• 这些阳刚的男人那种冷血男人成见形象

    These are men whose masculinity does not conform to stereotypical images of the unfeeling male.


  • 难以辨认这些规定参赛作品取消资格。

    Entries which are illegible or otherwise not in accordance with the rules will be disqualified.


  • 官方安全标准设备全部车间撤走。

    Equipment not conforming to official safety standards has all been removed from the workshop.


  • 似乎有一识字的人上面提到类型

    There appears to be a group of non-readers that do not fit the type mentioned above.


  • 继续险胜提供资金合纳税人最大利益

    It is not to the best interest of taxpayers to keep giving money to narrow winners.


  • 作为残忍掠食者之一可能文明动物形象

    As one of the most brutal predators, killer whales may not fit the image of a cultured creature.


  • 本能反应轻蔑拒绝即使一个毫无价值想法可能也系统公平

    Your gut reaction and dismissive rejection, even of a worthless idea, might not qualify as systematic or fair.


  • 也许宽容总是固守自己方式所以他们容易忽略那些可能他们有限人生观的东西。

    Perhaps intolerant people are so set in their ways that they find it easier to ignore anything that might not conform to their limited view of life.


  • 根据这项法律,聘用体重指数政府规定时装模特可能会被罚款8.5万,并被判入狱6个月

    Under the law, using a fashion model that does not meet a government-defined index of body mass could result in a 85000 fine and six months in prison.


  • 根据这项法律,聘用体重指数政府规定时装模特可能会被罚款8.5万美元,判6个月监禁

    Under the law, using a fashion model that does not meet a government-defined index of body mass could result in a $85,000 fine and six months in prison.


  • 因此约翰·威廉·斯特拉特(瑞利勋爵1894年发现了一种先前分类方案气体元素时,人们感到相当惊讶

    It was therefore quite surprising when John William Strut (Lord Rayleigh), discovered a gaseous element in 1894 that did not fit into the previous classification scheme.


  • 这种情况普遍存在于南美洲北部古巴大部分地区许多中美洲大草原以及巴西沿海地区和特立尼达岛,都这种模式

    Such conditions prevail throughout much of northern South America and Cuba, but many Central American savannas, as well as coastal areas of Brazil and the island of Trinidad, do not fit this pattern.


  • 文学家们认为,“地球宇宙中心”这种说法是非常直观合情合理以至于当他们发现地心不符现象时,也会想办法找理由解释

    It was so intuitive, so sensible that the Earth was the center of the universe that astronomers found ways to explain those seemingly inconsistent phenomena within the geocentric view.


  • 讲话不符合语法规则,很流利

    She talked ungrammatically but fluently.


  • 文章一些事实不符错误

    The essay contains a number of factual errors.


  • 总是指责同事,这职业道德。

    It's unprofessional to go round criticizing your colleagues.


  • 英国几处海滩欧洲清洁标准

    A number of Britain's beaches fail to meet European standards on cleanliness.


  • 因为不符合运动员道德行为驱逐。

    He was ejected for unsporting conduct.


  • 奥斯汀行为不符军官绅士的身份。

    Austin displayed conduct unbecoming of an officer and a gentleman.


  • 说法事实不符

    Your statement doesn't jibe with the facts.


  • 评论家喜欢概括,归纳出所有作品必须符合趋势不管它们是如何不符

    Critics love to generalize, to formulate trends into which all new work must be fitted, however contradictory.


  • 美国爱尔兰大使称都柏林度过非常非常无聊”,这是不符合外交习惯的。

    The former US ambassador to Ireland has behaved most undiplomatically by describing his two years in Dublin as "very, very boring."


  • 母语使用者可以分辨符合语法规则不符语法规则的句子即使他们以前从没有听过这些特定词语组合

    Native speakers can distinguish between grammatical and ungrammatical sentences even when they have never heard particular combinations before.


  • 们的产品不符合标准。

    Their products weren't up tp standard.


  • 果你那样想,我得说你完全不符合事实。

    If you think that way, I should say you are far from the truth.


  • 一直对化学、生物和数学很感兴趣,但因为这些兴趣不符合泰森对“酷”的定义,所以我从未从事过这些领域。

    I had always been fascinated with chemistry, biology, and math, but since those interests hadn't fit Tyson's definition of "cool", I had never pursued them.


  • 极大一部分人置于社会边缘任何人利益

    It is in no one's interest to keep a large segment of the population on the margins of society.


  • 例如没有屋顶建筑不常见的,因为它们不符常规

    Buildings without roofs, for example, are unusual because they depart from the norm.


  • 第二地球运动观点古希腊人对万有引力理解

    Second, the idea of an Earth that moved didn't fit in with the ancient Greeks' understanding of gravity.


  • 我们应该意识到,我们想象力拥有这个固有的特征,也就是盲点,使得我们的预测与现实不符

    We should be aware that our imagination has this built-in feature, the blind spot, which makes our predictions fall short of reality.


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