• 不知怎么,卡设法应付那些来自工作要求

    Somehow Karin managed to cope with the demands of her career.


  • 多项任务中都处于危险的境,但不知怎么地化险为夷了。

    I had skated on thin ice on many assignments and somehow had got away with it.


  • ·威瑟斯塔觉得,自己好像不知怎么地了祈祷会一样。

    Ben Weatherstaff felt as if he had somehow been led into appearing at a prayer-meeting.


  • 如果它们死了觉得自己是个孩子不知怎么地没有用心照顾它们

    If they died, I should feel as if I'd been a bad lad and somehow treated them heartless.


  • 不知怎么地觉得所有树叶不幸责任要怪,要怪长巨大树枝树干

    Somehow she felt that the blame for all the leafy misfortunes lay with the tree, the trunk with all its mighty limbs.


  • 今晚上历尽千辛万苦,然而看上去突然容光焕发不知怎么地恢复了精神。

    She'd been through hell tonight, and yet she looked suddenly radiant... Rejuvenated somehow.


  • 现在我们索拉动风帆,一定是有些不知怎么被扭曲了。

    The sails are not responding to our pull on the ropes; the fastenings must got twisted somehow.


  • 不知怎么地,听说完之后忍不住脱口问道:“事。”

    For some reason, after all he'd said, I blurted out, Let me ask you something.


  • 几乎只得承认不知怎么地,他知道这座城市里才支撑了下来。

    He had almost to admit that somehow he was depending upon her being in the city.


  • 车上全球定位系统提示司机又拐接着车子不知怎么被卡铁道口轨道上。

    The driver had turned right, as the system advised, and the car somehow got stuck on the tracks at the crossing.


  • 不知怎么地热情中合作她的感情一种了结感觉。”他写道

    "Somehow working with her on 'Some Like it Hot' had brought a sense of completion to my feelings for her," he wrote.


  • 市场提供了自下而上解决方案没有负责伦敦面包供应面包不知怎么地就会到达那里

    Markets provide bottom-up solutions: nobody is in charge of the supply of bread to London, but the bread gets there somehow.


  • 不知怎么地他们对于渴望恼怒不在乎忠诚焦虑微妙表达实现一种超自然修辞

    Somehow their expressions - of desire, irritation, indifference, devotion and anxiety, all arranged in delicate counterpoint - achieve an otherworldly eloquence.


  • 但是不知怎么地不得不使自己相信这个体系正确,这项法律对也是公正的。

    But, somehow, I have got to make both of these things just and right to me.


  • 不知怎么地开始相信理查德·尼克松(Richard Nixon)是希望澳大利亚设计电车

    Somehow, he had become convinced that Richard Nixon wanted him to go to Australia, to build an electric car.


  • 不知怎么地感觉轻松了些曾经前门台阶穿过马路走向我丹尼坐着全神贯注读书方。

    Feeling somehow lighter, I walked down the steps from what had been my front door and across the road to the car, to where Danny was sitting absorbed in his book.


  • 有一次部手机发现了——吊灯固定装置里——然后被没收了但是不知怎么地拿到了一部手机

    Once the phone itself was discovered - she had hidden it in a ceiling-light fixture - and confiscated, but she had somehow got access to another phone.


  • 如果写下美丽或者重要的东西,并且合适不知怎么地发现了他们世界上腾出书架不管什么年龄

    If you write something beautiful and important, and the right person somehow discovers it, they will clear room for you on the bookshelves of the world - at any age.


  • 每天早晨醒来不知怎么地觉得身边一天像是一封到的画着金边的信件,有些未曾听过的消息等着开启信封

    Every morning, as I awoke, I somehow felt the day coming to me like a new gilt-edged letter, with some unheard-of news awaiting me on the opening of the envelope.


  • 至于月亮宝石听说好象不知怎么地已经回到了印度真正属于自己,并再度装饰到了月亮塑像前额上

    As for the Moonstone, I have heard that it was somehow returned to his home in India, where it once again decorates the forehead of the statue of the moon god.


  • 看上去似乎要把第三4比1的落后局面拯救过来然而再一次没有做到,不知怎么地自己发球局以30比15领先时了手。

    He looked as though he had saved the thirdset from 4-1 down and again did not, somehow letting it slip from 30-15up on his serve.


  • 不知怎么地,我演讲观众中引起了反响尽管一个漫长晚上下来他们都已经非常疲惫,但他们还是用仅剩的精力起来欢呼。

    Somehow it struck a responsive chord with the audience, who, though tired after a long evening, found the energy to rise to their feet and cheer.


  • 又是周末又是一个新的开始不过今天过得不是因为不知怎么疯狂放屁还是中的最高级别催泪瓦斯

    It is a weekend, but also a new beginning, but I live not too good today, because I do not know how to, frantically fart, fart, or the highest level: tear gas.


  • 虽然复仇心切,但庞达·巴巴不知怎么地了埃瓦赞换取替换自己的手臂,当时他的那条手臂已成为笨重过时机器人累赘

    Although seeking revenge, Ponda Baba somehow agreed to let Evazan live in exchange for replacing his arm, which at this point was a clunky outdated robotic attachment.


  • 这种记忆诗人不知怎么地-猜想这个题目的时候,是火车站布告板上看到的,你们火车站自己在哪的时候。

    There's a sense that in this memory the poet somehow saw the name-- presumably, I suppose, saw it on a signboard in the station, as you roll into the station and you see where you are.


  • 主动提出家务事还是第一然而不知怎么地,他坐在家里愿望促使他这样作为享受坐在家里权利的某种补偿

    This was the first time he had ever suggested doing an errand, but, somehow, the wish to sit about the house prompted it as a sort of compensation for the privilege.


  • 但是令人惊奇每年都能发现有人宣称找到绕过第二定律方法不知怎么地说服了,一些非常聪明,让他们以为这个真的管用

    But it's amazing, that every year you find somebody coming up with a way of going around the second law and somehow convincing people who are very smart that this will work.


  • 但是令人惊奇每年都能发现有人宣称找到绕过第二定律方法不知怎么地说服了,一些非常聪明,让他们以为这个真的管用

    But it's amazing, that every year you find somebody coming up with a way of going around the second law and somehow convincing people who are very smart that this will work.


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