• 十分注重人物对话独白语言功能

    She also pays attention to the language functions, like the characters' conversations, soliloquies and so on.


  • 小说人物对话小说人物交流主要手段之一。

    Dialogue is a main measure taken by characters in novels for communication.


  • 但是创造了一条路潜台词放进人物对话

    But it will also create a way for you to work subtext into the character's dialogue.


  • 这里一些步骤告诉如何人物对话中编入暗语——也就是所说的潜台词。

    Here are a few steps to show you how to incorporate that code — called subtext — into your characters' dialogue.


  • 本文通过具体实例探讨如何翻译再现人物对话个性化问题

    This paper discusses some of the possible ways of reproducing the personalized dialogue in translation by analyzing a few examples.


  • 还乡》;人物对话; 社会符号学翻译法;意义相符功能相似

    The Return of the Native; dialogues; sociosemiotic approach to translation; correspondence in meaning and similarity in function;


  • 红楼梦人物对话高度个性化,在中国古代小说中达到了登峰造极地步。

    Dream of Red Mansions The dialogue is highly of personality, which has a very high level of technical skill.


  • 国语语言平易,文风流畅全书不乏精彩人物对话出色的外交辞令、严密的说理散文

    "Guoyu" plain language, fluent style of writing, there is no lack of wonderful characters book dialogue, excellent diplomatic language, reasoning tight prose.


  • 除了人物对话,我们可以听到上海当前的各种背景声音下一代上海人提供音频参考素材。

    The current sounds of Shanghai can be heard behind the dialog and also serve as an audio document for future generations of Shanghainese.


  • 角度,主要人物次要人物对话中心话题分析揭示对小说主题的塑造作用;

    Field analysis illustrates the subject matter of Far from the Madding Crowd through discussion of the topics of the conversations between both the main characters and small characters;


  • 很快故事中的人物展开了场辩论发现自己人物对话憎恨一词,对此我深感震惊

    An argument soon broke out between my characters, and I was shocked when I caught myself writing the word "hate" in dialogue.


  • 《送菜升降机》主要人物剧本主题人物对话上看,与贝克特的《等待戈多》有着惊人的相似之处。

    As far as the main characters, the theme and the dialogues are concerned, the play is strikingly similar to Beckett's play Waiting for Godot.


  • 叙述方式、视点转换、人物对话等方面看,它不是民间“民族”的“撤退”和回归而是西方小说拙劣摹仿。

    Judged from the aspects of narrative modes and dialogues, the novel can be said to be a inferior parody of Western novels rather than a "retreat" and return to "folk" and "national" literature.


  • 抱歉负责竞选团队其实无足轻重,因为我总是自己这个头号人物对话,因为我头脑特别好使,我还非常有钱

    I'm sorry that it doesn't matter who runs my campaign because I always speak with myself, No. 1, because I have a very good brain and I'm very rich.


  • 小说文本叙述语言反讽人物自我语言的反讽人物对话语言的反讽三个角度论述了反讽艺术给鲁迅小说带来的文本内涵的张力。

    This paper has stated the influence on Lu Xun's novels' text implication by ironical technique from three respects: the language irony of novel text narration, characters' self-language irony and ch.


  • 最糟作为一个专门刻画使用方言人物剧作家对话方面没有鉴赏力

    Worst of all, for a playwright specializing in characters who use the vernacular, he has a tin ear for dialogue.


  • 舞台剧一样,对话可以讲述故事表达人物情感动机

    As is the case with stage drama, dialogue serves to tell the story and expresses feelings and motivations of characters as well.


  • 叙述者极少评价解释一个人物行为思想动机只有基本对话

    Rarely does the narrator comment on or explain a character's actions or thoughts or motives. There's only the barest minimum of dialogue.


  • 通过证明国家利益最终包含不仅仅统治国家公众人物的利益,小说参与那个时代政治对话

    Behan's novels engage in the political dialogue of her era by demonstrating that the good of the nation ultimately encompasses more than the good of the public figures who rule it.


  • 对话就是书、电影或戏剧中两个人物之间的一段交谈。

    A dialogue is a conversation between two people in a book, film or play.


  • 对话大概内容这样人物——母亲——肯定某事从前一章节我们可以明确知道实际相信是完全相反东西

    In this case, my dialogue showed a character -- the mother -- saying one thing, when we know from an earlier section of the scene that she believes another thing entirely.


  • 因为象征反映故事深层意思,因此,人物反应就会体现对话潜台词中。

    Since the symbol will reflect the deeper meaning of the story, your characters' reactions to it will be reflected in the subtext of their dialogue.


  • 下来开始写作拿出记录谈话笔记这些笔记的基础你要塑造人物对话

    Sit down and start writing, taking note of the conversations you've documented and basing the dialogue you write on the biography you wrote for the characters you created.


  • 认为人物之间对话方式更加突出了,小咿唷成为名诲人不倦的老师。

    I'd say there is a more conversational manner between the characters, and Eeyore is a teacher with a lot more to say.


  • 喜欢电影因为我看人物表情,也不能欣赏对话的幽默不过喜欢逗乐的形体表演。

    I don't enjoy films because the characters' expressions make no sense and I don't find verbal humour funny, though I do like slapstick.


  • 人物名字对话上面告诉我们在说话

    The Character Name above the line of dialogue lets us know who's talking and indicates that this is a spoken line.


  • 变通一下,选择对话人物完全搭的场景(比如居里夫人尝试冰激凌商店实验)。

    For variety, choose settings that are completely contradictory to the dialogue and characters (i.e., Madame Curie trying to conduct her experiments in an ice cream parlor).


  • 但是天堂里面人物对话没有场景那样更富有创意

    But his paradise is almost lost without characters and dialogue as imaginative as their setting. Rated PG-13 for warfare, sensuality and language.


  • 但是天堂里面人物对话没有场景那样更富有创意

    But his paradise is almost lost without characters and dialogue as imaginative as their setting. Rated PG-13 for warfare, sensuality and language.


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