• 对阵日本的比赛帕德眼看着自己点球被扑出,是继足总杯对阵朴茨茅斯的比赛后又一次射失点球

    Lampard saw his penalty saved against Japan to follow on from his spot-kick miss against Portsmouth in the FA Cup final.


  • 哪些现实主义元素我们应该作品寻找的?

    What are the elements of Realism we should be looking for in Frantzen's work?


  • 电影小鱼凯特·切特饰演的一家音像商店经理申请了一银行贷款用来收购这家公司将业务扩展网络游戏

    In the movie Little Fish, a video store manager played by Cate Blanchett applies for a bank loan to buy the business and expand into online gaming.


  • 俄勒冈州波特公立学校大约10%学生经过抽签分配双语课堂除了接受英语教学,还有西班牙语日语教学。

    About 10 percent of students in the Portland, Oregon public schools are assigned by lottery to dual-language classrooms that offer instruction in Spanish, Japanese or Mandarin, alongside English.


  • 姚明NBA季后赛一轮对阵波特开拓者比赛摔倒在地,任何看到一幕都会同情他。

    Anyone who saw Yao Ming tumble to the floor against the Portland Trailblazers in the first round of the NBA Playoffs had to feel sorry for the man.


  • 接着饮料,然后把杯子举得高高地“哈比”,意思是我们一起努力”。

    That person then drinks from the cup and raises it high saying "Harambee" which means "Let's all pull together."


  • 接着饮料,然后把杯子举得高高地“哈比”,意思是“我们一起努力”。

    That person then drinks from the cup and raises it high saying "Harambee", which means "Let's all pull together."


  • 公司开发了许多香水也常常香草香料代替食物

    Lauder invents new scents for the company, and she often replaces salt in her food with fragrant herbs and spices.


  • 1973年,社会学家马克·格维特指出,我们社交网络关系松散熟人关系”我们的行为选择产生不成比例影响

    In 1973 sociologist Mark Granovetter showed how the loose acquaintances, or "weak ties", in our social network exert a disproportionate influence over our behaviour and choices.


  • 正是条位于巨大冰原之间大陆走廊——东部是月桂树冰原,西部科迪勒冰原——促成了迁移

    It was this midcontinental corridor between two massive ice sheets—the Laurentide to the east and the Cordilleran to the west—that enabled the southward migration.


  • 2020年,像钟南山、李娟这样的人教会了我们如何用坚强的意志战胜生活的困难,我们每个人都受到了极大的鼓舞。

    In the year of 2020, each of us was greatly encouraged by the people like Zhong Nanshan and Li Lanjuan who taught us how to fight against the difficulties in life with a strong will.


  • 然而,皮诺其他人传统主义者基本假设提出质疑在整个地球历史,冰川期是周期性发生的。

    Yet Rampino and others question one of the traditionalists' basic assumption: the periodic occurrence of glaciation throughout Earth's history.


  • 恩学说传统创建其它组织还有阿尔布尔协会

    Other organizations created in a Laingian tradition are the Arbours Association.


  • 客户包括复仇者联盟莫妮卡·博。

    Among his customers is Monica Rambeau of the Avengers.


  • 十二岁咪咪·奥斯通过两个网站收容所的有需要的动物提供了50吨以上食物

    Twelve-year-old Mimi Ausland has provided over 50 tons of food to needy animals in shelters through two websites


  • 其他人正在推行一个想法开凿许多小溪,使其流淌克利建筑群

    One idea she and others are pushing is opening up the many creeks paved over during the construction of Cleveland.


  • 科学家们现在知道为什么反而会在测试失败奇认为可能是因为我们训练注视我们眼睛以及面部不是追随视线。”

    Scientists don't yet know why dogs fail this test, but it may be because "we train them to look at our eyes and face and not to follow our gaze," says Range.


  • 他们重要历史人物同样还是自古埃及以来保存完好的木乃伊之一如果此事属实真是悲剧,”博客写道

    They are important historical figures, as well as two of the best preserved mummies from ancient Egypt, so it would indeed be tragic if this is true, ” Maitland writes in her blog.


  • 计算机制造商能够利用这种装置来让计算机瞬时启动因为启动需要信息存在这种快速存储。”博士这样说

    That would potentially enable computer makers to build machines that boot up almost instantly, as the information needed to start up the machine could be stored in fast memory, said Dr Franzon.


  • 居里夫人却没有得到认可也许是事件被原谅

    No such official recognition came to Curie. Perhaps her role in the Langevin affair was not yet forgiven.


  • 一些这样装置现在被陈列情局位于弗吉尼亚·总部博物馆

    Some of these devices are now displayed in the CIA's museum, located at the agency's Langley, Virginia, headquarters.


  • 机场遵从航空环境经理斯坦·琼斯表示食品垃圾收到可生物降解,就交给波特用于堆肥

    The food waste is collected in biodegradable bags and given to the city to use as compost, said Stan Jones, aviation environmental compliance manager at the airport.


  • 免费视频,克·多尔博士列举一系列简单做法提示以便预防逆转和治愈心脏疾病

    In his free heart health video, Dr. Crandall discusses a number of simple strategies and tips to help prevent, reverse, and even cure heart disease.


  • 免费视频,克·多尔博士列举一系列简单做法提示以便预防逆转和治愈心脏疾病

    In his free heart health video Dr. Crandall discusses a number of simple strategies and tips to help prevent reverse and even cure heart disease.


  • 布鲁斯正在电话交谈邮票

    Bruce and Zhou Lan are talking on the telephone about stamps.


  • 借用视觉艺术术语,弗小说种令人艳羡的视角深度同时关注许多方面

    To borrow a term from the visual arts, Franzen's writing has an enviable depth of field: it keeps a great deal in focus simultaneously.


  • ,地点位于马里阿伯丁试验场同时其他军种联合作战提供主要保障

    The center, which would be based at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Maryland, would also be a primary support for all other military services and joint operations.


  • 作为宾州州长,威廉·斯克顿在三里事件目睹经历了太多这样恐慌

    As Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania during the Three Mile Island crisis, William Scranton III observed and experienced much of that pervasive fear.


  • 大脑温度变化十分敏感,所以不能过热。”他们马里大学通讯稿说道。

    "The brain is exquisitely sensitive to temperature changes and therefore must be protected from overheating," they said in a University of Maryland news release.


  • 大脑温度变化十分敏感,所以不能过热。”他们马里大学通讯稿说道。

    "The brain is exquisitely sensitive to temperature changes and therefore must be protected from overheating," they said in a University of Maryland news release.


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