered, they say, it may turn to Russia instead-where Vladimir Putin is trying to seduce Ukraine into a "Eurasian union" with Belarus, Kazakhstan and other ex-Soviet countries.


  • 然而,考虑改变现状既是件苛求的事不太可能,脱欧派们也同时提名首相计划指出他们不满推动舆论倒向自己这边。

    But by demanding impossible changes, those who want to leave can simultaneously name-check the prime minister's plan, indicate their dissent and nudge ordinary Britons towards outism.


  • 威尔自己猎人这个野兽倒向同伙——他们三个楼梯

    Will hurled himself at the Hunter, and knocked the beast off its feet and into its mate-and the three of them tumbled down the stairs.


  • 威尔自己猎人这个野兽倒向同伙——他们三个楼梯

    Will hurled himself at the Hunter, and knocked the beast off its feet and into its mate-and the three of them tumbled down the stairs.


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