• 国内厂家抢占了重型轮胎市场

    But they have snatched the market niche for big, heavy-duty tires.


  • 乌克兰国际主权债务尚可控,国内负债就是另一回事。

    Ukraine's sovereign international debt is manageable, but its domestic obligations are not.


  • 阿巴斯先生因勇气赢得赞许国内仍有难题等待着

    Mr Abbas is winning praise for his boldness, yet problems dog him at home.


  • 国内学界对于公司法人格否认诉求主体范围存在争议

    But there is a dispute about the scope of the subject of appeals in the system of disregard of corporate personality in our academic.


  • 这种节制导致实际出口大增国内消费几乎停滞图表)。

    The result of this self-restraint was that exports soared in real terms, whereas consumer spending barely budged (see chart).


  • 国内市场暂时可能有很大的成长,现如今谈国际扩张也是很不可能的。

    But the domestic market is unlikely to produce much growth for a while, and talk of international expansion looks far-fetched.


  • 巴马握有相当优势国内民意与世界其它大部分地区舆论分歧甚巨。

    Mr Obama still definitely has the edge, but opinion at home diverges sharply from that in most of the rest of the world.


  • 2000年,美国缺席德国汉诺维世博会招致组织者严厉批评国内却很少

    In 2000, the U.S. skipped the expo in Hanover, Germany, drawing criticism from organizers but hardly a peep back home.


  • 虽然取得增长国内风险投资家出资能力仍不能硅谷相提并论。

    This growth is occurring while local venture capitalists lack the funding depth to match the might of Silicon Valley.


  • 中国可能确实在引领全球经济复苏国内约会市场低迷不振。

    Five hopeful Bejing singles China may be leading the global economic recovery but the country's domestic dating market is sluggish.


  • 有关几预防术后粘连基础研究较多,国内还未形成正式产品

    Many studies on prevention of postoperative adhesion by use of chitosan membrane had been reported, but at present chitosan membrane hasn't been become a formal produce for sale in china.


  • 哲学终结问题倍受哲学界关注国内学术界对这一问题本身的内涵少有清理。

    The end of philosophy has been concerned about in the academic circle, but its connotation has lacked investigation.


  • 国内理论研究主要集中强制性信息披露对自愿性信息披露的研究很少

    However, the domestic theoretical research focused on mandatory information disclosure, and the voluntary disclosure of information is not enough.


  • 但国内还没有安装吸入空气吸入压力变化规律作出理论上的分析。

    The article mainly had a research on the pressure rule inside the hydraulic cylinders when the mud pump has been assembled with air chamber on the suction pipe and stack pipe.


  • 绿色化经营重要性日益突出,国内没有形成完善绿色绩效评价理论方法体系。

    The importance of green operation is prominent day by day, but in domestic there is no perfect green performance assessment theory and method.


  • 技术城市地铁建设中的应用越来越普遍,国内关于盾构衬砌整体试验做得较少。

    The technology of shield tunnel is widely used in the construction of subway, although the test of integral shield tunnel lining is seldom carried on at home .


  • 饭店外包成为国内饭店经营一种趋势国内饭店外包方面的理论研究相对缺乏

    Hotel outsourcing has been one new trend of hotel operations at home and abroad, but theory research on hotel outsourcing in China is relatively scarce.


  • 越流含水层系统我国分布十分广泛国内有关越流含水层系统地下水污染模型尚未见报导

    Leaky aquifer systems exist extensively all over our country, but there is not yet a model for groundwater pollution in a leaky aquifer system reported.


  • 近年来,我国陆续修建了跨度悬索桥国内目前尚无此类使用养护维修方面的规范

    In recent years, several large span suspension bridge have been built in China, but there no relevant specifications about operation and maintenance in our country.


  • 尽管中国蛋白消费增幅预计低于过去几年,但国内油籽产量的下降却使得中国需要加大进口量

    Although protein consumption gains are projected lower than in recent years for China, imports will be needed to offset reduced oilseed production.


  • 与此同时虽然很多因素一起促使一季度零售额出现暂时增长但国内消费者承受压力越来越大。

    Meanwhile, although a number of factors combined in the first quarter to give retail sales a temporary boost, domestic consumers are coming under pressure.


  • 称之为“淘”的出现是由于印度能源需求大增国内煤矿产量跟不上日渐增长需求脚步。

    The "coal rush," as it is being called, comes as India's appetite for energy rises, but production of coal at home fails to keep pace with growing demand.


  • 我国一些学者责任心下了定义国内提到的责任心国外定义既有相通之处,也存在一些差异

    Some Chinese scholars also define the sense of responsibility. However, there are both some similarities and also some differences in the domestic and abroad definitions.


  • 电弧共熔池脉冲gmaw高速高效优质自动化于一体,近来备受重视,但国内对此研究不多

    The high-speed twin arc pulse GMAW welding technology possesses the advantages of high efficiency, high quality and automatization, and is paid much more attention to nowadays.


  • 国内暂无一套遵循标准国际上承认医疗环境电子信息交换标准——HL7一种很好的选择

    Yet domestic have not a standard to follow. HL7, an accepted by international medical environment electronic information exchange standard, is a good choice.


  • 目前代理体的研究成为国外AI(人工智能)领域一个热点国内学者对此尚未给予必要的关注。

    The research on agent has been a new focus in the AI field overseas, but domain researches take less attentions on it.


  • 目前代理体的研究成为国外AI(人工智能)领域一个热点国内学者对此尚未给予必要的关注。

    The research on agent has been a new focus in the AI field overseas, but domain researches take less attentions on it.


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