• 刨除争议时交易违法违反道德准则

    Despite the controversy, market timing is neither illegal nor unethical.


  • 一个法律同事告诉事情违法道德

    A colleague of mine who knows the law told me an affair like this isn't illegal, but it's immoral.


  • 虽然缺乏准确一些信息可能就是欺诈行为,但是期权回溯本身违法

    Backdating itself is not illegal, though a lack of accurate disclosure of it may well be fraud.


  • 股票商品市场交易进入诚信违法投机合同以及作为工资

    Stock and commodity market transaction entered into in good faith are speculative contracts and not illegal as wagers.


  • 注意车身上一些图案违法但是的确他人形成一定的困扰

    Please note that there is nothing illegal about going to town with graphics on your vehicle but it may confuse others!


  • 违法危害公共利益的前提下,用人单位可以任何名称描述一个职位

    Employers can use any name to describe a position so long as it does not violate the law or harm the public.


  • 相对恰当时间而言,就算是做了违法损人、有道理的事情,也一定正确的。

    Relative to the inappropriate timing of this is done even if not illegal, does not harm people, makes sense of things, not necessarily correct.


  • 错误使用这些信息用来攻击电脑或者帮助他人攻击电脑违法的,但是发现销售漏洞行为看起来好像不违法

    Misusing such information to attack computers or to aid others in such attacks is illegal, but there appears to be nothing illegal about the act of discovering and selling vulnerabilities.


  • 避税纳税人利用税法规定缺漏,通过某种公开形式上违法方式减轻规避应承担的纳税义务的行为

    The tax avoidance often refers to a behavior of taxpayers, taking advantage of leaks and shortcomings of tax law, use a public or legal forms to lessen or avoid their taxations.


  • 摩根·士丹利的约翰·麦克假惺惺地谴责条规则——所在公司依据该规则以中间商身份长期从事金融活动——“即使违法也是道德的”。

    Morgan Stanley's John Mack hypocritically branded the practice-which his firm had long financed as a prime broker - "immoral if not illegal".


  • 算下来回报率每年还是1.5%,时间加权回报率,是招股说明书中或是广告中看到数字,你会说,没什么,既损失,也违法

    But it's positive 1.5% per year, time-weighted — that's the number that you see in the prospectus or the number that you see in the advertisements so you say, what's the big deal, no harm no foul.


  • 履行预订违法的;既适用于顾客适用于饭店

    It is illegal to dishonour reservations; that goes for restaurants as well as customers.


  • 一些国家,人们可以付费就从网上下载音乐,因为这是违法的。

    In some countries, people mustn't download music from the Internet without paying, because it's against the law.


  • 真是世界之大无奇啊,晚上10以后瑞士公寓使用卫生间水马桶违法行为

    Bizarrely, flushing the toilet in a Swiss apartment is illegal after 10pm.


  • 现在打进城市紧急电话911非紧急电话311的市民能够发送图片视频文件报告违法行为,或是投诉车库整这样关于生活品质问题

    Callers to the city's 911 and non-emergency 311 lines will now be able to send in photos and video to report crimes and complain about quality-of-life problems like uncollected garbage.


  • 犯罪心理学告诉我们任何人违法犯罪活动都一定心理因素支配完成,大学生例外

    Criminal psychology tells us all illegal crimes are conducted under the domination of certain psychological factors, and the university students are not exceptional.


  • 暂停相关营业可能影响违法事实认定,采取其他措施足以保证查明的

    Where relevant operations are not suspended, the verification of the offence might be affected, but other measures are not sufficient to ensure the verification.


  • 目前我国股市存在着上市公司行为机构行为规范性甚至违法问题,严重损害中小投资者利益

    Abnormal and even illegal conduct of listed companies and institutions exists in our present stock market, which seriously harms the interests of middle and small investors.


  • 我们很明显违法行为例如酒店窗户中向下扔椅子,我们说的是其他的行为,一些更加模糊的行为可能也会让麻烦。

    We're not talking about obvious illegal behavior, like throwing a chair through your hotel window. No, there are other, more obscure offenses that could get you in trouble.


  • 保护公司债权人利益仅仅是打击诚信债务人公司民事违法行为

    To protect the interests of creditors of the company not only dealt a blow to the integrity of the debtor company is not a civil offense.


  • 难怪一些遵守交通法,那些违法惩罚的轻了

    It is no wonder that some people don't obey the traffic laws; those law breakers are punished too slightly.


  • 遵守声明其他违法恶意使用公司网站内容者,本公司保留追究法律责任权利

    For not complying with this statement and other illegal or malicious use of this website content, the company reserves the right to pursue its legal responsibility.


  • 然而又是一个踌躇他深知没有许可证钓鱼违法的,所以认为最好还是任何东西

    However, being a man of scruples and knowing that it was illegal to fish without a license, he thought it best not to take anything.


  • 然而又是一个踌躇他深知没有许可证钓鱼违法的,所以认为最好还是任何东西

    However, being a man of scruples and knowing that it was illegal to fish without a license, he thought it best not to take anything.


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