• 首相下院议员他们当中选出的。

    The prime minister is elected by MPs from among their number.


  • 当地议员鸣枪开赛,颁发奖品

    The local MP will start the race and present the prizes.


  • 那位议员评论震惊

    I am astounded at the comments made by the Senator.


  • 图书馆当地下院议员正式揭幕

    The library will be officially opened by the local MP.


  • 这位议员考虑了一下这个问题

    The senator pondered the question for a moment.


  • 议员特森这次拒绝介入

    Senator Bentsen has declined to get involved this time around.


  • 议员上议院代表一个

    Two Senators represent each state in the Upper House.


  • 议员回答不宜发表评论

    The senator replied that he was not in a position to comment.


  • 议员受到了邀请,但是未能出席

    The senator was invited but was unable to attend.


  • 地方议员义务社区服务。

    Local councillors have a duty to serve the community.


  • 公开夸耀议员恋情

    She openly flaunted her affair with the senator.


  • 他们两人都下议院议员

    They both sat as MPs in the House of Commons.


  • 许多人猜测这位议员将会继任总统

    The senator has been tipped by many as a future president.


  • 一事件可能有损那位议员名声

    The affair could tarnish the reputation of the senator.


  • 议员声称文章错误地引用了他的话。

    The senator claims to have been misquoted in the article.


  • 牛津东区议员

    He was elected (as) MP for Oxford East.


  • 那位议员控犯谋杀罪。

    The senator was indicted for murder.


  • 这位议员讲话惹恼了一些商界人士。

    The senator's speech ruffled a few feathers in the business world.


  • 因为议员风流韵事而声名狼藉。

    She achieved notoriety for her affair with the senator.


  • 有人提到,认为他将来可以当下院议员

    His name has been mentioned as a future MP.


  • 这位议员尴尬地改变了早先立场

    The Senator made an embarrassing retreat from his earlier position.


  • 那位议员进行了一次例行的竞选巡回演说

    The senator gave his standard stump speech.


  • 议员显然意想不到的问题而不知所措。

    The senator was clearly caught off balance by the unexpected question.


  • 这位议员讲话公开赞成修改法律。

    In her speech, the senator came out in favour of a change in the law.


  • 议员离开会议厅

    The members left the council chamber.


  • 他们决定本地区的下议院议员反映问题

    They decided to take the matter up with their MP.


  • 议员准备好争取那条禁令试验性解除

    The senator is ready to argue for an experimental lifting of the ban.


  • 议员同伴选入了一个政治阴谋小集团

    He had been chosen by a cabal of fellow senators.


  • 由于得到议员支持,那个议案否决了。

    The bill was defeated with support from only two congressmen.


  • 俄亥俄州民主党议员约翰格伦竞选绝非易事

    It is no easy job to run against John Glenn, Ohio's Democratic senator.


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