• 正在争夺纽约选民支持

    The two are vying for the support of New York voters.


  • 选民今天终于发表他们的意见了。

    Voters were finally having their say today.


  • 将近四分之一选民支持

    He has the backing of almost a quarter of the electorate.


  • 选民变得政治不再抱幻想。

    The electorate had grown disenchanted with politics.


  • 政府面临选民税项的强烈反对。

    The government is facing an angry backlash from voters over the new tax.


  • 绝大多数选民赞成这一动议

    A clear majority of voters were in favour of the motion.


  • 选民继续教育看作是头等重要大事。

    Voters continue to rate education high on their list of priorities.


  • 那经过斟酌答复受到选民的欢迎。

    Her more measured response will appeal to voters.


  • 这次选民执政呢?

    Who will the voters put in this time?


  • 这些政策不大可能博得中产阶级选民的欢心。

    These policies are unlikely to prove popular with middle-class voters.


  • 全国2/3选民机会这些选举中投票

    Two-thirds of the national electorate had the chance to vote in these elections.


  • 很多选民总统最近表现出来强硬感到担忧

    Many voters were alarmed by the president's new stridency.


  • ...大多数选民都主张女性有权选择人工流产

    Most of the electorate is pro-choice.


  • 全体选民非常精明,很有策略地政府的反对票。

    The electorate is astute enough to vote tactically against the government.


  • 这个政党已经无法吸引那些向社会更高层流动选民

    The party has been unable to attract upwardly mobile voters.


  • 正是冷静克制自律形象吸引数以百万计的选民

    It was that image of calm, control, and discipline that appealed to millions of voters.


  • 这些选民中的许多人并不希望提高债务上限

    Many of these voters do not want the debt ceiling to rise.


  • 选民们对于初选时没完没了地空喊口号现象感到发腻

    The voters are pretty sick of such a surfeit of primary sloganeering.


  • 认为自己一名优秀公职人员,选民想法显然不同。

    He thought he was a good public official, but the voters obviously thought otherwise.


  • 得到本区选民全力支持

    She has the full support of her constituents.


  • 活动已经加大努力赢取女性选民支持

    The campaign has redoubled its efforts to win the backing of women.


  • 巴登-符腾堡州一半选民能源重要选举问题

    Nearly half Baden-Württemberg's voters said that energy was the most important election issue.


  • 不过他们普通选民那里受待见

    But it has not endeared them to the general electorate.


  • 德国选民可能同样感受

    German voters may well feel the same.


  • 无疑选民这个问题考虑进去。

    The voters will doubtless bear that in mind.


  • 美国选民远未做好准备

    Voters in America do not seem remotely ready yet.


  • 毕竟民意调查显示选民期望的。

    That, after all, is what polls show voters want.


  • 该怎么我们选民交代

    What am I to tell my voters?


  • 选民自然喜欢这个建议

    Voters do not like that idea.


  • 现在上帝选民终于进入

    Now eventually the elect come in.


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