• 曼哈顿一些摩天大楼伦敦开发商CanaryWharf有了新的标志

    Some skyscrapers in Manhattan and London’s Canary Wharf have new signs on them.


  • 曼哈顿一些摩天大楼伦敦开发商CanaryWharf有了新的标志

    Some skyscrapers in Manhattan and London's Canary Wharf have new signs on them.


  • 伦敦北部布伦特十字超过1000在凌晨3点半就起了队,等待从凌晨4开始的“Next服装店促销

    At Brent Cross, in north London, more than 1,000 people were queuing at 3:30am for the "Next" clothing store's sale which began at 4am.


  • 科技使摄影图像成为伦敦摄政皮卡迪利巴黎商业大道商店橱窗中的一道常见风景

    Technology made photographic images a common sight in the shop windows of Regent Street and Piccadilly in London and the commercial boulevards of Paris.


  • 伦敦——沿着购物向下,年轻人穿着松松垮垮短裤,脚踩溜冰板,满嘴粗话,拥挤,慌张地穿行连锁快餐店之间

    LONDON - Down in the mall, between the fast-food joint and the bagel shop, a group of young people huddles in a flurry of baggy combat pants, skateboards, and slang.


  • 礼拜天,当妻子一同穿过伦敦摄政苹果时尚时,她什么作为父亲礼物。

    Walking past Apple's sleek shop along London's Regent Street on Sunday, my wife asked me what I wanted for Father's day.


  • 伦敦·哈利附近执业普拉杰医生建议客户自己电脑旁边放置一面镜子,以便看到自己是否皱着眉头电脑

    Dr Prager, who has a practice near Harley Street in London, said he encourages his clients to put a mirror next to their computer so they can see if they are frowning at the screen.


  • 自那不久之后来到伦敦——应该就是英国国家歌剧院对面艺术用品商店里——我买了尔素描外加一根画笔。

    Not long after that I found myself in London, and bought a Daler sketchbook and a drawing pen. This would have been in the art supplies store across the street from the English National Opera.


  • 昨晚数千游戏爱好者伦敦牛津排队等待魔兽第二扩展英国正式上市

    Last night, several thousand people queued around the block on Oxford Street in London to be there for the official UK launch of the second 'expansion pack' for the game.


  • 这些单足滑随之大量产生的廉价山寨单足滑同样有着缺陷。上学的时候伦敦一些步行成为了竞技的赛道,道路上交织着飞速飙车的轰鸣

    The devices and their proliferating cheaper imitations have drawbacks. At school-run times, some London pavements resemble racing tracks, as tiny speedsters weave and zoom.


  • 西装是几年伦敦萨维尔的,当时大约1200美元,套西装的价格可以比这贵得

    When I last bought a suit on Savile Row in London some years back, it cost me about $1,200, but one could have spent a lot more.


  • 除了WestfieldBrentCross两家小型零售店常常混乱拥挤Regent商店已经伦敦市中心服务现在

    Apart from two small outlets in Westfield and Brent Cross, the often chaotic and crowded Regent Street store has served central London until now.


  • GIUSEPPEESKENAZI帮助组织了这场展览伦敦邦德拥有画廊,而且作为亚洲古董个重量级交易商,他因在方面的知识而广受尊敬

    One of the foremost Asian antiquities dealers, Giuseppe Eskenazi, who helped organise the show and who owns a gallery off London's Bond Street, is widely respected as knowing the field.


  • 伦敦邦德、曼哈顿第五大道不同,每逢7月14日法国国庆日这天,条大道都会被国庆士兵行军声、坦克的履带声、以及飞机的轰鸣声所淹没。

    Unlike London’s Bond Street or New York’s Fifth Avenue, the Champs-Elysées is where soldiers march, tanks roll and planes fly past in the annual Bastille Day parade every July 14th.


  • 剑桥度过周末达尔文骑行伦敦到了怀特霍尔詹姆斯公园对面的海军部大楼,去蒲福上校办公室里菲茨罗伊商谈。

    After spending the weekend in Cambridge, Darwin rode to London and went to the Whitehall Admiralty building across from St. James Park to speak with FitzRoy in Captain Beaufort's office.


  • 针线英国伦敦金融英格兰银行简朴总部看上去医院但是过去几个月里一直扮演一家医院的角色。

    THE Bank of England’s austere home in Threadneedle Street may not look like a hospital but for the past few months it has been acting like one.


  • 始于绝佳地理位置不论是(伦敦上流住宅区梅菲尔)的哲曼还是这里美丽的乡村,”,“然后供应顾客想吃那种食物。”

    "It starts with a great location, whether that's Jermyn Street [in Mayfair] or out here in beautiful countryside," he says. "Then it's about serving the kind of food your customers want to eat."


  • 格林位于伦敦市中心英国乔治王时代极少数幸存之一

    Located in the center of London, Little Green street, is one of only a few surviving streets from Georgian England.


  • 目标还包括那些跨国公司总部另外一些城里”(按:指伦敦金融指责危机肇始者金融机构

    So too had the headquarters of multinational companies and other financial institutions in the City which are being blamed for the financial crisis.


  • 舰队媒体们的不靠谱之外,人们关心伦敦大都会警察厅表现出来的追查其他案件的不情愿

    Outside the Fleet Street bubble, the biggest concern is how reluctant the Metropolitan Police appear to have been to pursue other cases.


  • 最近美国一位私人收藏家英国伦敦邦迪一家名为惠特菲尔德珍品艺术的店中发现了副画,断定萨托的作品。

    It remained in a collection in New England until it was recently bought by an American collector, who thought it was by Andrea and consulted Clovis Whitfield, who runs Whitfield Fine Art.


  • 2005年7月7日,星期四伦敦埃弗肖特爆炸过后双层巴士上层作为因车顶炸翻而暴露在空中。

    Seats on the upper deck of a London bus are seen open to the elements after the bus had its roof blown off in Eversholt Street, London, Thursday, July 7, 2005.


  • 针管注射抱着他,告诉他这一切都过去。”在位于英国伦敦贝利的中央刑事法庭上,陪审团缓缓道出整个过程。

    "I took the syringe and injected him and held him and told him everything would be fine," she softly told an old Bailey jury.


  • 旧金山纽约伦敦唐人成为中国文化得以传播的窗口。

    China Towns in San Francisco, New York, and London have provided gateways from which Chinese culture has been able to spread.


  • 伦敦15最近星空新闻采访里说道。我知道伦敦,我了解这些体面英国

    "I lived in London for 15 years," he told Sky News in a recent interview. "I know every street in London. I know how decent the British people are."


  • 伦敦15最近星空新闻采访里说道。我知道伦敦,我了解这些体面英国

    "I lived in London for 15 years," he told Sky News in a recent interview. "I know every street in London. I know how decent the British people are."


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